The Cost of Attendance is our best estimate of what a full academic year at Carolina might cost, before student aid is factored in. Actual costs can vary widely from student to student.
Some of these expenses are direct costs that will be billed to you by the University. Tuition and fees, for example, as well as housing costs for students living on campus and meal plans for those students who purchase them.
Other expenses are indirect (not billed by the University), but are still considered when we review your eligibility for aid. We do our best to estimate expenses like books and travel, and eligibility for aid is based on those standard budget estimates.
Your “net costs” — how much you actually have to pay for college — are determined by subtracting grant and scholarship amounts from your billed costs.
通过上面的介绍可以看出,北卡罗来纳大学的费用预算是有严格的标准的,因而比较有参考价值。那么在2017-2018 学年,北卡罗来纳大学的研究生就读费用是多少呢?请看以下留学群的介绍。
2017-18 Costs for Graduate and Professional Students