1. 从申请资料无法抉择录取哪一位申请者
2. 考察申请者的专业知识与英语水平
3. 申请者是否倾向于接受这一offer
1. 网络面试
2. 面对面的面试
1、Interview Preparation Is Vital
Go to the school’s website a few days or the night before your interview. During the interview, you will be asked why you applied to that program. You need specific answers. Describe what appeals to you,for example:
School's curriculum,
Community involvement,
Student characteristics,
Clinical rotations,
Student research projects or others...
Don’t feed the interviewer generalities or offer answers about the nice location or weather. They should know from your answers that you did your homework and are truly interested in their particular school.
2、Dress the Part
Wear a suit and shirt with a tasteful tie for the men, and a suit with a skirt or pants for mber, you are going to an interview as a professional. Avoid things like stiletto s should coordinate with your outfit.
Your hair should be neatly combed and not covering your face. If your hair is long, use a clip or barrette to secure it. Flipping your hair back repeatedly with your hand can become annoying to an interviewer.
3、Avoid Tight Travel Connections
This is especially important in the winter. Heavy snow and bad weather are risks and indicate why students are often encouraged to interview earlier in the season.
It's a good plan to arrive early the night before your scheduled interview to get a good night’s sleep. There were students fall asleep during interview day, particularly those traveling a long way.
If that happens to you, apologize profusely. Don't pretend no one noticed. Do things that will keep you actively engaged to avoid feeling drowsy. Participate in conversation, ask questions, take sips of cold water, nod "yes" as the speaker is talking and make eye contact. Stretch your fingers under the table and pinch yourself if necessary to stay awake.
4、Have Creative Questions to Ask
If the interview is in person, shake hands firmly with the interviewer and express your pleasure in meeting that person. Thank him or her for taking the time to interview you, and be sure to send a thank-you note later. Although these points may seem minute, they will enhance the impression you make on others.
If you’re shy,asking creative questions may be a challenge, but it is a challenge you must face. Comment on something that you observed that day. If there has been something memorable at the institution during the past few years, ask what they thought about it. What did it mean to the faculty and students? What makes them proud of working there of proud of their students? How do they see their school adapting to specific changes in the way medicine is practiced?
5、Inspect facilities and environment
Find a site for the virtual interview that offers privacy, is secure and has reliable Wi-Fi, little or no background noise and excellent facial lighting. Be sure to check your Wi-Fi early and recheck it just before the interview. Most computers have cameras, but they may be suboptimal.
The background setting should be a library or academic facility, and your image should be of your head and shoulders. If your university library has individual study rooms, they are often well lit, soundproof and you can put a sign outside letting others know to avoid knocking.
Body language is just as important on camera as in person. Lean toward the camera slightly while sitting up straight, smile and maintain eye contact. It is very obvious if you start looking off in other directions.
6、Practice the Interview
Practice virtually or in person with your premed adviser, friends and/or family. If your interview will be closed file, the person practicing with you doesn’t need to read over your application. If the interview is going to be open file, the interviewer will have access to your application. Offer the application to the person with whom you are practicing so they can ask you about your essay or some of the points on your application that worry you the most.
Practice maintaining focus on the question and your response. If a question rattles you, stop and take a deep breath or take a sip of water as you plan your response. Especially slow down before answering a complex or tricky question.
Avoid flippant answers to tough questions. The interviewers are faculty who have shown commitment to medical education and student well-being. Humility and respect will be remembered.
基本上, 上述要点涵盖了应对面试需要注意的关键点,但对于不同项目的申请会有一些额外需要体现的: