


  例1:I have always been fascinated by the English Language, and this has fuelled my love of reading, writing and telling stories that I’ve had since I was a child. Throughout secondary school and college, my knowledge and interests surrounding English have grown. I have read and analysed texts from a variety of genres and…

  例2:Ever since I have been able to, I have enjoyed writing and telling stories. I believe that writing gives me the freedom to live purely in my own imagination and to explore my creativity that I can’t receive from any other medium. I have always been influenced by my favourite writers and the way that they can influence readers’ thoughts, emotions and imagination through the art of writing.



  例1:II have always been fascinated by Law and intrigued by the developments within the subject. It is a vital part of our society, and how we grow up understanding what is right and wrong morally and ethically. It is an important part of our culture and development as human beings, and I want to be a part of it.

  例2:I remember when I decided I wanted to study law at university. I was reading a newspaper and realised that almost every news article was related to law. It is amazing how that his system is at the heart of everything we know and do and affects our daily lives to the extent that it does.



  例1:Mathematics has always made me curious, and I feel that I have always had a flair for the subject as I have enjoyed it at every stage of education. It is a pivotal subject that others depend on greatly, such as chemistry and physics. I enjoy knowing that there are formulas, structures and codes to crack throughout the subject and I always enjoy looking for the answer.

  例2:I have always been quite studious, and I believe this is why I enjoy studying Mathematics as much as I do. I feel that we are a perfect fit as I prefer everything to be in order and admire that it is full of undisputed answers that are my job to find. I love to absorb information and Mathematics is the perfect subject for me to expand my mind even further.



  例1:The Media is now one of the most important factors of our everyday lives and the study of the subject should be taken very seriously. I have always been fascinated by the idea of the media and how it has such an amazing impact on our culture, from smartphone apps to the advertising we glimpse at while sitting on the train. It is an influential subject area that now has embedded its roots to each and every one of us, and I want to be there to watch it grow. There are many arguments surrounding the impact of the media, as it either shapes the world around us, or reflects the society that lives in it. I believe that it is a beautiful mixture of the two and that the relationship we have with the media is not only complicated and confusing, but in most cases life-changing.



  例1:The first time I visited London I fell down a few stairs when trying to get to the tube station. I remember there were crowds of people around me and nobody stopped to help me up. This event stirred up several questions I had about the science of our brains and how we communicate with each other as humans. Since then I have strived to understand our behaviours better.

  例2:Although I have only studied Psychology at A Level, I feel that it has expanded my thinking and abilities so greatly that I wish to continue to degree level. There are so many different fields of this subject available to specialise in, and as psychology surrounds us all every day, I want to understand it better.



  例1:Politics has always been a passion of mine since becoming involved within the school debate team and being voted Student Rep at my school. I enjoy speaking to my fellow students, discussing their issues that affect their daily lives and planning on how to change them. The world is continuously changing, and I want to become involved in the interactions that affect current and future generations.

  例2:I follow many current affairs programmes on television and read the ‘Economist’ whenever I can. I have always had a strong interest in the world and who is in it, but mostly always on a global scale. I feel that by studying Politics and being well read in current affairs will help me understand how the world works together better.









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英国留学申请材料 怎样准备出国留学陈述


英国留学文书要求 怎样准备个人陈述















