My name is XX, from Nanning, Guangxi, in 2006 graduated from the Bank of school finance. After graduating in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Nanning Branch for 1 year, after working in Nanning City Commercial Bank over a year. Water flows downwards with the flow. First two jobs because there is not much development potential, so I quit their jobs to seek better and more promising work. 2 years of work before me there are plenty of banks over the counter ability. I think I can recognize a good win in the lobby of the Bank Manager. Thank you!
在专业的场合就不同了,公务介绍含有四个要素。哪四个要素?姓名、单位、部门、职务。例如:您好,我是中国人民大学国际关系学院金正昆教授。在此单位、部门、职务、姓名全出来了。但要注意:父母给你起名是如何浮想联翩,而你的名字跟你坎坷人生如何相关?这都属于废话,进行自我介绍莫谈这些。 此外,自我介绍时务必要使用全称。当你第一次介绍你的单位和部门的时候,别忘记使用全称。有时候报单位时,要报清楚,该报全称的时候报全称,该报简称的时候报简称,否则很麻烦。自称的话招人笑,称别人的话不礼貌。
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