英国留学 最新工作证申请新规定
2012-10-02 09:53:13 836478124
因应部分人力严重不足的专业工作市场,英政府决对非欧盟国家的人民大开方便之门,修改了工作证申请方案 (Work Permit Scheme)以及职业训练工作方案 (Training and Work Experience Scheme, TWES),希望能吸引更多外籍专业人士来英国工作。
护士,助产士 (Nurse)
顾问医师 (Consultant doctors)如: Accident and Emergency medicine, Audiological medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Diagnostic Radiology (Radiology), Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology, Nuclear medicine, Occupational medicine, Old Age Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Surgery (Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery), Paediatrics, Palliative medicine, Radiotherapy (Clinical Oncology), Urology。
电子工程业 (ELECTRONIC and OPTO-ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING), 如Cellular phone systems development, Design and development of electronic systems with embedded software, Integrated Circuit Design, Opto-electronics, Photonics, Radio Frequency and Microwave System and Component Design, Systems integration, Telecommunications systems development, Video and audio systems development。
信息科技工作者和通讯电子业者,如 Analyst Programmer, Business Analyst, Database Specialist, IT Manager, Network Specialist, Software Engineer
健康保健师,如: Audiologist, Audiological scientist, Clinical Psychologist, Dietitian, Occupational Therapist, Pharmacists, Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist。
以下是科技人才特缺的行业: Active Server Pages/Active X, All Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) packages (especially Siebel, Clarify, and Oracle CRM), Broadvision e-commerce tools, C and C++ programming languages, Cool:gen, Java/Java Script, Oracle, Peoplesoft, Perl/Perl Script, SQL Server, Visual Basic/Visual C++, XML/DHTML
兽医 (Veterinary Surgeons)
保险统计员 (Actuaries)
航空工程师 (CAA Licensed aircraft engineers)