纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University)坐落于纽约市郊长岛风景区,是美国一所著名的研究型公立大学。《美国新闻与世界报道》曾将石溪分校列入最顶尖的一百所大学和最顶尖的五十所公立大学之列。 根据QS世界大学排名,石溪分校也是世界前1%顶尖的高等教育机构之一,非常值得想去美国留学的小伙伴们争取。那么,纽约州立大学石溪分校 2017-2018学年度的留学费用是多少呢?来看看留学群为你提供的翻译介绍吧。
Financing a college education is an important investment and understanding a student's financial aid budget is a key component. The cost of attendance is calculated by each university for one year of attendance. The cost of attendance is based on direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include tuition, fees, room and board (if living on campus). Indirect costs are not paid directly to Stony Brook and include books, supplies, transportation and personal expenses.
Affordable Excellence
With prestigious rankings and international recognition that place us among the Top 1%* of higher education institutions worldwide, Stony Brook is invested in undergraduate education.
Stony Brook is one of the most affordable top-ranked universities in the nation.
Stony Brook has been named to Kiplinger'...