

  61. 一个人童年所经历的一切往往对一生都会产生重大影响。

  …experience in one’s childhood

  …affect / have an effect / impact / influence on…

  …be likely to do…

  …all one’ life / in one’s rest life

  What a person / one experienced in his childhood will / is likely to affect a person in his rest life.

  62. 如果你不注意拼写,很难在考试中得高分。

  …get a high / low mark

  …pay attention to… / …take no notice of…

  You won’t get high marks in examinations unless you pay attention to your spelling.

  63. 从他的举止来看,他一定受过良好的教育。

  Judging from / by…

  …be well educated / …receive good education

  Judging from his behaviour, he must have been well educated.

  64. 在这样一座大城市里要找到一件称心的工作不是轻而易举的事。

  It is not easy / quite difficult to do …

  …find a satisfactory job

  …such a big city / a big city like this

  It is quite difficult to find a satisfactory job in such a big city.

  65. 求援工作已持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。

  Rescue work

  Go on / last

  for days

  There is possibility that …

  Be alive

  The missing people

  The rescue work has been going on for days, and there is little possibility that the missing people are still alive.

  66. 求援我作以持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。

  There is no / little possibility of … / that…

  The missing people

  …be alive / survive

  There is no / little possibility that the missing people are still alive.

  67. 前天我们订购了二十台洗衣机。

  The day before yesterday

  …order sth. / place an order for…

  The day before yesterday, we ordered twenty washing machines.

  68. 因为大雨,校运会将不得不推迟。

  …be put off

  Because of… / due to…

  The sports meet / the school sports meet

  The school sports meet will have to be put off because of the heavy rain.

  69. 为了您的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通规则。

  …obey / keep / follow traffic rules / regulations

  …for the happiness of …

  Do obey the traffic rules for the happiness of your family.

  70. 据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素。

  It is reported / said that…

  …be rich in…/ contain / have…

  This (kind of ) wild plant

  It is reported that this wild plant is rich in vitamins.

  It is said that this wild plant contains a lot of vitamins.

  71. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。

  Working (together) with…

  …enable sb to do…

  …to learn / obtain / gain / get a lot of knowledge about…

  Working with the gardeners enables us to learn a lot of knowledge about flowers.

  72. 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互帮助。

  When …be in difficulty / trouble / meet with difficulties

  …blame sb for sth

  When we meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.

  73. 什么事情使你没能来参加晚会?

  …prevent sb from doing…

  …keep sb from doing…

  …stop sb from doing…

  What prevent you from coming to the party?

  74. 我们不应该让别人认为他们的建议是无足轻重的。

  …make sb do…

  …think that…

  …be of no importance

  We shouldn’t make other people think that their suggestions are of no importance.

  75. 他对那个作家一无所知,只知道他曾经出版过几本恐怖小说。

  …know nothing about…

  …except that…

  He knows nothing about the writer except that he used to publish a few horror novels.

  76. 现在的电影难得有几部能让观众看后仍能饶有兴趣地在饭后茶余谈论不休。 …be worth doing…

  At the dinner table

  Few films are interesting enough to be talked about at the dinner table.

  Few films are worth talking about at the dinner table by audience with enough interest.

  77. 在中国住了三年之后,他已经习惯了这里的气候。

  …be accustomed to doing… / sth.

  Having been living in China for three years, he is accustomed to the climate here.

  78. 就规模来看,全运会可谓是中国最重要的运动会。

  In terms of …

  The National Games

  In terms of the scale, the National Games are the most important sports meet in China.

  79. 在少数发展中国家,有些孩子没有受教育的机会。

  Have access to

  A few developing countries

  In a few developing countries, some children still have no access to education.

  80. 你认为花那么多的时间和钱去克隆一头牛值得吗?

  It is worthwhile to do sth.

  Spend time and money doing sth.

  Clone a cow

  Do you think it worthwhile to spend so much time and money cloning a cow?

  81. 新建的语音室不久将向全体师生开放。

  The newly-built language lab

  Be open to

  All the teachers and students

  The newly-built language lab will soon be open to all the teachers and students.

  82. 这家公司无力在这么短的时间内还清债务。

  Be capable of

  Pay off the debts

  In such a short time

  The company is not capable of paying off the debts in such a short time.

  83. 我认为数学和物理一样重要。

  Be of equal importance

  I think maths and physics are of equal importance.

  84. 在去书店之前,我把所有要买的书列了一张单子。

  Make a list of

  Want to buy

  I made a list of all the books that / what I wanted to buy before I went / going to the bookstore.

  85. 这些孩子对蚂蚁如何找食物非常好奇。

  Be curious about

  How to do sth.

