Sorry, I didn't catch that. 对不起,我没听清楚。考试实际上是对我们能力的评估。考试的意义在于认识和接纳自己,希望你的考试成果堪称完美得到嘉奖,考试祝福语具体有哪些呢?留学群的编辑经过深思熟虑整理了口语考试文案的相关内容,希望这些句子能够解释一些难以理解的内容!
3、- "I'm currently studying psychology. My goal is to become a licensed therapist and help people improve their mental health." - 我目前正在学习心理学,我的目标是成为一名有执照的治疗师,帮助人们改善他们的心理健康。
4、你最喜欢的食物是什么? - What is your favorite food?
5、How do you see yourself in the next five years?
6、That's a fair point, but I think there are other factors to consider. 这是个公正的观点,但是我认为还有其他因素要考虑。
8、Can you speak slower, please? - 你能慢点说吗?
9、你的母语是什么?- What is your native language?
10、How do you like to travel? 你喜欢怎样旅游?
11、Hello, how are you? - 你好,你怎么样?
12、I'm doing well, thank you. - 我过得不错,谢谢。
13、Do you have any suggestions for improving the education system?
14、Have you participated in any sports before? - 你参加过什么体育运动吗?
15、Do you prefer to stay at home or go out with friends?
16、How do you feel about technology and its impact on society? - 你怎么看待技术以及它对社会的影响?
18、你觉得英语是一门难学的语言吗?- Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?
19、你心目中的理想工作是什么? - What is your dream job?
20、Do you have any pets? 你有宠物吗?
21、My favorite hobby is reading books. 我最喜欢的爱好是阅读书籍。
22、Sorry, I didn't catch that. 对不起,我没听清楚。
23、Have you ever lived abroad?
24、Can you tell me about your hometown? - 你能告诉我你的家乡是什么样子的吗?
25、你的家乡有哪些名胜古迹?- What are some famous landmarks in your hometown?
26、Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends?
27、Could you repeat that, please? - 请你再说一遍好吗?
28、Can you introduce yourself?
29、Are you an early bird or a night owl? - 你是早起的人还是晚睡的人?
30、What do you suggest? - 你有什么建议?
31、What is your favorite sport?
32、I'm sorry, I'm not quite following you. 对不起,我不太明白你的意思。
33、What's your favorite sport?
34、What do you like to do in your free time? - 你在空余时间喜欢做什么?
35、It's a pleasure talking to you. - 很高兴和你交谈。
36、My favorite hobby is reading, especially mystery novels. - 我最喜欢的爱好是阅读,尤其是推理小说。
37、I'm afraid I have to disagree. 我恐怕不同意。
39、What kind of books do you like to read? - 你喜欢阅读什么样的书?
40、Can you tell me about your job? - 你能给我介绍一下你的工作吗?
41、I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. 对不起,我不是故意冒犯你。
42、- "Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?" - 你能给我讲一下关于你自己的情况吗?
43、你会说英语吗? - Do you speak English?
45、你喜欢哪个城市?- Which city do you like?
46、你曾经参加过哪些社交活动? - What social activities have you participated in?
47、That's a good question. - 这是个好问题。
48、你觉得在哪里学英语效果最好? - Where do you think is the best place to learn English?
49、I'm really excited to start my new job. 我非常期待开始我的新工作。
50、I really enjoy watching movies. 我非常喜欢看电影。
51、That's an interesting perspective. I hadn't thought of it that way before. 这是个有趣的角度。我以前没想过这样的想法。
52、Let me think for a moment. 让我想一想。
53、That's not a bad idea. - 这不是个坏主意。
54、- "I love traveling and experiencing new cultures. One of my favorite trips was to Japan, where I got to try all kinds of delicious food." - 我喜欢旅行和体验新文化,我最喜欢的一次旅行是去日本,我尝试了很多美食。
56、As far as I know, ... 据我所知,...
57、That's a fair point. 这是个公正的观点。
59、- "I enjoy reading in my free time. Some of my favorite authors are Jane Austen and Ernest Hemingway." - 我在空余时间喜欢阅读,我最喜欢的作家是简·奥斯汀和欧内斯特·海明威。
60、Could you explain that to me again? - 你能再给我解释一遍吗?
62、I'm sorry, I can't hear you clearly. 对不起,我听不清楚。
63、Can I have your opinion on this matter? 你对这件事有什么看法?
64、That's a good question, but I'm afraid I don't have the answer. 这是个好问题,但是恐怕我不知道答案。
65、你认为什么是一个成功的人?- What do you think makes a person successful?
66、It's important to have a balanced diet. 保持均衡的饮食很重要。
67、Can you repeat that, please? 请你再说一遍好吗?
68、Do you like sports?
69、Who is your favorite author?
70、你喜欢哪个明星? - Who is your favorite celebrity?
71、My favorite type of music is rock. 我最喜欢的音乐类型是摇滚。
73、How do you usually spend your holidays? - 你通常怎么度假?
74、I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. - 对不起,我没有听清您的名字。
75、Have you ever been to a concert before?
76、- "In my opinion, the best way to learn a new language is through immersion in a native-speaking community." - 在我看来,学习一门新语言最好的方式是通过完全沉浸在说这种语言的社区中。
77、Have you traveled to any other countries before? - 你曾经去过其他国家旅行吗?