2012-04-06 15:07:58 836478124
(U of Wisconsin-Madison)
Design: Sketching and Rendering.
Computer Aided Design
Textile Design
History of Fashion, 1400-Present.
American Decorative Arts and Interiors: 1620-1840
Economic, Social and Psychological Aspects of Housing.
Twentieth Century Design
History of European Interiors
History of American Interiors, 1620-1950
Apparel Design
Textile Design
History of Textiles
Color Theory and Technology
Dimensions of Material Culture
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts
Material Culture Analysis
Color Theory
Environmental Aesthetics
Lighting Design for Architecture
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts
Synthetic Fibers
Interior Design
Art and Clothing
Comparative World Costume
Literature of Design Theory
Seminar in Environment, Textiles, and Design
Seminar in Textile Arts
Seminar in Textile Science
Seminar in Clothing
(Drexel U)
Textile Design
CAD Patternmaking
CAD for Fashion Design
Princ Flat Pattern & Drap
Fashion Design A
Fashion Design B
Drawing for Industry
Fashion Design C
Fashion Design D
Machine Knitting
Accessory Design
Millinery Design
Advanced Fashion Drawing
Fashion Presentation
Fashion Business Topics
Spec Topics Fashion Desgn
Prob Fash Design Phase I
Prob Fash Design Phase II
Comp Exam - Fashion Design
Fashion Design学生毕业后的就业,担任服装设计师;服装造型师;服装打版师;织品设计师;服装企划、陈列设计、经营企划人员;服装生产管理人员;国高中职校服装类家事类教师,以及在流行搭配、流行报导、国际贸易实务等领域一展长才,成为引领服饰流行风潮的先驱。
Cornell University(康奈尔大学)【介绍:康奈尔大学】【我要申请】
Drexel University(德雷塞尔大学)【介绍:德雷塞尔大学】【我要申请】
Michigan State University(密歇根州立大学)【介绍:密歇根州立大学】【我要申请】
Savannah College of Art and Design(萨凡纳艺术设计学院)【介绍:萨凡纳艺术设计学院】【我要申请】
University of Alabama(阿拉巴马大学)【介绍:阿拉巴马大学】【我要申请】
Fashion Institute of Technology(FIT—纽约时装学院)【介绍:纽约时装学院】【我要申请】
University of Wisconsin-Madison(威斯康星大学)【介绍:威斯康星大学】【我要申请】
在申请方面,美国大学服装设计专业除了托福成绩之外(仅小部分学校接受雅思成绩),申请服装设计专业本科需要参加SAT考试,Mater Degree的话,如果是偏设计方面的专业,一般不需要GRE成绩,但也有少部分学校有要求。