去海外留学 关于奖学金
2012-04-25 08:18:43 836478124
奖学金有以下几种(这所有奖学金都可以统称为 Scholarship) :
1.Fellowship:这是大家最喜欢的一种奖学金,不干活白拿钱,而且不用缴税;即使缴的话,税率还比 TA或者 RA低。
2.Tuition Scholarship:帮你出全部或者部分学费。
3.Teaching Assistantship(TA) :助教,一般是 1/2 的助教,教课、改作业、批卷子、组织本科学生讨论,一周一般干 20 小时的活,任务比较固定。1/2 的意思是一周只需要工作 20小时(全职工作是每周 40 个小时,20 个小时正好是 1/2) 。去当 TA,但是没有考过 TSE 的,一般学校会提前给你 TA培训,这一般会要求你要比其他的人提前入学,不过这个培训也是学校出钱,所以不必担心。
4.Research Assistantship(RA) :助研,一般就是帮忙在实验里打工,这个工作的辛苦程度就要看你老板要你去了干什么了,可能没什么活干,那将非常轻松;也可能有很多活,比较累。这个和教授有关。
关于 TA和 RA(有时候统称为 Graduate Assistantship) ,是肯定要缴税的。你一年的薪金,根据中美关于留学生奖学金的协议,前$5000 是不用缴税的,多出的部分要缴联邦税、州税和地方税,同时各州的要求不同,但一般至少也要缴纳 15%。但是在年终,由于学生属于低收入人群, 根据美国法律规定, 要进行一部分的退税, 就是把你缴的税退回一半左右。
Tax is heavy in US. There are federal tax and state tax. Tax will cut 20-30% of your total income every year. Generally, tax is reduced from your payroll check automatically. But there is some exception for Chinese F-1 students. You can fill some forms which mention you are Chinese F-1 student and the type of assistantship you are holding (such as TA, RA and fellowship). For every Chinese F-1 student, their first &5000 income of the year is tax free. If you have a fellowship, your whole fellowship income is tax free, so, fellowship is good not only because it is duty free but also tax free. If you are holding TA or RA and find there is tax reduction in your payroll check, do not worry about it. At the end of the year, you will receive a notice about how much tax has been reduced from your income. Keep this notice. Next year, government will give everyone tax return form to fill out. You can fill out the form which informs the government how much tax it should return. Not all the tax of TA and RA income can get back; you have to check your friend who has filled this tax return form before. Anyway, fellowship is the best; you don't need to worry anything. TA and RA get their payment monthly, but fellowship holder gets their semester payment at the beginning of the semester.
还有一个关于学费的问题。如果你为学校工作,你是 TA 或 RA,那么你就算是该州的resident,只要交 in-state tuition;但是如果你拿的是 fellowship,这时还算是 nonresident,要交 out-state tuition。这个就贵一些了。如果学校给你的是 Assistantship 和 in-state tuition,那你就不需要交钱了;不过学校给你的学费是一定学分的学费,除此之外你如果想多选课(别系的课)的话,就得自己掏钱。
至于奖学金,要事先弄清楚是一年的、两年的,还是一直到毕业的。好多大学是给一年级的新生发 fellowship,以后几年改成 TA或者 RA;也有的就是说只先发第一年的,以后的奖学金要看以后的评定。这个评定一般要求你每年的成绩在 B 以上,不过一般中国学生在那里都很用功,也很辛苦,一直都能通过评定,继续拿奖学金。