1、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。
2、Johan Wolfgang Goethe: Man errs so long as he strives.德国诗人、剧作家歌德:只要奋斗,人就会犯错。
3、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。
4、Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的结论。
5、The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill.太阳不因照在粪堆上而黯淡。
6、Life is a leaf of paper white, there on each of us may write his word or two.生活就像一张白纸,每个人都可以在其上写上自己的一两句话。
7、Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。
8、Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。
9、Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve.觉得自己做得到和做不到,往往只在一念之间。
10、man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.当后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老了。
11、can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。
12、Because the wound was wanton exhibition, so have lost the pain.
13、One should eat to live, not live to eat.人生应为生而食,不应为食而生。
14、It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it’s even harder to turn love into friendship.让友情变成爱情不是件容易的事,而让爱情变成友情却更困难。
15、Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.人生如一首乐曲,要用乐感、感情和直觉去谱写,不能只按乐律行事。
16、Rabelais: A child is not a vase to filled but a fire to be lit.法国作家拉伯雷:孩子不是一个需要你灌水的瓶子,而是一堆等着你点燃的火焰。
17、Inadvertently found a number of stars, it is my guardian flowers!
18、You know, I love you love to a kind of what kind of realm.
19、guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here.” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you. That’s the guy I want to give my heart to.那个人会在耳边轻声说:没事,我在这。在你悲伤时给你依靠,与你相关的,他都珍视。有这样的人,我爱定了。
20、thing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.做决定是困难的,也因此益发珍贵。
21、My life is not a curse, why I can not go back to the head.
22、Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas.人的一切——面貌、衣着、心灵和思想,都应该是美好的。
23、In the trance, the time is stagnant, the time is good. Just like ten years ago.
24、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. -- R.M. Nixon·命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运 - 尼克松
25、eat merely to put food out of my mind.我吃东西只是为了不再去想食物。
26、Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.别人为食而生存,我为生存而食。——Socrates苏格拉底
27、We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves。 There must be contests, and we must win。我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!
28、Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed.全力以赴,你就会成功。
29、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失败,但也没有失去热情。
30、If you are in full bloom, breeze, if the heart and smile enron.
31、enrich your life today,. yesterday is rrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。
32、Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.宁愿做事不完美,总比完美地不做事要好。
33、everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。(励志歌曲 .)但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。
34、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。
35、Again and again the fate of the fate of the ruthless outcome of the occurrence of time and again.
36、If at the outset I brave, ending is different.如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。
37、love you more than I can say.爱你在心口难开。
38、True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart.真爱不靠眼睛看,要用心感受。
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