鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)是美国一所顶尖的文理学院,也是新常春藤盟校之一,位于美国的缅因州。鲍登学院2017–2018学年的留学费用是多少呢?来看看留学群的翻译介绍吧。
Fees for the 2017–2018 academic year are listed below. Books, personal expenses and travel are not direct charges to the student’s bill each semester; the student must budget for such items on his/her own. See estimated expenses for books, supplies and personal expenses below. For planning purposes, students and parents should anticipate an increase in tuition and other charges each year to reflect program changes and other cost increases experienced by the College.
Annual Schedule of Fees for 2017-18
Tuition | $51,344 |
Student Activities Fee | $504 |
Room | $6,604 |
Board1 | $7,528 |
Total Estimated Comprehensive Fee
| |