It is a question puzzling many people.
He was a businessman growing rich in recent years.
(比较:He is a growing boy.)
The gentleman talking so loudly is my uncle.
(比较:Can you read her talking eyes?)
The lady visiting us from time to time taught us French. will be vicious. by her husband called on me one day. (带有副词短语)
I drink water boiled at least ten minutes.
Book called the comics may be harmful to children. when they are yong will become good citizens. by so many students.
The text-book being used in this school is Let Us Learn French.
The news as arriving .
The results as proclaimed in today's newspaper are encouraging.
His ability as displayed during the last three months was inadequate.
I will tell you a story as told by my mother.
It is interesting .(这些表示情绪的现在分词这里用作纯粹的形容词,尽管看起来像谓语动词,却不是谓语动词。)
He was interested . 这些表示情绪的过去分词,这里也是用作纯粹的形容词。)
She is very delighted . .
He appears pretending .
It looks decayed .
He remains unsatisfied; the matter r...