  The children are curious about how ants find their food.

  86. 应该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中去。

  Encourage sb. To do sth.

  Knowledge / in class

  apply… to practice

  Students should be encouraged to apply what / the knowledge they have learned in class to practice.

  87. 直到上世纪初,人们才了解电对于我们的生活有着重要影响。

  Not … until…

  It is…that…

  The beginning of last century

  Get to know

  Have an impact on

  It was not until the beginning of last century that people got to know that electricity has a great impact on our life.

  88. 这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。

  The historical novel

  About World War I / the First World War

  So … that…


  Bear to do / stand doing

  Part with / put down / aside / leave aside

  The historical novel about World War I is so attractive that I can’t stand parting with it.

  89. 一般而言,在西方国家询问女性的年龄和个人情况是不礼貌的。

  Generally speaking

  Inquire about

  It is impolite to

  It is impolite to inquire about women’s age and personal affairs in western countries.

  90. 他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自焚。

  Learn a lesson from…

  Play with fire

  Be sure to get burnt

  They should learn a lesson from this incident: he who plays with fire is will be sure to get burnt.

  91. 这位作家生活在18世纪60年代,但他的作品到90年代才流行。

  In the 1760’s /

  Become popular

  The writer lived in the 1760’s, but his words didn’t become popular until the 90s.

  92. 我们只有一个可以生存的地球,浪费任何土地资源都承受不起。

  There is only one earth…

  Afford to do sth.

  Waste land resources

  There is only one earth on which we can live, so we can’t afford to waste any land resources.

  93. 没有什么东西能替代新鲜的空气和干净的水,所以我们一定要竭尽全力保护环境。 Substitute for

  Fresh air / clean water

  Do one’s best to do … / make every effort to do…

  Protect the environment

  There is no substitute for fresh water and clean water. Therefore, we must make every effort to protect the environment.

  94. 关于伊拉克战争的报道占据了该报头版的大部分版面。

  Reports on Iraq War

  The front page

  Reports on Iraq War occupied most of the front page of the newspaper.

  95. 汤姆说他看过这部电影,但要说到细节,他却一无所知。

  come to the details

  Know nothing

  Tom said that he had seen the film, but when it came to the details, he knew nothing.

  96. 他想到的是对人民的贡献而不是他的荣誉。

  What he thinks of is …instead of…

  …one’s devotion to the people

  …one’s honour

  What he thought of / about was his devotion to the people instead of his honour.

  97. 这本书比他提及的那本好得多。

  This book is better than that one…

  This book is much better than the one he mentioned.

  98. 作为一名高三学生,我已经习惯于刻苦学习。

  Being a Senior Three student

  …be accustomed to …

  …working hard / hard work

  Being a Senior Three student, I have been accustomed to working hard.

  99. 虽然自然界的许多规律尚未发现,但它们确实存在于自然界中。

  …laws of nature

  …exist in nature

  …be discovered

  Though many laws of nature have not been discovered, they actually exist in nature.

  Not having been discovered, many laws of nature actually exist in nature.

  100. 他住在一个小镇里,对外面的世界了解甚少。

  …live in a small town

  …limit his knowledge of …

  The outside world

  That he lives in a small town limits his knowledge of the outside world.

  His residence in a small town limits his knowledge of the outside world.

  101. 今天上午校长提醒我们,如果天气不好,学校运动会将延期举行。

  …remind sb of sth.

  …put off the sports meet

  This morning the headmaster reminded us that the school sports meet would be put off if the weather was bad.

  102. 你是否意识到那个人在注视你?

  Be conscious of / be aware of…

  Stare at…

  Are you conscious of the man who is staring at you?

  103. 均衡的膳食是使人保持身体健康的重要因素。

  A well-balanced diet

  An important factor

  Keep healthy

  A well-balanced diet is an important factor to keep people healthy.

  104. 她从不满足自己所取得的成绩。

  Be satisfied with…

  What one has achieved

  She is never satisfied with what she has achieved.

  105. 如果我们去欺骗顾客,那是不光彩的。

  Cheat sb.

  It is dishonest for sb. to do sth.

  It is dishonest for us to cheat the customers.

  106. 没有比这本书更值得一读的东西了。

  Be worth doing sth.

  Reading this book

  More … than…

  Nothing else is more worth reading than this book (is).

  107. 我没能在九点钟赴约,我要向你道歉。

  Apologize to sb. / express one’s apologies for sth.

  Be able to do sth.

  Keep one’s appointment

  I would like to express my apologies for not being able to keep our 9 o’clock appointment.108. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。

  Like everything else in the world

  Change with…

  Like everything else in the world, languages have to change with the times.

