QUT Business School students have won the prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS) DBS Banks Limited International Case Competition. The competition required students to exercise forecasting and advisory skills when solving global business problems in a competitive forum. This is the fifth win for students from the QUT Business School in the last year who have also had three 2nd placings and one 3rd, making it arguably one the most successful business schools in the world for student competitions. 昆士兰科技大学商学院的学生在新加坡国立大学和星展银行联合举办的国际案例大赛中获得荣誉。这个竞赛主要锻炼学生在全球商务竞争环境下的预测和咨询技能。昆士兰科技大学商学院学生近2年中5次参加此次竞赛,其中3次获2等奖,1次获3等奖,无疑是全球最成功的商学院之一。