前言:佛蒙特州是美国东北部新英格兰地区一州。南邻马萨诸塞州,西连纽约州,北与加拿大魁北克省接壤,东与新罕布什尔州以康涅狄格河为界。首府蒙彼利埃。州名来自法语“Monts Verts”,意为“绿色山岭”。佛蒙特州别名“绿岭之州”“Green Mountain State”。首府蒙彼利埃名称也来自法国同名城市。佛蒙特以其美丽的景色、奶制品、枫糖浆和激进的政治而著称。
• Only Wyoming has a smaller population than Vermont, the total population of which is just over 625,000
• State capital Montpelier (population 8,000) is the smallest in the US, and the only state capital without a McDonald’s
• Ice cream fans take note: Burlington was the birthplace of Ben & Jerry’s
• Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the US, producing around 40 per cent of the nation's supply
• Famous Vermonters include Calvin Coolidge, the thirtieth president of the US, Pulitzer Prize wining author Annie Proulx and rock band Phish
• Vermont was the first state outside of the original 13 (hence the 13 stripes of the US flag) to join the US
• Vermont was the first state to fully outlaw slavery
• Vermont has the highest ratio of dairy cows to people in the US (one cow for every four p...