纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校((State University of New York at Albany))是纽约州立大学高校系统中的一所著名的大学。纽约州立大学阿尔巴尼分校共有10个学院,其商学院从1970年开始提供本科课程,现在已经发展成为美国东北部综合性和实力最强的商学院之一。纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校2017年的费用是多少呢?和留学群来看看吧。
Resident:full time
Undergraduate | $3,335.00 | $1,440.00 | $4,775.00 |
Graduate Master & PHD | $5,435.00 | $958.00 | $6,393.00 |
Master of Business Administration | $7,350.00 | $958.00 | $8,308.00 |
Master of Social Work | $6,540.00 | $958.00 | $7,498.00 |
Tuition costs and Fees reflected above are for the Fall 2017 semester and are subject to change without prior notice by action of the SUNY Board of Trustees. Costs above do not include Room and/or Meal Plan charges.
Please note that Undergraduate Full-Time charges are for 12 or more credits. Graduate level Full-Time rates are shown for 12 credits. Students taking less than 12 credits will be charged according to the amount of credits for which they enroll.
Fee totals include the optional Student-Alumni Partnership Fee in the amount of $30.
生涯 | 学费*: 居民学生 | 杂费*: 居民学生 | 合计: 居民学生 |
本科 | 3,335.00美元 | 1,440.00美元 | 4,775.00美元 |
研究生(硕士和博士) | 5,435.00美元 | 958.00美元 | 6,393.00美元 |
工商管理硕士 | 7,350.00美元 | 958.00美元 | 8,308.00美元 |
社会工作硕士 | 6,540.00美元 | 958.00美元 | 7,498.00美元 |
Non-Resident:full time
Undergraduate | $10,775.00 | $1,440.00 | $12,215.00 |
Undergraduate International | $10,775.00 | $2,082.50 | $12,857.50 |
Graduate Master & PHD | $11,105.00 | $958.00 | $12,063.00 |
Graduate Master & PHD International | $11,105.00 | $1,600.50 | $12,705.50 |
Master of Business Administration | $12,195.00 | $958.00 | $13,153.00 |
Master of Business Administration International | $12,195.00 | $1,600.50 | $13,795.50 |
Master of Social Work | $11,105.00 | $958.00 | $12,063.00 |
Master of Social Work International | $11,105.00 | $1,600.50 | $12,705.50 |
Tuition costs and Fees reflected above are for the Fall 2017 semester and are subject to change without prior notice by action of the SUNY Board of Trustess. Costs above do not include Room and/or Meal Plan charges.
Please note that the Undergraduate Full-Time charges are for 12 or more credits. Graduate Full-time rates are shown for 12 credits. Students enrolled for less than 12 credits will be according to the amount of credits in which they enroll.
Fee totals include the optional Student-Alumni Partnership Fee in the amount of $30.
生涯 | 学费*:非居民学生 | 杂费*:非居民学生 | 合计:非居民学生 |
本科 | 10,775.00美元 | 1,440.00 美元 | 12,215.00美元 |
本科国际 | 10,775.00美元 | 2,082.50美元 | 12,857.50美元 |
研究生(硕士和博士) | 11,105.00美元 | 958.00 美元 | 12,063.00美元 |
研究生硕士和博士(国际学生) | 11,105.00美元 | 1,600.50美元 | 12,705.50美元 |
工商管理硕士 | 12,195.00美元 | 958.00美元 | 13,153.00美元 |
工商管理硕士(国际学生) | 12,195.00美元 | 1,600.50美元 | 13,795.50美元 |
社会工作硕士 | 11,105.00美元 | 958.00美元 | 12,063.00 美元 |
社会工作硕士(国际学生) | 11,105.00美元 | 1,600.50美元 | 12,705.50美元 |
Online:full time
Undergraduate | $4,000.00 | $861.00 | $4,861.00 |
Graduate Master & PHD | $6,520.00 | $570.00 | $7,090.00 |
Master of Business Administration | $8,820.00 | $570.00 | $9,390.00 |
Master of Social Work | $7,850.00 | $570.00 | $8,420.00 |
On-line tuition rates apply to non-resident students enrolled exclusively in an online distance learning course(s) who do not maintain a local or permanent New York State address.
