

考研英语大纲词汇整理 考研英语2021大纲词汇整理 考研英语大纲词汇



  1 calculate v.计算,推算计划,打算

  2 calendar n.日历,月历

  3 call vt.叫,喊打电话 vi.叫访问 n.叫号召

  4 calm a.(天气,海洋等)静的 n.平静 v.(使)平静

  5 calorie n.卡路里(食物所产生的热量或能量单位)

  6 camel n.骆驼

  7 camera n.照相机,摄影机

  8 camp n.野营,营地帐篷,阵营 v.设营,宿营

  9 campaign n.战役运动

  10 campus n.(大学)校园

  11 can aux.v.能可以 n.罐头容器 vt.把…装罐

  12 canal n.运河(沟)渠

  13 cancel v.取消,把…作废删去,划掉

  14 cancer n.癌

  15 candidate n.候选人,候补者报考者

  16 candle n.蜡烛

  17 candy n.糖果

  18 cannon n.大炮,火炮

  19 canoe n.独木舟,小游艇

  20 canteen n.(工厂、办公室等)食堂或小卖部

  21 canvas n.帆布帆布画布,(帆布)油画

  22 cap n.便帽,军帽盖,罩,套 v.覆盖于…顶端

  23 capable a.有本领的,有能力的(of)可以…的,能…的

  24 capacity n.容量,容积能量,能力接受力

  25 cape n.海角,岬披肩,短披风

  26 capital n.首都大写字母资本 a.主要的,大写字母的

  27 capitalism n.资本主义

  28 capsule n.胶囊太空舱

  29 captain n.首领,队长船长上尉 v.做…的首领,指挥

  30 captive n.俘虏 a.被俘虏的,被监禁的

  31 capture v./n.捕获,俘虏夺得,攻占

  32 car n.汽车,车辆,车(火车)车厢

  33 carbohydrate n.碳水化合物 糖类(plural)淀粉质或糖类

  34 carbon n.碳

  35 card n.卡片,名片纸牌纸片

  36 cardinal n.(天主教的)红衣主教 a.首要的,基本的

  37 care n.小心关怀,照料 v.(about)关心,介意,计较

  38 career n.(个人的)事业专业,生涯,职业,经历

  39 careful a.小心的,仔细的细致的,精心的

  40 caress vt./n.爱抚,抚摸




2021考研英语词汇 考研英语词汇分享 考研英语大纲英语



  1 contend v.竞争,斗争;坚决主张

  2 content n.容量,内容,(pl.)目录 a.(with)满足的

  3 contest n.竞争,竞赛,比赛 v.竞争,比赛,争论

  4 context n.(文章等)前后关系;(事件等发生的)背景

  5 continent n.大陆,洲

  6 continual a.不断的,连续的,频繁的

  7 continue v.继续,连续,延伸

  8 continuous a.连续的,持续的

  9 contract n.(承包)合同/契约 v.订合同/契约;使缩小

  10 contradict v.反驳;同…矛盾,同…抵触

  11 contradiction n.反驳,否认;矛盾,不一致

  12 contrary a.(to)相反的,矛盾的 n.反对,矛盾;相反

  13 contrast n.对比,对照 vi.形成对比 vt.把…与…对比

  14 contribute v.(to)贡献,捐助,捐献;投稿

  15 contribution n.贡献;捐款,捐献物;投稿

  16 contrive vt.谋划,策划;设法做到;设计,想出

  17 control n.(over)控制,支配 v.控制,支配

  18 controversial a.引起争论的,有争议的

  19 controversy n.争论,辩论,争吵

  20 convenience n.便利,方便;(pl.)便利设备

  21 convenient a.(to)便利的,方便的

  22 convention n.大会,会议;惯例,常规,习俗;公约,协定

  23 conventional a.惯例的,常规的

  24 conversation n.会话,谈话

  25 conversely ad.相反地

  26 conversion n.转变,转换;信仰的改变;

  27 convert v.变换,转换;改变(信仰等);兑换(钱)

  28 convey v.运送,搬运,转运;传达,传播

  29 convict v.(经审讯)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪 n.囚犯

  30 conviction n.深信,确信;定罪,判罪;

  31 convince v.(of)使信服,使确信

  32 cook n.厨师 v.烹调,烧煮;纂改(账目),捏造

  33 cool a.凉的;冷静的 n.凉快 ad.冷静地 v.使变凉

  34 cooperate v.(with)合作,协作,相配合

  35 cooperative a.合作的,协作的 n.合作社

  36 coordina...



