
2023-09-27 16:56:15


  古风 唯美 伤感 励志 温暖 心痛 经典 爱情 忧伤 失恋 失望 幸福 搞笑 正能量

  心累 心烦 后悔 难过 想你 心碎 抒情 感情 友情 感动 想念 心酸 好听 心情好

  春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 感慨人生 关于友谊 关于梦想 离别伤感 表达爱意 句子大全



  1、"We'll always have Paris." 我们将永远拥有巴黎。


  3、"Those were the days." 那些日子往事如烟。

  4、"It's not the same without you." 没有你在身边就不一样了。

  5、The memories of our triumphs and failures have made us who we are today. 我们的胜利和失败的回忆让我们成为了今天的自己。

  6、"Time doesn't heal all wounds." 时间并不能治愈所有的创伤。

  7、Memories are like old friends, they always bring a smile to our faces. 回忆如老友般,永远带给我们微笑。

  8、The memories of our school days seem like a lifetime ago. 我们校园生活的回忆似乎已经过去了一辈子。

  9、Time flies, and memories stay with us forever. 光阴荏苒,回忆永驻心间。

  10、"I want to go back to the way things were before." 我想回到过去的样子。


  12、Looking back on our childhood, it's hard to believe how much time has passed. 回忆我们的童年,真难以相信时间已经飞逝。


  14、Even though we may have different paths in life, the memories of our shared experiences will always connect us. 虽然我们的生活道路可能不同,但我们共享经历的回忆将永远联系着我们。

  15、The memories of our travels together are like postcards from the past. 我们一起旅行的回忆就像是来自过去的明信片。

  16、The memories of our family gatherings are some of the happiest and most cherished moments in life. 我们一家人聚在一起的回忆是人生中最幸福和最珍爱的时刻之一。

  17、"Our love was like a fairytale." 我们的爱情就像童话故事一般。

  18、"Love is a many-splendored thing." 爱有千万种美好。

  19、Memories are the only companions that stay with us till the end. 回忆是我们唯一的伴侣,陪伴着我们到最后。

  20、Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and relive those moments again. 有时候,我希望能够倒流时光,重新回到那些时刻。


  21、"The old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out, but I'm glad I had them." 过去的梦想是好的梦想,虽然没有实现,但我很庆幸曾经有过它们。

  22、Memories are the glue that binds us together, even when we are far apart. 回忆是那种黏合剂,让我们即使身处异地也能互相牵挂。

  23、Even though we may have grown apart, the memories of our time together will last forever. 虽然我们已经渐行渐远,但一起度过的时光回忆将永生。

  24、"The best is yet to come." 最好的还在后头。

  25、"Some things never change." 有些事情永远不会改变。


  27、The memories of our first kiss still give me butterflies in my stomach. 我们的初吻的回忆仍然让我感到心跳加速。


  29、Even though we may have lost touch, the memories of our friendship will always remain. 虽然我们可能已经失去联系,但友情的回忆将永远保留。

  30、The memories of our pets who have passed away will always hold a special place in our hearts. 已经离开的宠物的回忆将永远在我们心中留下特别的位置。

  31、"You were my cup of tea but I drink coffee now." 你曾是我的最爱,但现在我喝咖啡了。

  32、"The past can be a beautiful place if we don't have to live there." 如果我们不必在过去生活,过去也可以是美好的。

  33、"I still believe in us." 我依然相信我们。

  34、"I miss the way things used to be." 我想念过去的样子。



  37、Memories are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. 回忆是那些编织人生经历的线索。

  38、"I wish I could go back in time." 我希望能回到过去。

  39、"I never thought I'd miss you this much." 我从未想过我会如此想念你。

  40、"You were the best thing that ever happened to me." 你是我经历过的最美好的事物。


  41、"The past is never dead. It's not even past." 过去从来没有死过,甚至还在不断发生。

  42、The memories of our loved ones who have gone are like a beacon, guiding us through the tough times. 已经离开的亲人的回忆就像是一盏灯塔,帮助我们在困苦时刻找到方向。

  43、The smell of freshly baked cookies instantly brings me back to my grandmother's kitchen. 新鲜出炉的饼干的气息瞬间将我送回到祖母的厨房。

  44、"I still love you." 我依然爱你。


  46、"Nostalgia is a seductive liar." 怀旧是个迷人的谎言。

  47、Hearing a song from the past can instantly transport us back to that time and place. 听到一首来自过去的歌曲可以瞬间将我们送回到那个时刻和地点。

