科廷大学(Curtin University)是澳大利亚西部的一所大型公立大学。科廷大学有五个校区,在校生人生目前超过4万,其中,国际生大约占25%。为了鼓励和支持世界各地的优秀学生前去留学,科廷大学有专门为留学生提供的种类齐全的奖学金。那么,科廷大学今年在研究生阶段有哪些留学生奖学金呢?和留学群来看看吧。
2017 - Semester 2 - MBA (Global) Scholarship
Status: Open
Applications open: 09/02/2017
Applications close: 12/06/2017
About this scholarship
Description/Applicant information
The MBA (Global) Future Leaders Scholarship has been developed by Curtin University to encourage and support academically talented students to commence the MBA (Global) at Curtin University.
Student type:Future Students
Faculty:Curtin Business School
Course type:Postgraduate Coursework
Gender:Non-gender specific
Nationality:Australian Citizen,Permanent Humanitarian Visa,New Zealand Citizen,Australian Permanent Resident and International students
Scholarship base:Merit Based
Maximum number awarded:2
Value:This scholarship will provide the following support for the expected duration of the MBA (Global) for up to a maximum of 2 years (based on a full-time load of 100 credits per semester):
50% of the student tuition fees* of the MBA (Global) each semester
*The fee component of the scholarship will be paid directly to the student fee account in two instalments per year to be paid prior to the census date relevant to each enrolled semester.
Eligible courses:MBA (Global)
奖学金金额:全球工商管理学硕士奖学金将在全球工商管理学硕士课程的预计期限内(不超过两年,以每个学期100个学分的全日制学习任务为基础)提供以下支持:每个学期50%的全球工商管理学硕士学费* 。
* 奖学金学费将直接打到学生的学费账户,每年分两期支付,支付时间为相关注册学期统计日之前。
Eligibility criteria
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for a MBA (Global) Scholarship:
Receive an offer of place into the MBA (Global) in Semester 2, 2017
Completed an undergraduate degree with distinction or equivalent
Not to be in receipt of any other Curtin funded scholarships
Not to be in receipt of any other sponsorship
Please note:
Students with credit for recognised learning (CRL) are not eligible.
Deferral of this scholarship is not permitted.
Conditions that need to be met to keep your scholarship
Applicants must meet ALL of the following:
Remain enrolled in initial course of study
Maintain a full-time study load of at least 100 credit points each semester at Curtin University
Maintain a course weighted average (CWA) of at least 70 each semester
Pass all units attempted each semester
Provide mentorship to new MBA (Global) students in consultation with the MBA (Global) Director, after the completion of your first semester and for the duration of your studies.
Scholarship continuity is subject to meeting satisfactory academic progress as outlined above. Progress will be assessed at the end of each study period. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a recipient with unsatisfactory progress or who breaches the scholarship conditions shall be ineligible to retain the scholarship. Exceptional circumstances must be forwarded to and shall be at the discretion of the Scholarships Office in consultation with a representative of the School of Business.
Changes to enrolment
If a recipient intends to do any of the following they must also apply in writing to the Scholarships Office ([email protected]) for approval BEFORE the change. The Scholarships Office will advise how the change will affect their scholarship.
Change of course is not permitted.
Leave of Absence is not permitted.
Withdrawal or Terminated from units or course: A recipient who withdraws from their units or course of study, or has been terminated from studies will become ineligible for continuation of the scholarship, will not receive any further payments and will be required to repay to Curtin University the stipend awarded for that study period if applicable.
How to apply
Application process
Step 1: Download
Application form and guide available to download from right hand side of this page when scholarship is open for application
Step 2: Complete
Important information such as documentation requirements are detailed in the application form
Step 3: Submit
Closing date listed at top of page and on application form
Late or incomplete applications will be assessed as ineligible
Step 4: Receipt
Application receipt sent to email provided on application form within 10 working days of receiving application
Step 5: Assessment
Applications will be assessed by an assessment panel using the following criteria:
Responses to questions and selection criteria in application form
Academic merit
Interview via phone or Skype (for shortlisted candidates only)
Step 6: Outcome
Outcome sent via email within 2 weeks after the closing date (all successful and unsuccessful applicants notified)
Step 7: Acceptance
Successful applicants must return acceptance documents within 2 weeks of scholarship offer
Please note:
Scholarship will be awarded if there are applicants of sufficient merit
Scholarship will commence from first semester of study
Scholarship is not transferrable to another major, course or university
Please note:
All applications must be signed.
2017 - MSC/MBA International Student Scholarship
Status: Open
Applications open: 01/12/2016
Applications close: 25/08/2017
About this scholarship
Description/Applicant information
The MSC/MBA International Student Scholarship has been developed by Curtin Graduate School of Business to encourage and support international students who have chosen to study the Master of Science (Mineral and Energy Economics) / Master of Business Administration as full-time onshore international students at Curtin Graduate School of Business (CGSB).
Student type:Future Students
Faculty:Curtin Business School
Course type:Postgraduate Coursework
Gender:Non-gender specific
Nationality:International students
Scholarship base:Merit Based
Maximum number awarded:10
The MSC/MBA International Student Scholarship will provide the following support to cover up to a maximum of 8 MBA units undertaken as part of the MSC/MBA Program (based on a full-time study load of 75 credits each trimester):
A total maximum value of $10,000 towards the student fees for the 8 MBA units undertaken over the duration of the MSC/MBA program
$1,250 will be paid towards each MBA unit undertaken
The contribution toward student fees will be paid directly to the student fee account at the census date relevant to each enrolled study period and cannot be used for any other purpose.