考研英语 英语词汇 考研英语大纲词汇



  1 volcano n.火山

  2 volleyball n.排球

  3 volt n.伏特

  4 voltage n.电压

  5 volume n.容积,体积卷,册音量

  6 voluntary a.自愿的,志愿的

  7 volunteer n./v.自愿(者,兵)自愿(提供)

  8 vote n.投票,表决选票,选票数 v.投票,表决

  9 vowel n.元音,元音字母

  10 voyage n.航海航行旅行

  11 vulgar a.粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的

  12 vulnerable a.易受攻击的

  13 wage n.(常pl.)工资,报酬 vt.进行,开展

  14 wagon n.运货马车,运货车敞蓬车厢

  15 waist n.腰,腰部

  16 wait v.(for)等待(on)侍候 n.等候,等待时间

  17 waiter n.侍者,服务员

  18 waitress n.女侍者,女服务员

  19 wake v.醒来,唤醒使觉醒,激发,引起

  20 waken v.醒,弄醒,唤醒

  21 walk v.走,步行,散步走遍 n.走,步行,散步

  22 wall n.墙,壁,围墙vt.筑墙围住,用墙隔开

  23 wallet n.皮夹,钱包

  24 wander v.漫步,徘徊迷路,迷失方向离题

  25 want vt.想要希望需要缺,缺少 n.需要短缺

  26 war n.战争(状态)冲突 vi.作战

  27 ward n.病房行政区监护被监护人 vt.挡住

  28 wardrobe n.衣柜,衣厨衣服行头剧装

  29 warehouse n.仓库,货栈

  30 warfare n.战争(状态)斗争冲突

  31 warm a.温暖的,热心的,热情的 v.(使)变暖

  32 warmth n.暖和,温暖热心,热情

  33 warn vt.警告 vi.发出警告

  34 warrant n.正当理由许可证,委任状 v.保证,担保

  35 wash n.洗洗的衣物 vt.冲刷,洗冲出 vi.洗澡

  36 waste v.浪费 a.无用的荒芜的 n.浪费废物

  37 watch v.观看看守(for)窥伺,等待 n.看管表

  38 watch v.观看注视看守警戒 n.注视手表守护

  39 water n.水 vt.浇灌给…饮水 vi.流泪,加水

  40 waterfall n.瀑布

  41 waterproo...



考研英语 大纲基础词汇 考研词汇词性



  1 fatigue n./v.(使)疲劳

  2 fault n.过失,过错缺点,毛病

  3 faulty a.有错误的,有缺点的,不完善的

  4 favor n.(favour)好感喜爱关切v.赞成,支持,偏爱

  5 favorable a.(favourable)赞许的,有利的,讨人喜欢的

  6 favorite n.(favourite)最喜欢的人或物 a.喜爱的

  7 fax n./v.传真(机)

  8 fear n.害怕,恐惧危险vt.畏惧,害怕,担心

  9 fearful a.可怕的,吓人的害怕,担心,惊恐

  10 feasible a.可行的切实可行的行得通的可用的

  11 feast n.节日宴会

  12 feat n.功绩,伟业,技艺

  13 feather n.羽毛

  14 feature n.特征容貌特色特写 v.以...为特色

  15 February n.二月

  16 federal a.联邦的联邦制的联合的同盟的

  17 federation n.同盟联邦联合联盟联合会

  18 fee n.费(会费,学费等)酬金

  19 feeble a.虚弱的,无力的

  20 feed v.(on,with)喂养,饲养(with)向…供给

  21 feedback n.反馈反应回授

  22 feel v.触认为 vi.摸上去有…感觉摸索觉得

  23 feeling n.感情心情知觉同情

  24 fell v.击倒打倒(疾病等)砍伐a.凶猛的可怕的

  25 fellow n.人,家伙伙伴,同事 a.同样的,同事的

  26 fellowship n.伙伴关系联谊...



