1.make up
如:she began to make up her face after she woke up. 她醒来就开始化妆。
如:NATO is made up of 20 countries. 北约是由29个国家构成。
如:They are working hard to make up the lost time. 他们努力工作抢回失去的时间。
2.proliferation n. 繁殖,增殖
cell proliferation 细胞繁殖
3.garlic n. 大蒜
4.hamper vt. 妨碍,阻碍
如:Proliferation of our technology hampers American efforts to spy on whomever it wants. 我们技术的扩散阻碍了美国对任何它想要监视的人的努力。
5.slander n. 诽谤
1.recession n. 经济衰退,不景气,退场
2.bankruptcy n. 破产
3.at the expense of 以…为代价
如:Some conservatives have suggested the US went to far in limiting people's movements to protect health at the expense of business. 保守人士建议以牺牲商业为代价为保护健康限制人员流动美国走得太远了。
4.vocal adj. 声音的,能发出声音的,畅所欲言的
5.surgeon n. 外科医生
surgery n. 外科,外科手术
1.genocide n. 种族灭绝,斩尽杀绝
pesticide n. 杀虫剂
2. spree n. 狂欢,毫无节制的狂热行为
3.tragedy n. 悲剧,悲惨文学
如:Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death or disaster. 悲惨文学是一种文学体裁,常涉及死亡或灾难。
tragic adj. 悲剧的,悲惨的
4.let bygones be ...