前言:佛蒙特州是美国东北部新英格兰地区一州。南邻马萨诸塞州,西连纽约州,北与加拿大魁北克省接壤,东与新罕布什尔州以康涅狄格河为界。首府蒙彼利埃。州名来自法语“Monts Verts”,意为“绿色山岭”。佛蒙特州别名“绿岭之州”“Green Mountain State”。首府蒙彼利埃名称也来自法国同名城市。佛蒙特以其美丽的景色、奶制品、枫糖浆和激进的政治而著称。
• Only Wyoming has a smaller population than Vermont, the total population of which is just over 625,000
• State capital Montpelier (population 8,000) is the smallest in the US, and the only state capital without a McDonald’s
• Ice cream fans take note: Burlington was the birthplace of Ben & Jerry’s
• Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the US, producing around 40 per cent of the nation's supply
• Famous Vermonters include Calvin Coolidge, the thirtieth president of the US, Pulitzer Prize wining author Annie Proulx and rock band Phish
• Vermont was the first state outside of the original 13 (hence the 13 stripes of the US flag) to join the US
• Vermont was the first state to fully outlaw slavery
• Vermont has the highest ratio of dairy cows to people in the US (one cow for every four people)
•冰淇淋爱好者们注意到:Burlington是Ben & Jerry ' s的诞生地
•著名的佛蒙特人包括美国第三十任总统卡尔文•柯立芝(Calvin Coolidge)、普利策奖得主、作家安妮•普罗克斯(Annie Proulx)和摇滚乐队Phish
One of the smallest and least populous states in the US, Vermont takes its name from the forested mountains which define its landscape (think ‘green mountains’ – verts monts in French).If you choose to study in Vermont, you will more than likely find yourself in the state’s largest city, Burlington, the metropolitan area of which is home to around a third of the state’s population.
Lying just under a hundred miles away from the Canadian border which demarcates the northern edge of the state, the relatively small city is the location of the University of Vermont, which contributes around 5% of Burlington’s total population – even more if you just consider the city proper.Accordingly, it is a student-friendly city, and is known for being cosmopolitan and liberal, offering all the sophistication one would expect from a New England hub in relatively intimate surroundings.
Outside of the ‘big’ city, Vermont is as densely forested as you might expect from a state which lies this far north. It is famous for the golds and reds that come to dominate the scenery in autumn – a typically New English image.And when you add in the spectacular mountains and the crystalline Lake Champlain, one the largest bodies of the fresh water in the US, you get a state that certainly does not want for natural beauty.Be warned – though summer in Vermont is perfectly pleasant, the winters can get extremely cold – the coldest ever temperature registered there was an Arctic -50°C! (-58°F).
在“大”城市的外面,佛蒙特州的森林覆盖率就像你所期望的那样,位于这个遥远的北方。它以金色和红色闻名于秋季——典型的新英格兰形象,再加上壮观的山和水晶湖,一个美国最大的淡水水系统,你就会看到一个接触的自然美景。警告说,尽管夏天的佛蒙特州非常愉快的,但是冬天会非常冷,根据记录佛蒙特州最冷的温度达到北极-50°C !(-58°F)。
Vemont’s only ranking university is the University of Vermont, which placed within the top 500 in the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings. Classed as one of the original Public Ivies by Richard Moll in 1985, it is the state’s only research university.Though it is the state’s primary institute of higher education, it is home to just over 10,000 undergraduates, so can offer a relatively intimate experience.The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, to give it is full name, places an emphasis on interdisciplinary research, launching a university-wide program in 2010 to encourage this. Three ‘Spires of Excellence’ emerged from this, focusing on Complex Systems, Food Systems, and Neuroscience, Behavior and Health.
Some 101 bachelor’s degrees divided into 1,880 courses are offered across the university’s seven colleges.A range of small liberal arts universities (Lyndon State University, Johnson State University and Castleton State College) Vermont Technical College, and the Community College of Vermont make up the rest of Vermont’s public system. A handful of small private universities also offer degrees up to master's level.
佛蒙特大学在2011 -12年 QS世界大学排名中位列前500名。理查德·莫尔于1985年将其列为最早的公共Ivies之一,是该州唯一的研究型大学。虽然它是国家的主要高等教育大学,但它拥有超过1万名本科生,因此可以提供一种相对私密的体验。佛蒙特州大学和州立农业大学的全名是“跨学科研究”,2010年启动了一个大学范围的项目来鼓励这一研究。三个“卓越的Spires”由此诞生,专注于复杂的系统、食物系统、神经科学、行为和健康。佛蒙特大学的七所学院提供了大约101个学士学位,总共有1,880个课程。一系列小型的人文艺术大学(林顿州立大学、约翰逊州立大学和卡斯尔顿州立学院)佛蒙特州技术学院和佛蒙特州的社区学院组成了佛蒙特州的其他公共系统。少数几所小型私立大学也提供硕士学位。