Eligible courses:Master of Science (Mineral and Energy Economics) / Master of Business Administration at Curtin Graduate School of Business
(1)不超过10,000 美元的八个单元工商管理学硕士学费(八个单元要在理科硕士/工商管理学硕士课程期限内完成);
(2)每个工商管理学硕士单元将获得1,250 美元;
Eligibility criteria
All students applying for these scholarships should have received an offer into the MSC/MBA Program as Full Time Onshore International Students at Curtin Graduate School of Business and should have met all conditions mentioned in the offer letter.
Be an International student
Be a commencing student in 2017
Applying to study the MSC/MBA at the Curtin Graduate School of Business
Will be enrolled as a full-time onshore international student (at least 75 credits) each trimester
Conditions that need to be met to keep your scholarship
Recipients must meet ALL of the following:
Remain enrolled in the MSC/MBA at the Curtin Graduate School of Business
Maintain full-time onshore international student enrolment each trimester
Pass all units attempted each semester
Successfully complete the MSC/MBA course
Scholarship continuity is subject to meeting satisfactory academic progress and meeting all the terms and conditions of the scholarship. Progress will be assessed at the end of each study period. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a recipient with unsatisfactory progress or who breaches the scholarship conditions shall be ineligible to retain the scholarship and may be required to repay the fee contributions already received for the scholarship. Exceptional circumstances must be forwarded to and shall be at the discretion of the Scholarships Office in consultation with a representative of CGSB.
Changes to enrolment
If a recipient intends to do any of the following they must also apply in writing to CGSB for approval BEFORE the change. CGSB will advise how the change will affect your scholarship.
Change of course is not permitted
Change of immigration status may result in the suspension of future scholarship payments
Leave of Absence is not permitted
Withdrawal or Terminated from units or course: A recipient who ceases study at Curtin, either voluntarily (e.g. by withdrawing from course or units) or involuntarily (e.g. termination from course due to unsatisfactory course progress or suspension, termination or expulsion due to misconduct) without approved exceptional circumstances, will become ineligible for continuation of this scholarship. The scholarship will cease immediately and no further payments will be made.
Recipients may be required to repay the scholarship if the recipient ceases to be a full-time student and (1) becomes a part-time student or (2) withdraws from the MSC/MBA program before completion.
How to apply
Application process
All qualifying applications from international applicants for the Master of Science (Mineral and Energy Economics)/Master of Business Administration at Curtin University will be automatically assessed for the MSC/MBA International Student Scholarship. No separate scholarship application is required.
Applications will be assessed by an assessment panel using the following criteria:
Responses to questions in the MSC/MBA application form
Academic merit
Documentary evidence attached to the MSC/MBA application
Curtin Graduate School of Business will assess each application accordingly and issue a separate Scholarship Offer Letter, along with the Letter of Offer to the MSC/MBA Course, to confirm whether the applicant has been awarded a scholarship.
2017 - MBA International Student Scholarship
Status: Open
Applications open: 26/10/2016
Applications close: 25/08/2017
About this scholarship
Description/Applicant information
The MBA International Student Scholarship has been developed by Curtin Graduate School of Business to encourage and support students who have chosen to study the Master of Business Administration (MBA) as full-time students at Curtin Graduate School of Business (CGSB).
Student type:Future Students
Faculty:Curtin Business School
Course type:Postgraduate Coursework
Gender:Non-gender specific
Nationality:International students
Scholarship base:Merit Based
The MBA International Student Scholarship will provide the following support for the expected duration of the (MBA) for up to a maximum of 1.5 years (based on a full-time study load of 75 credits each trimester):
A total maximum value of $15,000, paid as $1,250 towards the tuition fees of each unit for students completing the 12 units MBA Program
A total maximum value of $10,000, paid as $1,250 towards the tuition fees of each unit for students who commence the MBA Program after completing a Graduate Certificate in Business and who are required to complete the remaining 8 units of the MBA Program.
Eligible courses:Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Curtin Graduate School of Business
(1)不超过15,000美元——1,250 美元用于每个单元学费,共12个工商管理学硕士课程单元;或者
(2)不超过10,000美元——1,250 美元用于每个单元学费:提供给在完成商学研究生证书学习之后,需要开始学习余下的八个单元工商管理学硕士课程的学生。
Eligibility criteria
All students applying for these scholarships should have received an offer into the MBA Program as Full Time Onshore International Students at Curtin Graduate School of Business and should have met all conditions mentioned in the offer letter.
Be an International student
Be a commencing student in 2017
Applying to study the MBA at the Curtin Graduate School of Business
Will be enrolled as a full-time onshore international student (at least 75 credits) each trimester
Conditions that need to be met to keep your scholarship
Recipients must meet ALL of the following:
Remain enrolled in the MBA at the Curtin Graduate School of Business (CGSB)
Maintain enrolment each trimester
Pass all units each trimester
Successfully complete the MBA course
Scholarship continuity is subject to meeting satisfactory academic progress and meeting all the terms and conditions of the scholarship. Progress will be assessed at the end of each study period. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a recipient with unsatisfactory progress or who breaches the scholarship conditions shall be ineligible to retain the scholarship and may be required to repay the fee contributions already received for the scholarship. Exceptional circumstances must be forwarded to and shall be at the discretion of the Scholarships Office in consultation with a representative of CGSB.
Changes to enrolment
If a recipient intends to do any of the following they must also apply in writing to CGSB for approval BEFORE the change. CGSB will advise how the change will affect your scholarship.
Change of course is not permitted
Change of immigration status may result in the suspension of future scholarship payments
Leave of Absence is not permitted