

寒假作业 高考英语试题 高考英语模拟试题














高考英语 高考英语翻译题 高考英语模拟试题


  241. 在许多商店,价格在50-100元之间的商品很好卖。

  Range in price from…to…

  Goods sell well

  In many shops, the goods which range / ranging in price from 50 to 100 yuan sell well. 242. 毫无疑问,我们应该通过勤奋而不是靠作弊来取得良好学习成绩.

  There is no doubt / no doubt

  Achieve / get good marks / results / better scores

  Study hard / work hard

  Cheat in the exam

  Instead of / rather than

  There is no doubt that we should work hard to achieve good marks in our study rather than to cheat in the exam.

  243. 教师指定学生写一篇有关切身体验的作文.

  Assign sb. to do sth.

  Base sth. on sth.

  One’s own experience

  The teacher assigned the students to write a composition based on their own experiences. 244. 年轻的父亲发现很难使他儿子相信勤能补拙.

  Find it hard to do

  Make sb. do sth.

  Make up for

  diligence / hard work

  Lack of intelligence

  The young father finds it hard to make his son believe that hard work / diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence.

  245. 健康取决于良好的食物、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

  depend on

  good food, fresh air and enough sleep

  Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.

  246. 我们只有不断地学习,才能跟上现代科学的进步。

  Only by doing…

  keep learning / studying




高考英语 高考英语翻译题 高考英语模拟试题


  181. 如今我觉得掌握一门外语是必要的。

  It is necessary to do sth.

  Master a foreign language

  It is necessary to master / have a good command of a foreign language.

  182. 众所周知,这项法律下月生效。

  It is well known that …

  As is well known to us all / as we all know,

  Take effect / come into effect

  As we all know, the law will come into effect next month.

  183. 你最好采纳老师的建议,否则你就跟不上同班同学。

  Adopt / follow / take one’s advice / suggestions

  Catch up with sb.

  You’d better follow your teacher’s advice, or you won’t catch up with your classmates. 184. 随着生活水平的提高,人们的生活方式已经有了很大的改变。

  The living standards

  The style of living

  Experience changes

  With the improvement of people’s living standards, the style of living has experienced a lot of changes.

  185. 我们年轻人永远也不能忘记二战期间日本侵略者给中国人民带来的那场灾难。 Will never forget

  The disaster

  Bring to

  The Japanese invader

  World War II / the Second World War

  Never can we young people forget that disaster which the Japanese invader brought to the Chinese people during the Second World War.

  186. 我上星期看的那本书完全改变了我对狼的看法。

  Change one’s view on


  The book I read last wee...



高考英语 高考英语翻译题 高考英语模拟试题


  121. 我们盼望的机会可能在最后一刻才会出现。

  …hope for a chance

  …at the last moment

  The chance that we are hoping for may come at the last moment.

  122. 我希望戒烟的人越来越多,学抽烟的人越来越少。

  …more and more people / fewer and fewer people

  …give up doing…

  I hope that…and that…

  I hope that more and more people will give up smoking and that fewer and fewer will start. 123. 我看不出你让儿子与其他孩子一起玩有什么坏处。

  …see harm in…

  …let sb do …

  …play with sb

  I can’t see any harm in that you let your son play with other children.

  124. 她叫我不要走远,因为晚饭马上就要烧好了。

  …tell sb to do…

  Stay within call

  …be ready

  She told me to stay within call, for supper is nearly ready.

  125. 承蒙你慷慨相助,我的感激之情难以言表。

  It is generous of sb to do…

  …appreciate it very much if…

  It was very generous of you to help me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

  126. 这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。

  aim at doing sth. / the aim / purpose of

  appeal to sb. to do sth.

  to buy goods

  These advertisements aim at appealing to the consumers to buy the goods.

  The aim / purpose of these advertisements is to appeal to consumers to buy the goods. 127. 养成一种爱好对一个人的身心健康有好处。

  Take up a hobby



高考英语 高考英语翻译题 高考英语模拟试题


  61. 一个人童年所经历的一切往往对一生都会产生重大影响。

  …experience in one’s childhood

  …affect / have an effect / impact / influence on…

  …be likely to do…

  …all one’ life / in one’s rest life

  What a person / one experienced in his childhood will / is likely to affect a person in his rest life.

  62. 如果你不注意拼写,很难在考试中得高分。

  …get a high / low mark

  …pay attention to… / …take no notice of…

  You won’t get high marks in examinations unless you pay attention to your spelling.

  63. 从他的举止来看,他一定受过良好的教育。

  Judging from / by…

  …be well educated / …receive good education

  Judging from his behaviour, he must have been well educated.

  64. 在这样一座大城市里要找到一件称心的工作不是轻而易举的事。

  It is not easy / quite difficult to do …

  …find a satisfactory job

  …such a big city / a big city like this

  It is quite difficult to find a satisfactory job in such a big city.

  65. 求援工作已持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。

  Rescue work

  Go on / last

  for days

  There is possibility that …

  Be alive

  The missing people

  The rescue work has been going on for days, and there is little possibility that the missing people are still alive.

  66. 求援我作以持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。...



高考英语 高考英语翻译题 高考英语模拟试题


  1. 他想到的是对人民的贡献而不是他的荣誉。

  What he thinks about / of is not his honour but his devotion to the people.

  2. 这本书比他提及的那本书好得多。

  This book is much better than the one he mentioned.

