(Collective Contract on Labor Safety and Hygiene commonly applies to the enterprises with high criticality, severe occupational hazard and frequent accident, such as construction, chemical, transportation, metallurgy, mine field, and so on.
第一条 本合同由___ (单位)与___ 工会根据《劳动法》、《安全生产法》、《职业病防治法》等法律法规以及省、市有关条例规定,结合本企业实际情况,经企业代表和职工代表协商一致签订。
Article 1 The contract is established between____ and the Trade Union of ____ in accordance with “Labor Law”, “Safe Production Law”, “Occupational Disease Prevention and Cure Law” and related provincial and municipal regulations, based on the actual situation and subject to the equal consultation between Company’s representative and employees’ representative.
Company must strengthen the production safety management according to relevant laws and regulations. Company should set up the system of job responsibility and the system of safe production and hygiene, organize to work out internal rules and regulation, operational instructions, post operation rules as well as the emergency solution for production accident.
Company should gradually improve the working environment. It should designedly modify the facilities for safe production and hygiene, afford fund and insure its special use.
Company should organize education and training on safe production and hygiene while people who fail or have not attended the safety training are not allowed for operation. Operators designed to special positions can start work only after obtaining the related qualification.
Company should provide personal protective equipment of national and industry standards, according to different position requirements. Company is entitled to give opinions and investigate the liabilities of the employees who don’t dress or use the protective equipment according to the requirements.
Company should organize the employees directly engaged in toxic and hazardous operations to take the health checkup before and after the related work, and individual health files are archived for operators of this nature. Scheduled health checkup should also be carried out for the employees of other positions. The result of occupational disease checkup should be announced to trade union.
Company should cover the employees with industrial injury insurance in accordance with the law by national, provincial and municipal requirements and time limits, as well in full and on time pay the cost of industrial injury insurance. Medical expenses and wages for workers suffering from occupational diseases or work-related injuries should be paid according to the national, provincial and municipal implementation of the relevant provisions.
The occurrence of industrial injury and serious occupational hazard during production process should be reported timely to Trade Union; Trade Union is entitled to inquire into the case and give opinions, and furthermore investigate the liabilities of people in charge.
The Trade Union should take pert in the studying and amending rules and regulations on labor health and safe production, as well as safety techniques; any major issues concerning employees’ safety and health should be consulted and approved by the Employees Representative Convention.
Trade Union should support the Company to strengthen production safety management, actively assist the Company in the implementation of health and safe production rules and regulation. Trade union has the responsibility of educating workers to strictly abide by the rules and regulations related to industrial safety, the responsibility of educating and organizing employees to receive safety techniques training and management.
Trade Union is entitled to correct improper instruction and stop the operation and proposes the solutions when workers take the risk or apparent danger or occupational hazards are observed; the Company should make the decision and action thereafter. Trade Union is authorized to evacuate employees out of the dangerous places when their lives are expected to the hazard.
Other issues regard to health and labor safety put forward by Company and employees for further consulting.
第二条 本合同由集体合同监督检查小组负责监督,企业应每年不少于一次向职工代表大会(职工大会)报告劳动安全卫生协议履行情况。
Article 2 The supervision group of the collective contract is responsible for superintending the execution of the present contract. Company should report the implementation of the contract to the Employees Representative Convention at least once every year.
第三条 本合同有效期为 年,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,并于期满前三个月内进行下一轮劳动安全卫生集体协商。
Article 3 The validity of the contract is ____ y(s), starting from ____ to ____, and the next round of consultation on health and labor safety shall begin within 3 months before the expiry thereof.
第四条 本合同一式四份,双方各执一份,一份由劳动保障行政部门存档,一份报上级工会备案,并在10日内向全体职工公布。
Article 4 The contract is made in four copies, each party holding one, Labor and Social Security Bureau and the superior trade union holding one each and should be announced to all employees within 10 days.
甲方首席协商代表 乙方首席协商代表
Chief Representative from Party A Chief Representative from Party B
(签字盖章 Signature and Stamp) (签字盖章Signature and Stamp)
年 月 日 年 月 日
The date of ___ The date of ___
劳动合同 | 无固定期限劳动合同 | 聘用合同 | 劳务合同 | 用工合同