考研英语 英语词汇 2021大纲词汇分析



  1 invalid n.病人,伤残人 a.有病的,伤残的无效的

  2 invaluable a.非常宝贵的,无价的

  3 invariably ad.不变地,永恒地,总是

  4 invasion n.入侵,侵略,侵犯

  5 invent v.发明,创造捏造,虚构

  6 invention n.发明,创造,发明物

  7 inventory n.详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量

  8 inverse a.相反的,倒转的,反转的 n.相反之物 v.倒转

  9 invert v.倒置,倒转,颠倒

  10 invest vt.投资,投入(精力、时间等)

  11 investigate v.调查,调查研究

  12 investment n.投资,投资额

  13 invisible a.看不见的,无形的

  14 invitation n.邀请,招待请柬

  15 invite vt.邀请,招待

  16 involve v.卷入,陷入,连累包含,含有,涉及

  17 inward ad.向内,在内 a.向内的,在内的,里面的

  18 iron n.铁,铁制品,烙铁,熨斗 v.熨(衣),熨平

  19 irony n.反话, 讽刺, 讽刺之事

  20 irrespective a.不顾的,不考虑的,无关的

  21 irrigate vt.灌溉,修水利 vi.进行灌溉

  22 irritate vt.激怒,恼火,使急躁

  23 island n.岛,岛屿(道路上的)交通安全岛

  24 isle n.小岛(用于诗歌中)

  25 isolate vt.隔离,孤立

  26 issue n.问题,争端,发行(物),期号 vt.发行,流出

  27 it pron.它[作无人称动词的主语]

  28 item n.条(款),项目一则(新闻),(戏剧的)节目

  29 its pron.[it的所有格]它的

  30 itself pron.(it的反身代词)它自己,它本身

  31 jacket n.短上衣,茄克衫

  32 jam n.阻塞,轧住果酱 v.(使)阻塞,(使)轧住不动

  33 January n.一月

  34 jar n.罐坛,广口瓶

  35 jargon n.行话

  36 jaw n.颌,颚

  37 jazz n.爵士乐

  38 jealous a.(of)妒忌的猜疑的,警惕的

  39 jeans n.牛仔裤(又称blue jeans, dungarees等)

  40 jet n...



