

考研英语 英语语法 非谓语动词应用技巧



  During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legal services in America grew twice as fast as inflation. The best lawyers made skyscrapers-full of money, tempting ever more students to pile into law schools. But most law graduates never get a big-firm job.

  本段话中出现了tempting ever more students to pile into law schools 的v-ing短语充当状语。译文为:经济危机前的十年间,美国法律服务方面开销的增长速度是通货膨胀时期的两倍,律师界的精英们收入丰厚,从而吸引更多的学生进入法学院,然而,大多数法律专业的毕业生并未能获得在大公司工作的机会。

  There are many reasons for this. One is the excessive costs of a legal education. There is just one path for a lawyer in most American states: a four-year undergraduate degree in some unrelated subject,then a three-year law degree at one of 200 law schools authorized by the American Bar Association and an expensive preparation for the bar exam.

  本段话中出现了“authorized by the American Bar Association”v-ed短语做后置定语修饰前文中的200 law schools,此段译为:导致这一现象的原因很多,其中之一是法律教育过高的成本,在美国大多数州,成为律师的唯一途径就是:首先进行一些不相干学科的四年本科学位学习,然后在美国律师协会认可的200多所法学院之一进行三年的法律学位学习,同时还要准备学费高昂的律师资格证考试。

  Reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers. Sensible ideas have been around for a long time, but the state-level bodies that govern the profession have been too conservative to implement them. One idea is to allow people to study law as an undergraduate degree. Another is to let student...

