布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)建于19世纪,是英国一所有百年历史的老牌名校。布里斯托大学是英国罗素大学集团的成员之一,在教学和科研方面均有雄厚的实力,因其优质的教育,迄今已诞生了11位诺贝尔奖获得者。那么布里斯托大学的本科有哪些奖学金可供留学生申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。
Faculty of Engineering Scholarships for overseas students
The Faculty of Engineering is pleased to announce scholarships of £500 for outstanding overseas undergraduate students starting their programmes of study in October 2016.
Many of our scholarship programmes include summer school training sessions or paid yearly industrial placements (approx. £1,250 per month) with well-known international companies.
Each department in the Faculty offers first-year scholarships of £500 to overseas fee-paying undergraduates. The scholarships are as follows:
· Roderick Collar Scholarship in Aeronautical Engineering
· Sir Alfred Pugsley Scholarship in Civil Engineering
· Barry Thomas Scholarship in Computer Science
· Paul Dirac Scholarship in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
· Edmund Boulton Scholarships for Engineering Design and Engineering Mathematics
· Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Note: There is no need to apply for these scholarships, all eligible candidates will automatically be considered.
Entry Requirements
Scholarships will be given to all candidates who arrive to study and who have achieved A*A*A at A Level, or the...