考研英语 英语词汇 考研大纲词汇分析



  1 impossible a.不可能的难以忍受的,很难对付的

  2 impress v.(on)印,盖印留下印象,引人注目

  3 impression n.印象,感想盖印,压痕

  4 impressive a.给人深刻印象的,感人的

  5 improve v.改善,改进,增进好转,进步

  6 improvement n.改进,进步,增进改进措施

  7 impulse v.推动 n.推动冲动,刺激

  8 in prep.在…里(内,上)用…(表示)ad.进,入

  9 incentive n.刺激动力鼓励诱因动机

  10 inch n.英寸

  11 incidence n.影响程度,影响范围发生率

  12 incident n.事件,事变

  13 incidentally ad.附带地,顺便提及

  14 incline v.(使)倾斜(使)倾向于 n.斜坡,斜面

  15 include v.包括,包含,计入

  16 inclusive a.(of)包括的,包含的范围广的

  17 income n.收入,收益,所得

  18 incorporate v.合并,纳入,结合 a.合并的

  19 increase v./n.增加,增长,增进

  20 increasingly ad.不断增加地,日益

  21 incredible a.不可相信的,惊人的,不可思议的

  22 incur v.招致,惹起,遭受

  23 indeed ad.确实,实在真正地,多么

  24 independence n.独立,自主

  25 independent a.(of)独立的,自主的

  26 index n.(pl.indexes,indices)索引 v.附以索引

  27 indicate v.指出,指示表明,暗示

  28 indication n.指出,指示表明,暗示

  29 indicative a.(of)指示的,暗示的

  30 indifferent a.冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的

  31 indignant a.愤慨的,愤慨不平的

  32 indignation n.愤怒,愤慨

  33 indispensable a.(to,for)不可少的,需的

  34 individual a.个人的,单独的独特的 n.个人,个体

  35 indoor a.室内的,户内的

  36 induce v.引诱,劝使引起,导致感应

  37 indulge v.放任,纵容,沉溺使(自己)纵情享受

  38 industri...



考研英语 英语词汇 大纲词汇解析



  1 hi interj.(hey)嗨!喂!

  2 hide v.隐藏,躲藏隐瞒 n.皮革,兽皮

  3 hierarchy n.等级制度统治集团,领导层

  4 high a.高的,高度的,高级的,高尚的 ad.高高地

  5 highland n. 高地,高原

  6 highlight v.使显著,使突出强调 n.最精彩的部分

  7 highly ad.高度地,很,非常赞许地

  8 highway n.公路,大路

  9 hijack v.劫持,劫机,拦路抢劫

  10 hike n.徒步旅行增加vi.徒步旅行vt.提高

  11 hill n.小山,山岗,高地[pl.]丘陵(地带)

  12 him pron.他(he的宾格形式)

  13 himself pron.[反身代词]他自己他本人

  14 hinder v.(from)阻止,妨碍 a.后面的

  15 hinge n.合页,铰链 vi.依…而定

  16 hint n.暗示,提示,线索 v.暗示,示意

  17 hip n.臀部,髋屋脊

  18 hire n./v.雇用,租借

  19 his pron.[he的所有格/物主代词]他的(所有物)

  20 historian n.历史学家

  21 historic a.有历史意义的历史的

  22 historical a.历史的有关历史的

  23 history n.历史,历史学来历,经历

  24 hit v.打,击碰撞 n.击中顺利而风行一时的事物

  25 hitherto ad.到目前为止,迄今

  26 hobby n.业余爱好,嗜好,兴趣

  27 hoist v.举起,升起,吊起

  28 hold v.拿着保有托住举行继续 n.握住船舱

  29 holder n.持有者,占有者(台,架等)支持物

  30 hole n.洞,孔

  31 holiday n.假日,节日,假期,休假

  32 hollow a.空的,中空的空洞的,空虚的 v.挖空,凿空

  33 holy a.神圣的,圣洁的

  34 home ad.回家,在家 n.家家乡a.家庭的家乡的

  35 homework n.(学生的)家庭作业、课外人员

  36 homogeneous a.同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的

  37 honest a.诚实的,正直的,老实的

  38 honey n.蜜,蜂蜜

  39 honor n.(honour)尊敬,敬意荣誉,光荣 v.尊敬

  40 honorabl...



考研英语 词汇词义 词汇短语解析



  boom 低沉有回响的声音 The great bell tolled with a deep boom.

  bore 钻孔,挖(通道) bore through a wall

  bounce 弹起,反弹 The ball doesn’t bounce well.

  sovereign a.独立的,有主权的 n.君主,国王,统治者

  spacious adj.广阔的,宽敞的

  spectrum n.谱,光谱,频谱范围,幅度,系列

  spicy a.加很多香料的(口味)浓郁的

  spine n.脊柱,脊椎(动植物的)刺书脊

  bound 跳跃,弹回 She bounded to her feet and waved her right hand triumphantly.

  boycott (联合起来)抑制,拒绝参加 boycott uncooperative manufactures

  brace 托架,支架 He braced his muscles and lifted the weight.

  breed (使)繁殖 Rabbits breed families rapidly.