  3. 作为一名高三学生,我已经习惯于刻苦学习。

  As a senior three student, I am accustomed to studying hard.

  4. 虽然自然界的许多规律尚未发现,但它们确实存在于自然界中。

  Though many laws of nature have not been discovered, they actually exist in nature.

  5. 他住在一个小镇里,对外面的世界了解甚少。

  He lives in a small town and knows little about outside world.

  6. 今天上午校长提醒我们,如果天气不好,学校运动会将延期举行。

  This morning the headmaster reminded us that the school sports meet would be put off if the weather was not fine.

  7. 这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。(appeal)

  These advertisements aim at appealing to consumers to buy their goods.

  8. 养成一种爱好对一个人的身心健康有好处。

  Developing a hobby will do good to one’s physical and mental health.

  9. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。

  Like everything else in the world, language will change with time.

  10. 任何有良知的中国人都希望中国将尽快统一。

  Any Chinese with good conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible.

  11. 一般来说“便宜没好货”,但这并非一定如此。

  Generally speaking, cheap goods are usually not good, but it is not necessarily so. … are usually of poor quality /...




  留学群高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝, 暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否, 无论准备与否, 我们已走进高三, 走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。

  1. 玛丽抓住我的衣袖把我拉了回来.(catch hold of)

  Mary caught hold of my sleeve and pulled me back.

  2. 说实话, 我真不想在这么热的天气里外出旅行.(to tell you the truth)

  To tell you the truth, I don’t really want to go traveling in such hot weather.

  3. 去年尼克由于吸毒被大学赶了出来。(throw …out of)

  Nick was thrown out of college for taking drugs last year.

  4. 你的画很出色, 介意让我仔细看看吗?(have a close look at)

  Your drawing is wonderful. Do you mind if I have a close look at it?

  5. 一些人认为让孩子自己改正错误有好处.( believe in)

  Some people believe in letting children correct their own mistakes.

  6. 孩子们急切地想去看圣诞老人给他们的礼物.(eager)

  The children were eager to see Father Christmas’s presents for them.

  7. 马克一点不像他那位高大强壮的哥哥.(nothing like)

  Mark is nothing like that tall strong brother of his.

  8. 激烈的竞争使所谓的小报问世.(give rise to)

  Fierce competitions gave rise to the so-called tabloids.

  9. 前往南非的医疗队由七名医生组成.(consist of)

  The medical team leaving for South Africa consisted of seven doctors.

  10. 早在上世纪40年代, 电脑就被发明了.(as early as)

  As early as the 1940s, the computer was invented.

  11. 今天我的作业和他一样多.(as …as) I have as much homework as he today.

  12. 这本含有每一个主要景点的地图册是一件赠品.(atlas)

  The atlas having every chief tourist attraction in it ...




  留学群高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝, 暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否, 无论准备与否, 我们已走进高三, 走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。


  Mr. Li graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai with the highest honours in 1990.


  He was called in to replace the sick actor at very short notice.


  His speech was greeted with loud cheers.


  Have they made use of all possible means to save the drowning child?


  His comments about our work left all of us at a loss.


  Aida is regarded as one of the best operas in the world.


  It’s said that her mother graduated from Beijing University with the highest honours.

  8、这正是我们所一直梦想见到的景色。That’s just what we had long dreamed of seeing.


  My classmates are interested in the way I study English.


  If a movie star doesn’t want to risk his life doing stunts, someone else will take the fall.


  The children prided themselves on / upon being able to finish the task ahead of time.


  During their stay in China, these foreign tourists insisted on living among ordinary Chinese.





  留学群高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝, 暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否, 无论准备与否, 我们已走进高三, 走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。


  Whether the police dog can track the thief depends on its skill.


  He is a very efficient person and he usually finishes his work ahead of schedule.


  The environment of our city has improved a lot over the past decade.


  Can you help me call to make sure the arrival time of the train.


  Generally speaking, traveling by plane is very safe.


  We did nothing but chat last night.


  He waved to me in the distance.


  You can check in the hotel at any time.


  As day went on, he became more and more anxious.


  We lingered at the beach, not wanting to leave.


  I will follow you wherever you go.


  I met across my classmate when I was shopping on the street yesterday.


  Some businesspersons always rip off foreigners.


  She is no longer what she used to be ten years ago.


  We should follow the traf...




  留学群高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝, 暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否, 无论准备与否, 我们已走进高三, 走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。

  1、黑客犯罪的潜力很大。(potential) The potential for hackers to commit crimes is great.

  2、这位艺术家给我们留下优秀的作品而不是一笔钱。(large sums of)

  The artist left us excellent works instead of large sums of money.


  By the day before yesterday, ten students had entered for the singing contest.


  Karl Lewis’s world record has been surpassed.


  Those who have committed crimes will be sent the prison nearby.

  6、这食品不好,但起码是便宜的。(at least)

  The food wasn’t good, but at least it was cheap.


  Sometimes it is necessary to contain one’s anger.

  8、用完纸巾后应将其放入带盖的筒内。(put into)

  The used tissue must be put into a covered trash container after use.


  I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.


  Since the disease spreads very quickly through a family, you should at once be isolated from

  the other family members.

  11、中国是个温差很大的国家。(a wide range of)

  China is a country with a wide range of temperature.


  My father suffers from backache.

  13、这篇报告没有考虑到市场的变化。(take ..into a...

