留学群专题频道菲尼克斯大学栏目,提供与菲尼克斯大学相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 菲尼克斯大学(University of Phoenix,缩写UPX),位于美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市。由约翰·斯珀林博士和他所拥有的阿波罗集团出资建立于1976年。学校拥有34.53万学生,包含200多个校区,提供100余个学位,是北美地区最大的私立学校,专门从事成人教育,提供本科、硕士、博士、文凭课程(Certificate)四种学位类型。二十世纪七十年代早期,约翰·斯珀林和他的几个助手在圣何塞州立大学从事成人教育研究,他们着重探寻如何建立成人教育和学习系统,以方便为在职人员提供进修的机会。当时,美国国内高校主要为18至22岁的大学生提供教育服务,而在职成人几乎沦落为高校校园里的“二等公民”。1976年,学校开班之初只有八名学生,到了1980年,学校已扩大到了加利福尼亚州圣何塞市。1989年,学校成为了全美第一个提供网络教学的大学。


美国留学 菲尼克斯大学 招生人数


  留学群讯 随着著名大学开始开设网上课程 菲尼克斯大学近年来的招生人数不断减少,招生境况面临危机。具体情况请看下文!

  The University of Phoenix, the largest for-profit university in the United States, has lost a few hundred thousand students in the last five years, according to its parent company.


  Apollo Education Group, which owns the University of Phoenix, announced Wednesday that revenues and enrollment had fallen in the last quarter about 14 percent compared to the same period in 2014. What’s more, the school’s enrollment five years ago was 460,000 students and now it is 213,000, CNN Money reported. The news on Wednesday sparked a 30 percent drop in Apollo’s stock. (Apollo stock was at $19.57 a share in Thursday morning trading, down 2.4 percent.)

  旗下拥有菲尼克斯大学的阿波罗教育集团在周三宣布其招生人数已下降14%,5年前集团旗下大学学生总人数有460,000但现在只有213,000. 此消息传出后阿波罗教育集团的股价立马下跌30%.

  The University of Phoenix, which started in 1976 in the Phoenix area, delivers education largely online but also has brick-and-mortar classrooms. In recent years it has been forced to close some of its classrooms and has faced competition from traditional universities that have started their own online courses.


  The University of Phoenix has spent huge amounts of money on adv...

