纽约州立大学(State University of New York)是美国纽约州的一个由诸多大学组成的大学系统,并非独立的大学。纽约州立大学成立于1816年,目前由64个学院(分校)组成。纽约州立大学专门为各个学院(分校)学生提供的科学、技术、工程和数学奖学金(STEM Scholarship)。该奖学金的具体情况是怎样的呢?一起来看看留学群的介绍。
New York State (NYS) STEM Scholarship
The New York State (NYS) STEM scholarship is an award that covers SUNY or CUNY undergraduate resident tuition. If your school district identified you to the NYS Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) as being in the top ten percent of your NYS high school graduating class, you may meet initial eligibility requirements to complete the STEM scholarship application.
1. Are you planning on going to a State University of New York (SUNY) or CUNY college or university, studying in a STEM program of study and working in a STEM career in NYS after graduation? To be eligible, a NYS student graduating in the top ten percent of their class from a NYS high school must:
• Attend a SUNY or CUNY college or university
• Be a NYS resident
• Enroll in a two year or four year program of study that meets the approved STEM requirements and maintain a 2.5 average
• Earn a degree from a SUNY or CUNY in an approved STEM program
• Find employment in an approved STEM career in NYS
• Continue to work in an approved STEM career for five years following graduation in New York State
2. Are you a NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) recipient? You may want to determine whether the STEM scholarship is beneficial for you, considering the five year NYS service requirement after you graduate from college. The STEM scholarship covers resident SUNY undergraduate tuition. If you receive a significant TAP grant, you should know the TAP grant is applied to your tuition bill before the STEM scholarship. This may result in a low STEM award - or none at all if you are receiving a full TAP grant.
3. Your college will certify your scholarship eligibility after the end of each term. Students will need to find another source to pay their tuition if the campus is unable to certify eligibility resulting in no award for that term. Additionally, scholarship funds received may revert to an immediate repayable loan on the part of the student. Circumstances under which the campus will be unable to certify your eligibility:
• Failure to meet the 2.5 cumulative average following each term after the first term of your freshman year. You may be able to regain eligibility in a future term if you fail to meet the eligibility in a current or prior term.
• Changing your major out of an approved STEM program
4. Conditions under which a scholarship that has been certified by your campus becomes a loan, which must be repaid:
• Changing your major out of an approved STEM program at any point prior to graduation
• Entering the workforce after graduation in a non-approved STEM career
• Moving out of NYS before completing the five year service requirement in an approved STEM career
5. If you are still uncertain whether you want to apply for this scholarship after reviewing the information in this document, you can review additional information detailing the STEM scholarship on the HESC website and contact your campus financial aid office to discuss the terms of eligibility.