
2012-10-24 15:54:42 admin 时间音乐

 出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

(留学群 liuxuequn.com) (留学群 liuxuequn.com)

 编者按:出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  本文是中国北京的首都师范大学(留学群 liuxuequn.com)音乐学院2010级专升本学生张洋在2011年利用寒假时间前往印度首都新德里,申请排名世界前百位的该国顶尖高等学府——贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁大学时(留学群 liuxuequn.com)在该校写的一篇自述,现提供给广大读者阅读分享。出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com


出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  Personal statement出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  从建筑工作者,到音乐工作者,到不拘一格的做一个对社会真正有用的人的思想转变过程出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  My personal statement itself carries some other meaning: A thought transformation process from a construction worker to a music creator, and want to be a person who have the ability to contribute and human development within unlimited ways.出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com


出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  I was born in a small town, Xing Tai city, He Bei province of China . In my high school, I spend a lot of time in Music because I want to be a musician. As a result, I did not pay much attention to my study and even gradually I lost interest in the courses offered by the school. Under the guidance of my father, I choose science which I did not like at all, he advised me to take science as he thought it would easier for me to find a job. In class, I just concentrate on the courses which I used to like for example, English and Computer course. I always scored high marks in these two subjects and I got second highest in a computer match in my school. After the class, I just spent very little time to review the other lessons, but spent most of the time in music as that is my dream—to become a musician . However, my family did not agree with my idea of being a musician, so I am still walking on the route which my family designed for me.出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  通过高考前的突击学习,我考上了大学,并按父亲的意愿,所有的志愿都填报了工程的相关专业,因为家里有一个工程公司的原因。那时我并没有反对,因为我想,不管通过什么形式,到了城市以后,相较于小城镇一定会有更多的机会实现自己的音乐梦想。那一年我到了一座有着“京津长廊”美誉的城市——廊坊。出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  After putting a great effort I cleared my college entrance examination, and got admitted to the university successfully, and as per my father's wishes, I took all science subjects mostly related to engineering, because my family hold a such company. I have no other way then this. Because I thought, no matter which form I got through , there must be more opportunities ahead to fulfill my dream in the city than in the town. Then I was been in the city of Langfang,which named the Long Corridor of Beijing and Tianjin.

出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  在大学的一年级,我结识了一帮热爱音乐的朋友,我们组建了一支乐队,并利用业余时间活跃于校园内外的各种演出中。开始的那段时间确实过得比较充实和自由,但是由于长时间的排练和很少时间的学习,我的功课落下一大截。出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  In the first year of my college, I made a lot of friends who were all interested in music, we have established a music band, and attended various performances both in the inside and outside of the campus in the spare time. At the beginning, I had a meaningful and freedom life, but with more rehearsals and I could hardly devote my time in study so lagged behind in study.出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  就在这个阶段,现实的生活和我想象中的音乐世界出现了很大的差别,我开始有些疲于各种商业演出,而就在这时,我碰到了我的第一个人生导师,建筑工程系主任杨春明老师,他为我们开启了一扇充满趣味的建筑知识大门,让我体会到了建筑的优美韵律,认识到学习科学知识的重要性和实用价值。同时为了不浪费父亲为我交的学费,我一改前非,开始一头扎进浩瀚的建筑知识海洋,并在学习中体会到了无限的乐趣。日出而起、披星戴月,一天中的大部分时间都是在教室或者图书馆里度过,因为浓厚的兴趣,我疯狂地学习专业知识和英语,并且看了很多世界名著、名人传记等课外书籍,功夫不负有心人,我在大学的第二年和第三年的成绩都保持在班内前三名,并获得了两次年度奖学金。出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  At that time, I came to know there lies a big difference between the real life and the music world that I have imagined . I began to feel tired of commercial performance. And at this time, I met my tutor Mr.Yang Chunming, he opened a door of architectural knowledge for me and I gained a lot of interest in it.He is the one who made me realize what architecture exactly is and the beautiful rhythm within it. I did not want to waste the tuition that my father arranged for me and plunged into the vast sea of architectural knowledge. Involuntarily, I found infinite pleasure. I used to work hard all throughout the day. I spent most of my time in the classroom or library. I also put effort to improve my English. At the same time, I read many world-famous book, biographies, etc.Everything comes to him who waits. I maintained first or at least second place of my class in the second and third year of the college, and won the Annual Scholarships twice.

出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  毕业后,我没有选择回家,而是想在外面磨练自己,在天津,我找到了一份和专业相符的工作。那段岁月,除了8小时的工作和睡觉时间,我还是坚持学习专业知识、音乐和英语,这也进一步使我的自学能力和自我管理能力得到了提升。出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com

  After graduation, I didn’t go back home, but to temper myself outside. I found a job of construction engineering in the city of Tianjin. In Tianjin, besides 8 hours working I still take out time on for my major specially for Music and English. This also has further improved my ability of self-study and self-management.出国留学 wWw.liuxuequn.com



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