  109. 学生们请求老师不要布置太多的作业。

  Request that…

  Too much

  Assign homework

  The students request(ed) that teachers should not assign too much homework. 110. 我们应该对一些英语国家的文化有大致的了解。

  Get a general idea of

  The cultures of

  An English-speaking country

  We should get a general idea of the cultures of some English-speaking countries. 111. 我们的祖国从来没有象今天这样强大。

  Never before

  Be so powerful as it is

  Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today.

  112. 使市民们高兴的是,苏州河不再是几年前的样子了。

  To one’s delight / joy

  No longer / not any longer

  …is not what it used to be

  To the delight of the citizens, the Suzhou River is no longer what it used to be years ago. 113. 我们觉得互联网是我们获得新信息的重要来源之一。

  We think…

  One of the important sources

  Turn to … for …

  new information

  We think that the Internet is one of the important sources to which we can turn for new information.

  114. 要在一个大城市找到一些不花钱的娱乐不是件困难的事。

  It is not difficult / easy to do sth.

  Find some entertainments in a big city

  Free of charge / without charge / at no cost

  It is not difficult to find some entertainments free of charge in a big city.

  115. Peter全神贯注地看小说,根本没有听见我说的话。

  Be absorbed in

  So … that… / … so that…

  Not hear what …

  Peter was so absorbed in his novel that he didn’t hear what I had said to him.

  116. 近几年生态旅游在全世界有5个百分点的年增长率。

  In recent years / in the past few years


  An annual growth of 5% worldwide

  In recent years, eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of 5% worldwide.

  117. 在即将采取的所有措施中,教育无疑是第一位的。

  Take measures

  Of all the measures to take

  There is no doubt that… / no doubt,

  On (the) top of the list

  Of all the measures to take, no doubt, education is on top of the list.

  118. 这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。

  In this area

  the economy develops rapidly / fast

  Be not satisfactory

  Be lacking in satisfactory qualities

  The qualities of the citizens

  Though the economy in this area is developing very fast, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.

  119. 我们决定拿他开个玩笑教训他一次。(joke)

  play a joke on sb.

  give sb. a lesson

  We decided to play a joke on him to give him a lesson.

  120. 没人把他的提议当回事。

  …take …seriously

  No one takes his proposal seriously.

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  61. 一个人童年所经历的一切往往对一生都会产生重大影响。

  …experience in one’s childhood

  …affect / have an effect / impact / influence on…

  …be likely to do…

  …all one’ life / in one’s rest life

  What a person / one experienced in his childhood will / is likely to affect a person in his rest life.

  62. 如果你不注意拼写,很难在考试中得高分。

  …get a high / low mark

  …pay attention to… / …take no notice of…

  You won’t get high marks in examinations unless you pay attention to your spelling.

  63. 从他的举止来看,他一定受过良好的教育。

  Judging from / by…

  …be well educated / …receive good education

  Judging from his behaviour, he must have been well educated.

  64. 在这样一座大城市里要找到一件称心的工作不是轻而易举的事。

  It is not easy / quite difficult to do …

  …find a satisfactory job

  …such a big city / a big city like this

  It is quite difficult to find a satisfactory job in such a big city.

  65. 求援工作已持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。

  Rescue work

  Go on / last

  for days

  There is possibility that …

  Be alive

  The missing people

  The rescue work has been going on for days, and there is little possibility that the missing people are still alive.

  66. 求援我作以持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。

  There is no / little possibility of … / that…

  The missing people

  …be alive / survive

  There is no / little possibility that the missing people are still alive.

  67. 前天我们订购了二十台洗衣机。

  The day before yesterday

  …order sth. / place an order for…

  The day before yesterday, we ordered twenty washing machines.

  68. 因为大雨,校运会将不得不推迟。

  …be put off

  Because of… / due to…

  The sports meet / the school sports meet

  The school sports meet will have to be put off because of the heavy rain.

  69. 为了您的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通规则。

  …obey / keep / follow traffic rules / regulations

  …for the happiness of …

  Do obey the traffic rules for the happiness of your family.

  70. 据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素。

  It is reported / said that…

  …be rich in…/ contain / have…

  This (kind of ) wild plant

  It is reported that this wild plant is rich in vitamins.

  It is said that this wild plant contains a lot of vitamins.

  71. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。

  Working (together) with…

  …enable sb to do…

  …to learn / obtain / gain / get a lot of knowledge about…

  Working with the gardeners enables us to learn a lot of knowledge about flowers.

  72. 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互帮助。

  When …be in difficulty / trouble / meet with difficulties

  …blame sb for sth

  When we meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.