Tuition costs and Fees reflected above are for the Fall 2017 semester and are subject to change without prior notice by action of the SUNY Board of Trustees
Please note that Undergraduate Full-Time charges are for 12 or more credits. Graduate level Full-Time rates are shown for 12 credits. Students taking less than 12 credits will be charged according to the amount of credits for which they enroll.
生涯 | 学费*: 在线 | 杂费*: 在线 | 合计: 在线 |
本科生 | 4,000.00美元 | 861.00美元 | 4,861.00美元 |
研究生(硕士和博士) | 6,520.00美元 | 570.00美元 | 7,090.00美元 |
工商管理硕士 | 8,820.00美元 | 570.00美元 | 9,390.00美元 |
社会工作硕士 | 7,850.00美元 | 570.00美元 | 8,420.00美元 |
Room Types and Rates
Rates are for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
Room Type | Cost |
Residence Hall Rates | |
Quads Standard Double Normal Two Person Bedroom | $8,364 |
Quads Enhanced Single One person bedroom. Limited availability on Pierce and Sayles Halls | $11,710 |
Designed Triple Room designed for three occupants. Available on Dutch, State and Colonial Quads | $8,364 |
Quads PSI Single Room designed for one occupant. Limited availability. | $10,036 |
University Apartments - Empire Commons | |
4 bedroom 2 Bathroom Apartment | $12,146 |
4 bedroom 4 Bathroom Apartment | $12,586 |
University Apartments - Freedom Apartments | |
Freedom Designed Single - Limited Availability | $11,714 |
Freedom Efficiency | $10,462 |
Freedom Standard Double | $9,268 |
University Apartments - Liberty Terrace | |
Liberty Single | $11,714 |
Room Types and Rates
Rates are for the 2016-2017 Academic Year
Room Type | Cost |
Residence Hall Rates | |
Quads Standard Double Normal Two Person Bedroom | $8,042 |
Quads Enhanced Single One person bedroom. Limited availability on Pierce and Sayles Halls | $11,261 |
Designed Triple Room designed for three occupants. Available on Dutch, State and Colonial Quads | $8,042 |
Quads PSI Single Room designed for one occupant. Limited availability. | $9,651 |
University Apartments - Empire Commons | |
4 bedroom 2 Bathroom Apartment | $11,678 |
4 bedroom 4 Bathroom Apartment | $12,101 |
University Apartments - Freedom Apartments | |
Freedom Designed Single - Limited Availability | $11,263 |
Freedom Efficiency | $10,060 |
Freedom Standard Double | $8,911 |
University Apartments - Liberty Terrace | |
Liberty Single | $11,263 |
—— 2017-2018 年住宿费
住宿类型 | 成本 |
普通宿舍 | |
Quads 标准双人间;普通双人间 | 8,364美元 |
Quads Enhanced 单人间; Pierce and Sayles Halls 名额有限 | 11,710美元 |
三人间。 Dutch, State 和Colonial Quads有提供 | 8,364美元 |
Quads PSI单人间。名额有限 | 10,036美元 |
大学公寓 - Empire Commons | |
4 bedroom 2 Bathroom Apartment | 12,146美元 |
4 bedroom 4 Bathroom Apartment | 12,586美元 |
大学公寓 - Freedom Apartments | |
单人间——名额有限 | 11,714美元 |
Freedom Efficiency | 10,462美元 |
标准双人间 | 9,268美元 |
大学公寓 - Liberty Terrace | |
单人间 | 11,714美元 |
—— 2016-2017 年住宿费
住宿类型 | 成本 |
普通宿舍 | |
Quads 标准双人间;普通双人间 | 8,042美元 |
Quads Enhanced 单人间; Pierce and Sayles Halls 名额有限 | 11,261美元 |
三人间。 Dutch, State 和Colonial Quads有提供 | 8,042美元 |
Quads PSI单人间。名额有限 | 9,651美元 |
大学公寓 - Empire Commons | |
四室两卫 | 11,678美元 |
四室两卫 | 12,101美元 |
大学公寓 - Freedom Apartments | |
单人间——名额有限 | 11,263美元 |
Freedom Efficiency | 10,060美元 |
标准双人间 | 8,911美元 |
大学公寓 - Liberty Terrace | |
单人间 | 11,263美元 |