  bribe 贿赂 accept(或take)a bribe from sb.

  anchor 锚 The anchor catches (drags).

  annoy 使恼怒,使生气 She was annoyed at (with) his lightheard attitude.

  annual 每年的,年度的 the annual output of steel

  anonymous 匿名的,无名的 an anonymous letter (phone call)

  anticipate 预期,预料 The directors anticipated a fall in demand (that demand would fall).

  apart 成零碎 Such cheap clothes come apart after a few washings.

  apparent 显然的,明明白白的 It was apparent that they all understood.

  brisk 轻快的,生气勃勃的 a brisk pace

  brittle 易碎的,一碰就破的 brittle glass

  accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚 accumulate wisdom

  accurate 准确的,精确的 an accurate estimate

  accuse 指控,指责 They accused her publicly of stealing their books.




考研英语 大纲词义 词汇背诵解析



  contrary相反的,对抗的:take the contrary view

  contrast对照,对比,(对比之下显出的)差异:the contrast between the two forms of government

  contribute捐(款等),捐献:He contributed 5dollars to the charity every payday

  contrive设计,想出:contrive a new method

  corrode(渐渐)损害,(一点一点地)损伤:Bribery corrodes the confidence that must exist between

  buyer and seller

  dawn 黎明,拂晓 work from dawn to dark

  dazzle (强光等)使目眩,耀眼:He was dazzled by his sudden success.

  deceive 欺骗,蒙蔽:deceive oneself

  decent 体面的,像样的:She didn’t have a decent dress for the ball.

  decline 拒绝,谢绝:We sent him an invitation but he declined.

  appeal 呼吁,恳求 I appealed to the children to make less noise.

  applaud 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好 The audience applauds the performers for three minutes.

  apply 涂,敷 He applied two coats of paint to the table.

  chorus 合唱队

  chronic (疾病)慢性的,(人)久病的 chronic indigestion

  clarity 澄清,阐明 clarify an issue

  cling 粘着 The frightened child clung to her mother.

  clumsy 笨拙的 a clumsy boy

  monitor 班长 监控

  mortgage 抵押(借款)He will have to ~ his land for a loan.

  motion 动,运动the ~ of the planets

  motive 动机,目的be proper in~

  mount登上, 爬上~ the steps

  cluster (果实,花等的)串,束,簇 (人或物)的群,组 a cluster of tourists

  clutch 紧抓,紧握 clutch at a...



考研英语 大纲必备词汇 词汇解析



  ensure 保证,担保:His industriousness and ability will ensure his success

  diminish 减少,降低:His illness diminished his strength.

  diplomat 外交家,外交官,圆滑的人:a career diplomat

  discard 丢弃,抛弃:discard an old pair of shoes

  discern 看出,觉察出:We could discern from his appearance that he was upset.

  disclose 揭露,透露,使公开:disclose information to sb.

  discharge 释放:The judge found him not guilty and discharged him.

  discount 把(价格,费用等)打折扣,削价出售:The store discounts 3 per cent on all bills paid

  when due.

  discriminate 区别,辨别:It’s difficult to discriminate between the twin brothers.

  disgrace 丢脸,耻辱:bring disgrace on oneself

  entertain 给。。。娱乐,使有兴趣:The child is entertaining himself with his building blocks

  entitle 给。。。权利,给。。。资格(to):Robert was entitled to see the documents

  equivalent 相等的,相同的:The misery of such a position is equivalent to its happiness

  erase 擦掉,抹掉,消除:erase the chalk marks

  erect 竖直的,垂直的,竖起的:an erect tree

  erupt (火山,喷泉等)喷发:The volcano is due to erupt any day

  essence 本质,实质,要素:Being thoughtful of others is the essence of politeness

  eternal 永恒的,永存的,永久的:eternal truths

  evaluate 估价,评价:evaluate property

  evaporate (使)蒸发,(使)挥发:Heats evaporate water

  exaggerate 夸张,夸大,对…言过其实:keep to the f...