  73. 什么事情使你没能来参加晚会?

  …prevent sb from doing…

  …keep sb from doing…

  …stop sb from doing…

  What prevent you from coming to the party?

  74. 我们不应该让别人认为他们的建议是无足轻重的。

  …make sb do…

  …think that…

  …be of no importance

  We shouldn’t make other people think that their suggestions are of no importance.

  75. 他对那个作家一无所知,只知道他曾经出版过几本恐怖小说。

  …know nothing about…

  …except that…

  He knows nothing about the writer except that he used to publish a few horror novels.

  76. 现在的电影难得有几部能让观众看后仍能饶有兴趣地在饭后茶余谈论不休。 …be worth doing…

  At the dinner table

  Few films are interesting enough to be talked about at the dinner table.

  Few films are worth talking about at the dinner table by audience with enough interest.

  77. 在中国住了三年之后,他已经习惯了这里的气候。

  …be accustomed to doing… / sth.

  Having been living in China for three years, he is accustomed to the climate here.

  78. 就规模来看,全运会可谓是中国最重要的运动会。

  In terms of …

  The National Games

  In terms of the scale, the National Games are the most important sports meet in China.

  79. 在少数发展中国家,有些孩子没有受教育的机会。

  Have access to

  A few developing countries

  In a few developing countries, some children still have no access to education.

  80. 你认为花那么多的时间和钱去克隆一头牛值得吗?

  It is worthwhile to do sth.

  Spend time and money doing sth.

  Clone a cow

  Do you think it worthwhile to spend so much time and money cloning a cow?

  81. 新建的语音室不久将向全体师生开放。

  The newly-built language lab

  Be open to

  All the teachers and students

  The newly-built language lab will soon be open to all the teachers and students.

  82. 这家公司无力在这么短的时间内还清债务。

  Be capable of

  Pay off the debts

  In such a short time

  The company is not capable of paying off the debts in such a short time.

  83. 我认为数学和物理一样重要。

  Be of equal importance

  I think maths and physics are of equal importance.

  84. 在去书店之前,我把所有要买的书列了一张单子。

  Make a list of

  Want to buy

  I made a list of all the books that / what I wanted to buy before I went / going to the bookstore.

  85. 这些孩子对蚂蚁如何找食物非常好奇。

  Be curious about

  How to do sth.

  The children are curious about how ants find their food.

  86. 应该鼓励学生将课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中去。

  Encourage sb. To do sth.

  Knowledge / in class

  apply… to practice

  Students should be encouraged to apply what / the knowledge they have learned in class to practice.

  87. 直到上世纪初,人们才了解电对于我们的生活有着重要影响。

  Not … until…

  It is…that…

  The beginning of last century

  Get to know

  Have an impact on

  It was not until the beginning of last century that people got to know that electricity has a great impact on our life.

  88. 这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。

  The historical novel

  About World War I / the First World War

  So … that…


  Bear to do / stand doing

  Part with / put down / aside / leave aside

  The historical novel about World War I is so attractive that I can’t stand parting with it.

  89. 一般而言,在西方国家询问女性的年龄和个人情况是不礼貌的。

  Generally speaking

  Inquire about

  It is impolite to

  It is impolite to inquire about women’s age and personal affairs in western countries.

  90. 他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自焚。

  Learn a lesson from…

  Play with fire

  Be sure to get burnt

  They should learn a lesson from this incident: he who plays with fire is will be sure to get burnt.

  91. 这位作家生活在18世纪60年代,但他的作品到90年代才流行。

  In the 1760’s /

  Become popular

  The writer lived in the 1760’s, but his words didn’t become popular until the 90s.

  92. 我们只有一个可以生存的地球,浪费任何土地资源都承受不起。

  There is only one earth…

  Afford to do sth.

  Waste land resources

  There is only one earth on which we can live, so we can’t afford to waste any land resources.

  93. 没有什么东西能替代新鲜的空气和干净的水,所以我们一定要竭尽全力保护环境。 Substitute for

  Fresh air / clean water

  Do one’s best to do … / make every effort to do…

  Protect the environment

  There is no substitute for fresh water and clean water. Therefore, we must make every effort to protect the environment.

  94. 关于伊拉克战争的报道占据了该报头版的大部分版面。

  Reports on Iraq War

  The front page

  Reports on Iraq War occupied most of the front page of the newspaper.

  95. 汤姆说他看过这部电影,但要说到细节,他却一无所知。

  come to the details

  Know nothing

  Tom said that he had seen the film, but when it came to the details, he knew nothing.

