布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)建于19世纪,是英国一所有百年历史的老牌名校。布里斯托大学是英国罗素大学集团的成员之一,在教学和科研方面均有雄厚的实力,因其优质的教育,迄今已诞生了11位诺贝尔奖获得者。那么布里斯托大学的本科有哪些奖学金可供留学生申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。
Faculty of Engineering Scholarships for overseas students
The Faculty of Engineering is pleased to announce scholarships of £500 for outstanding overseas undergraduate students starting their programmes of study in October 2016.
Many of our scholarship programmes include summer school training sessions or paid yearly industrial placements (approx. £1,250 per month) with well-known international companies.
Each department in the Faculty offers first-year scholarships of £500 to overseas fee-paying undergraduates. The scholarships are as follows:
· Roderick Collar Scholarship in Aeronautical Engineering
· Sir Alfred Pugsley Scholarship in Civil Engineering
· Barry Thomas Scholarship in Computer Science
· Paul Dirac Scholarship in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
· Edmund Boulton Scholarships for Engineering Design and Engineering Mathematics
· Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
Note: There is no need to apply for these scholarships, all eligible candidates will automatically be considered.
Entry Requirements
Scholarships will be given to all candidates who arrive to study and who have achieved A*A*A at A Level, or the international equivalent. To win a scholarship, one of the the A*s must be in Maths, Further Maths, or Physics; General Studies A Level, or A Level languages where that language is your native language, will not be counted for the purposes of the scholarship. International equivalencies of A*A*A at A Level are at the discretion of individual admissions tutors in departments, but guideline equivalents will be provided shortly.
航空工程Roderick Collar 奖学金、土木工程Sir Alfred Pugsley 奖学金、计算机科学Barry Thomas 奖学金、电气与电子工程Paul Dirac 奖学金、工程设计与工程数学Edmund Boulton 奖学金、机械工程奖学金。
工程学院奖学金将颁发给所有前来布里斯托大学学习,并且A Level成绩达到A*A*A或国际成绩达到同等水平的候选人。为了获得工程学院奖学金,至少要在数学、高级数学或物理任意学科中拿到A。A Level普通学习、或者A Level 语言为母语的情况,不能算在奖学金条件内。国际同等成绩可由各个部门的招生老师酌情考虑,但要立即提供同等证书。
SPAIS International Undergraduate Scholars Award
The School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS) is offering two £3,000 scholarships, awarded in the first year of studies, to exceptional international students who demonstrate the School’s core values of academic excellence and social engagement. Students are invited to apply by submitting a 500 word essay outlining why they wish to study their particular degree programme, why they wish to do so at the University of Bristol, and crucially how they wish to use their education upon graduation. The scholarships are available for students applying for any of the following programmes: Politics and International Relations (L200), Sociology (L300), and Politics and Sociology (LL23).
This essay must not be a duplicate of your personal statement.
社会、政治与国际研究学院提供有奖学金。奖学金有两个名额,每个名额的金额为3000英镑,在第一学年发放,颁发给符合学院核心价值(学术优秀和社会参与)的优秀的国际生。学院会邀请学生申请。要提交500个的单词的essay ,简要说明有意学习特定学位课程的原因、在布里斯托大学学习特定课程的原因,以及(至为关键的)希望如何在毕业之后运用所接受的教育。学院国际本科奖学金颁发给申请以下任意课程的学生:政治学与国际关系、社会学、政治学与社会学。
The Knowlson Trust travel award
The Knowlson Trust travel awards are available for travel which isn't part of your academic studies. You can only apply once you are registered on a course.
Successful applicants are likely to be those who are making a wider contribution to society (e.g. voluntary work overseas) or who are undertaking individual physical challenges, and who have a purpose for their trip rather than simply planning an adventurous holiday.
The deadline for applications in the current academic year is 24 March 2017.
Lloyd Robinson sporting awards
Lloyd Robinson 体育奖学金
A few scholarships are awarded each year to students of exceptional sporting ability who demonstrate great need, for instance those who may require additional funding to compete at national level competition and above. Recipients of this award, worth up to £250 p/a, are required to become members of the High Performance Sports Squad.
Lloyd Robinson 体育奖学金每年有少数几个名额,提供给具备优秀的体育能力并且有巨大需求的学生。例如,学生需要额外的资金,才能完成国家级和更高水平的比赛。Lloyd Robinson 体育奖学金的金额为250英镑,受奖人需要加入优秀表现体育代表队。
Blake Memorial Fund
Undergraduate students studying in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering who are experiencing financial difficulty may be considered for an award from the Professor Leslie Reginald Blake Memorial Fund (Blake Memorial Fund).
Students should complete a Blake Memorial Application Form if they wish to apply.
The Blake Memorial Fund is a very limited fund. A typical award may be between £500 and £1,000. Any award made from the fund is likely to be a one-off award.
International hardship fund
The International Hardship Fund has been set up to provide emergency financial assistance to international students, who find themselves in unexpected financial difficulty, as a result of a significant or unexpected event that could not have been predicted.Students seeking help must demonstrate that they had made adequate arrangements to support themselves and pay their tuition and accommodation fees before they came to University, and that these arrangements have been affected by unforeseen circumstances, or events beyond their control.Applications meriting support might include occasions where a sponsor was suddenly unable to provide support, e.g. a temporary delay in a living cost allowance or where a student unexpectedly and urgently needed to return home for family reasons.However, please note, the fund cannot replace tuition fees or living cost support that the student is expected to have secured before starting the course.
Students will not be able to apply for support on the grounds that their national currency has depreciated, since this will affect all students from this country. Students who find themselves in financial hardship due to mismanagement of their finances are also ineligible for support.
Employment alone as a means of funding a course of study will not be considered as adequate provision because of the volatile nature of this source of support. This is in line with immigration rules where you need to show adequate financial provision without relying on potential earnings. Any funds (e.g. borrowing) secured on the basis of potential employment which are withdrawn as a result of job loss will also not be considered as having made adequate arrangement to cover costs prior to the start of the course.
If a student's scholarship/funding does not make provision for dependants, the International Hardship Fund will also not be able to assist with these costs.The fund cannot be used to meet shortfalls in basic living costs or to pay tuition fees.Students who find themselves in financial hardship due to mismanagement of their finances are also ineligible for support.
The International Hardship Fund has been set up with funds donated by alumni and friends of the University to support students at Bristol. Students who receive awards may be asked to provide some feedback on how the Fund has helped them whilst they are a student.
Who can apply?
Eligible students must:
· be registered with the University of Bristol
· be classed as an EU or international student
· be a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student
· have started their programme of study with sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living costs
· have exhausted all other sources of funding.
How to apply
Students will need to complete and return an application form to the Student Funding Office, together with photocopies of relevant documentation. Students who live with a partner, will also need to provide their partner’s financial details. Incomplete applications will delay the assessment of an application.
Students can apply at any time throughout the academic year, but funds are limited and we cannot guarantee that there will be sufficient funds to meet every application we receive. Awards may be in the form of a grant or loan, whichever is deemed appropriate by the panel.
It is likely that only one award from the International Hardship Fund will be made per student during their studies at Bristol.
How are applications assessed
Applications will be considered on an individual basis, by a panel consisting of members of the Student Funding Office and the International Students' Advisory Service.
Students will receive a notification letter explaining the outcome of their application as soon as possible or within two weeks of submitting their application.