

考研英语 英语词汇 考研英语单词分析



  export .oriented economy 外向型经济

  confiscate 没收

  corporation 公司、股份有限公司

  fake and poor quality commodities 假冒伪劣产品

  counteroffer 还价

  fierce competition 激烈的竞争

  fluctuation 波动 monopoly 垄断

  mortgage 抵押.抵押货款

  GNP(gross national product)  GDP国内生产总值

  most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇

  head office 总部 multinational 多国经营的、跨国经营的

  human resources 人力资源

  multinational corporations 跨国公司

  income tax 所得税

  inflation 通货膨胀

  negotiation 谈判、洽谈

  installment 分期付款

  patent system 专利制度

  interest rate 利率

  patron 赞助人、老主顾

  investment 投资、投资额

  income tax 所得税

  inflation 通货膨胀

  negotiation 谈判、洽谈

  installment 分期付款

  patent system 专利制度

  interest rate 利率

  patron 赞助人、老主顾

  investment 投资、投资额

  planned economy 计划经济

  invoice 发票

  potential market 市场潜力

  labor and management 劳资双方

  price hike 物价上涨

  labor force 劳动力

  principal 本金

  large scale development of West Private enterprise 私人企业

  Private property 私人财产

  levy 征( 税)

  productivity 生产率

  limited liability company有限责任公司





考研英语 英语单词 考研英语单词分析




  proclaim vt.1.宣告,宣布,声明 2.显示

  prodigy n.奇才,天才(尤指神童)

  productive a.1.多产的,富饶的 2.富有成效的

  productivity n.生产力,生产率

  profess vt.1.表示,承认 2.宣称信仰

  proficiency n.熟练,精通

  profitable a.有利可图的,有益的

  profound a.1.深度的,深切的,深远的 2.知识渊博的,见解深刻的 3.深奥的

  proliferate vi.激增,扩散,(迅速)繁殖,增生

  prolong vt.延长,拉长,拖延

  promising a.有希望的,有前途的

  prone a.1.(to)易于……的,很可能……的 2.俯卧的

  prop vt.支撑 n.1.支柱,支撑物 2.支持者,后盾,靠山

  prop up 支持,资助

  propaganda n.宣传

  propagate vt.1.繁殖,增殖 2.传播,宣传,使普及 vi.繁殖,增殖

  propel vt.1.推进,推动 2.激励,驱使

  prophecy n.预言,预言能力

  prophet n.1.先知 2.预言者

  proposition n.1.论点,主张 2.建议,提案 3.命题

  prose n.散文

  prosecute vt.1.对……提起公诉,告发,检举 2.继续从事 vi.起诉,告发

  A Proficiency Prophet

  Our boss was a prophet for proficiency. When he proclaimed the merits of improving productivity and making the company more profitable he spoke in such prose that hecould have propagated anything and we would have followed. Whatever he professed was said in such a profound manner thatwe were all immediately propelled to be more productive. And his prophecies were all true. His propaganda helped prolong the sucess of our company before its promising future came to a sudden halt. Our boss was prosecuted with ...



考研英语 英语备考 考研英语单词分析




  overpass n.天桥,立交桥

  override vt.1.不顾,不理睬,否决 2.压倒,优先于

  overt a.公开的,不隐蔽的

  overthrow vt.1.推翻,打倒 2.使终止,摒弃 n.推翻,终止,结束

  overturn vt.1.使翻转,使颠覆,使倒下 2.颠覆,推翻 vi.颠覆,翻转,翻倒

  overwhelm vt.1,(感情上)使受不了,使不知所措 2.征服,制服

  overwhelming a.1.势不可挡的,压倒的 2.巨大的

  owl n.猫头鹰

  oxide n.氧化物

  oyster n.牡蛎

  ozone n.臭氧

  pact n.契约,协定,条约

  paddle n.1.短桨,桨 2.(用脚拍打)玩水,涉水 vi.1.划桨前进,荡桨 2.(用脚拍打)玩水,涉水 vt.1.用桨划(船) 2.用木板打

  pamphlet n.小册子

  panda n.熊猫

  pang n.一阵(剧痛、悲痛等)

  panorama n.1.全景 2.概括,综述,概观

  pant vi.1.喘,气喘 2.(for)渴望 vt.气喘吁吁地说 n.气喘,喘息

  paperback n.平装本,简装本

  parachute n.降落伞 vi.跳伞 vt.伞投,空投

  No Hope?

  Some people will do anything to overturn bad policy and save the planet. Environmentalists, in particular, are known for their overt attempts to overwhelm businesses and governments to change. The issues they stand against are well known: the shrinking ozone layer, the protection of pandas, the destruction of spotted owl habitat, and even over fishing in areas where oysters beds are threatened. These people parachute into dangerous areas, paddle alongside massive fishing boats,or release pamphlets from airplanes because of their internal pact with each other to make a differnce.


