

加拿大留学到哪个城市 加拿大留学优势 全球最佳留学城市

  Choose to study in Canada, and you’ll have the opportunity to encounter vastly different cultural and natural experiences – from the ski slopes of British Columbia to the prairie province of Manitoba, with cities such as Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver and Quebec famously friendly, tolerant and multicultural.

  Occupying the northern half of the North American continent, Canada is known for its natural beauty – few nations in the world can boast anything close to its wealth of forests, lakes and mountains – and for its multicultural diversity. The country has official bilingual status, with English and French used concurrently in government and official documents.

  It’s also known for its sparse population (despite being the world’s second-largest country, it has a population smaller than that of just one US state, California) and for its harsh winters. In some parts of Canada, snow covers the ground for almost half the year – but you’re unlikely to find any Canadian universities in those regions!



  加拿大稀疏的人口(尽管加拿大是世界上第二大的国家,但是它的人口甚至少于美国的加利福尼亚州一个州的人口) 和严酷的寒冬是广为人知的。在加拿大的有些地区,几乎有半年的时间大雪都是覆盖着地面的——但是你几乎不可能在这些区域中找到任何加拿大的大学,所以也不要担心啦。那么在加拿大留学,有哪些热门的留学城市可以选择呢?请看留学群为大家独家整理并且翻译的加拿大留学城市排名...