  96. 他想到的是对人民的贡献而不是他的荣誉。

  What he thinks of is …instead of…

  …one’s devotion to the people

  …one’s honour

  What he thought of / about was his devotion to the people instead of his honour.

  97. 这本书比他提及的那本好得多。

  This book is better than that one…

  This book is much better than the one he mentioned.

  98. 作为一名高三学生,我已经习惯于刻苦学习。

  Being a Senior Three student

  …be accustomed to …

  …working hard / hard work

  Being a Senior Three student, I have been accustomed to working hard.

  99. 虽然自然界的许多规律尚未发现,但它们确实存在于自然界中。

  …laws of nature

  …exist in nature

  …be discovered

  Though many laws of nature have not been discovered, they actually exist in nature.

  Not having been discovered, many laws of nature actually exist in nature.

  100. 他住在一个小镇里,对外面的世界了解甚少。

  …live in a small town

  …limit his knowledge of …

  The outside world

  That he lives in a small town limits his knowledge of the outside world.

  His residence in a small town limits his knowledge of the outside world.

  101. 今天上午校长提醒我们,如果天气不好,学校运动会将延期举行。

  …remind sb of sth.

  …put off the sports meet

  This morning the headmaster reminded us that the school sports meet would be put off if the weather was bad.

  102. 你是否意识到那个人在注视你?

  Be conscious of / be aware of…

  Stare at…

  Are you conscious of the man who is staring at you?

  103. 均衡的膳食是使人保持身体健康的重要因素。

  A well-balanced diet

  An important factor

  Keep healthy

  A well-balanced diet is an important factor to keep people healthy.

  104. 她从不满足自己所取得的成绩。

  Be satisfied with…

  What one has achieved

  She is never satisfied with what she has achieved.

  105. 如果我们去欺骗顾客,那是不光彩的。

  Cheat sb.

  It is dishonest for sb. to do sth.

  It is dishonest for us to cheat the customers.

  106. 没有比这本书更值得一读的东西了。

  Be worth doing sth.

  Reading this book

  More … than…

  Nothing else is more worth reading than this book (is).

  107. 我没能在九点钟赴约,我要向你道歉。

  Apologize to sb. / express one’s apologies for sth.

  Be able to do sth.

  Keep one’s appointment

  I would like to express my apologies for not being able to keep our 9 o’clock appointment.108. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。

  Like everything else in the world

  Change with…

  Like everything else in the world, languages have to change with the times.

  109. 学生们请求老师不要布置太多的作业。

  Request that…

  Too much

  Assign homework

  The students request(ed) that teachers should not assign too much homework. 110. 我们应该对一些英语国家的文化有大致的了解。

  Get a general idea of

  The cultures of

  An English-speaking country

  We should get a general idea of the cultures of some English-speaking countries. 111. 我们的祖国从来没有象今天这样强大。

  Never before

  Be so powerful as it is

  Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today.

  112. 使市民们高兴的是,苏州河不再是几年前的样子了。

  To one’s delight / joy

  No longer / not any longer

  …is not what it used to be

  To the delight of the citizens, the Suzhou River is no longer what it used to be years ago. 113. 我们觉得互联网是我们获得新信息的重要来源之一。

  We think…

  One of the important sources

  Turn to … for …

  new information

  We think that the Internet is one of the important sources to which we can turn for new information.

  114. 要在一个大城市找到一些不花钱的娱乐不是件困难的事。

  It is not difficult / easy to do sth.

  Find some entertainments in a big city

  Free of charge / without charge / at no cost

  It is not difficult to find some entertainments free of charge in a big city.

  115. Peter全神贯注地看小说,根本没有听见我说的话。

  Be absorbed in

  So … that… / … so that…

  Not hear what …

  Peter was so absorbed in his novel that he didn’t hear what I had said to him.

  116. 近几年生态旅游在全世界有5个百分点的年增长率。

  In recent years / in the past few years


  An annual growth of 5% worldwide

  In recent years, eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of 5% worldwide.

  117. 在即将采取的所有措施中,教育无疑是第一位的。

  Take measures

  Of all the measures to take

  There is no doubt that… / no doubt,

  On (the) top of the list

  Of all the measures to take, no doubt, education is on top of the list.

  118. 这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。

  In this area

  the economy develops rapidly / fast

  Be not satisfactory

  Be lacking in satisfactory qualities

  The qualities of the citizens

  Though the economy in this area is developing very fast, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.

  119. 我们决定拿他开个玩笑教训他一次。(joke)

  play a joke on sb.

  give sb. a lesson

  We decided to play a joke on him to give him a lesson.

  120. 没人把他的提议当回事。

  …take …seriously

  No one takes his proposal seriously.

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