  48、The memories of our peaceful moments in nature are like a soothing balm for our souls. 我们在大自然中平静时光的回忆,就像治愈我们的灵魂。

  49、I miss the days when we used to stay up late talking about everything and nothing. 怀念那些晚上,我们曾经一起熬夜聊天,不拘一格。

  50、"It's not easy to forget the past." 过去并不容易被遗忘。

  51、"Memories are bullets. Some whiz by and only spook you. Others tear you open and leave you in pieces." 回忆像子弹,有些只是飞过去吓唬你,而有些则撕裂你的内心,留下无法愈合的伤口。

  52、Sometimes, the past feels closer than the present. 有时候,过去感觉比现在更近。

  53、The memories of our childhood are the foundation of who we are today. 我们的童年回忆是我们今天自己的基础。

  54、"I miss the person you used to be." 我想念过去的你。


  56、Looking back on the years gone by, I realize how much I have grown. 回首往事,我才发现自己已经成长了很多。

  57、Those were the days when we laughed and cried together. 那些日子,我们共同哭过,也共同欢笑。

  58、The memories of our first love are some of the sweetest and most painful experiences in life. 我们的初恋回忆是人生中最甜美和最痛苦的经历之一。




  61、Even though we may have lost some of our innocence, the memories of our childhood will always be pure and untainted. 虽然我们可能失去初心,但是童年的回忆永远是那么纯净无暇的。


  63、"I can't help but think about you." 我克制不住地想着你。

  64、"Whatever happened to...?" ...到底去了哪里?

  65、The memories of our grandparents are some of the most cherished in our hearts. 我们对于祖父母的回忆是心中最珍贵的。

  66、Memories are like a warm blanket in a cold world. 回忆如冬日的暖毯,温暖了寒冷的世界。

  67、"I hold onto memories because they're all that's left from the past."(我把回忆珍藏在心里,因为它们是从过去保留下来的唯一数字).

  68、"Love is timeless." 爱是永恒的。

  69、The things we did together are forever etched in my mind. 我们一起做过的事情,永远铭刻在我的脑海里。

  70、The smell of childhood is the sweetest fragrance in life. 童年的气息是人生中最甜美的芬芳。

  71、"I never knew how much I loved you until you were gone." 直到失去你我才明白我是多么爱你。

  72、"You can't go home again." 回不了故乡。


  74、"What's past is prologue." 过去是序幕。



  77、The memories of our first steps, first words, and first discoveries will always be cherished by our parents. 其余到我们第一次迈步、说话和发现世界的回忆会让家长永恒珍爱。

  78、"Youth is wasted on the young." 年轻人浪费了青春。

  79、Even though we may have parted ways, the memories of our love will always remain. 虽然我们可能已经分手,但是爱的回忆将永远保留。




  82、"We were young and foolish then." 那时候我们年轻而幼稚。

  83、"I miss the way things used to be between us." 我想念我们之间过去的模样。


  85、The memories of our past make us who we are today. 过去的回忆塑造了我们今天的自我。

  86、The memories of our teenage rebellions are like scars that remind us of our growth. 我们在青春期的叛逆行为的回忆就像是伤疤,提醒我们成长的历程。

  87、The memories of our youth are some of the most precious treasures in life. 青春的回忆是人生中最珍贵的财富之一。

  88、Even though we may have gone through tough times, the memories of our perseverance will always inspire us. 虽然我们曾经经历艰苦的时光,坚持不懈的回忆一直激励着我们。

  89、The sound of laughter from the past still echoes in my ears. 过去的欢笑声仍在我耳边回荡。

  90、"The good old days." 那些美好的旧日时光。


  92、"I miss your smile." 我想念你的笑容。


  94、"We were meant to be together." 我们注定在一起。

  95、Even though time has passed, the memories are still fresh in my mind. 虽然时间已经流逝,回忆仍然鲜活在我的脑海中。

  96、"Remember the time when we...?" 还记得我们那时候...?

  97、"The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect." 失去的东西往往会最终回到我们身边,虽然并非总是以我们预期的方式。

  98、"The heart wants what it wants." 心有所属。

  99、"The more things change, the more they stay the same." 世界变化越多,本质却始终如一。

  100、"I'm sorry things didn't work out." 很遗憾我们的事情没能如愿。


  102、The love we shared in the past will always be remembered. 我们曾经共同分享的爱永远被铭记在心。


















