

  Every year, thousands of individuals apply to medical schools across the U.S. While the majority are American citizens or permanent residents, international students also apply.The Association of American Medical Colleges reports that in 2014 almost 2,000 international applicants sought admission to U.S. medical schools and 409 secured acceptances.All things considered, these numbers are encouraging and should give international applicants hope that they can attend medical school in the U.S. However, the admissions process is difficult and requires careful planning.Here are four steps to follow to help you succeed in gaining admission to a U.S. medical school.



  1. Know where to apply: Not all U.S. medical schools accept international students. According to 2014 AAMC data, 62 medical schools stated they would accept international students' applications.Before you apply, make sure you have reviewed the admissions requirements for each school. Identify the institutions that accept international applicants and find out their requirements.>>>2018年QS美国最佳医学院排名TOP100



  2. Complete academic requirements: Almost all U.S. medical schools recommend that applicants have a bachelor's degree, and many require it. As an international applicant, you will be at a significant competitive disadvantage if you do not have a bachelor's degree.Undergraduate coursework in the U.S. will give you a stronger advantage. Keep in mind that the American Medical College Application Service will not accept foreign education transcripts, verify them or calculate a grade point average.Because of this, almost all U.S. medical schools require international applicants to complete coursework in America before applying. Some require a year of U.S.-based coursework, while others ask that all medical school prerequisites be completed in the U.S.Virtually all schools treat coursework from Canada the same as the U.S. Stanford University states on its website that courses taken at an accredited institution in the United Kingdom are also acceptable.Before applying to U.S. medical schools, try to complete one to two years of university-level education in the U.S. with a focus on prerequisites and upper-division biology courses. Make sure you take these courses at a four-year university and not a community college. A postbaccalaureate program or a graduate science program is also a good option and acceptable at many schools.>>>2018年美国医学院申请准备须知



  3. Gain clinical and service-based experience: American medical schools seek applicants who have developed an understanding of the medical profession by working in the clinical setting alongside physicians. They also look for applicants who have demonstrated a passion for service, especially to the underserved.It is a good idea to get started on these experiences before moving to the U.S., but it is absolutely crucial to continue these activities in America before applying to medical school.You want to show medical schools that you are familiar with the American health care system and the work culture in this country. You can achieve this by participating in clinical and community-service based activities. These experiences in America can also serve as a valuable way to improve your language skills, particularly in developing strong patient communication abilities, which are crucial to your success as a medical student.



  4. Hone English proficiency for the MCAT: While your English proficiency will affect your medical school studies, it will also play a key role in how you perform on the MCAT, which requires strong critical reading skills.For the MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills and the Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior sections, you are expected to read, understand and analyze English text on a broad range of topics. Work hard to improve your language skills by taking courses in English writing and literature, reading books in English and expanding your communication skills.Accomplishing these four tasks can seem daunting, but if you are set on training at a U.S. medical school, they are achievable.


  If you're an aspiring medical student hoping to attend a U.S. medical school and you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you have probably heard that it's extremely difficult for international students to be admitted to or pay for a U.S. medical school.


  The biggest difficulty students from overseas, or those without certain legal residency statuses, face is the inability to access federal student loan funding. The Yale website also notes that scholarships to attend medical school are rare for even U.S. applicants, let alone those from abroad.Association of American Medical Colleges admissions statistics from 2011 note that 88.4 percent of foreign applicants didn't matriculate to a U.S. institution, versus a range of approximately 40 percent to 60 percent of applicants from each U.S. state. Public institutions, it also emphasized, rarely admit out-of-state U.S. applicants, and virtually no international ones, due to funding constraints.

  If you want to attend an American medical school, what is the best strategy?



  1. Research early: This may sound obvious, but depending on your stage in the medical school search process, thorough research can be very important to avoid potential disappointment or missed opportunities.It is important to decide, for example, where you want to complete your undergraduate work. Determining the financial aid policies for international students at your schools of choice is even more important, as some schools require four years of tuition deposited up front into an escrow (or third party) account, or proof of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets.If schools do not specifically require financial information, it may be needed anyway to apply for a F-1 student visa.A good place to start is the website of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, which provides a comprehensive list of school-specific policies regarding how they define "international students" and what opportunities may be available to those students.

  1.早期研究,这听起来可能很明显,但根据你在医学院校搜索过程中的阶段,深入的研究对于避免潜在的失望或错过的机会非常重要。例如,决定你想在哪里完成你的本科工作是很重要的。在你选择的学校里,决定国际学生的经济援助政策更为重要,因为有些学校需要四年的学费,放在一个托管账户(或第三方)账户上,或者证明有数十万美元的资产。如果学校没有特别要求财务信息,那么可能需要申请f - 1学生签证。一个良好的开端是全国健康职业顾问协会的网站,该网站提供了一份关于他们如何定义“国际学生”的学校具体政策的综合清单,以及这些学生可以获得哪些机会。

  2. Consider completing some coursework in the U.S.: The schools that do admit international applicants typically require a bachelor's degree issued by a U.S. institution, or at least one year of U.S.-based coursework. The schools prefer that the coursework at a U.S. school be in the sciences.If you are already finishing, or have finished, your undergraduate degree outside the United States—or Canada for some schools—it may be worth your while to plan a year of coursework at an American institution. That will help you not only meet requirements and open doors to applying to more schools, but it will also help you determine whether studying in the United States is ultimately right for you.


  3. Consider M.D./Ph.D. programs: Because slots for these positions are usually fully funded, due to the Ph.D. component, international students are generally thought to fare slightly better in gaining admission and funding for pursuing a medical education through this route in the United States.However, international students are subject to the same requirements, must have a solid research track record, and should be committed to a career as a physician-scientist. Schools value applicants' career ambitions heavily, as it can cost more than $350,000 to train students in these programs. A list of institutions offering positions via the Medical Scientist Training Program is available through the National Institutes of Health.Don't be discouraged if you are determined to attend a medical school in the United States. In 2011, 174 non-U.S. applicants matriculated at a U.S. medical school, according to the AAMC.Many schools have the same admissions standards for domestic and foreign applicants and would offer admission in the same manner, although for foreign admits, they are contingent on financing. There are also school-specific loan programs, such as at Yale, in addition to programs offered by major banks, some of which require American cosigners. Ibrahim Busnaina, M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and coauthor of "Examkrackers' How to Get Into Medical School." He has been consulting with prospective medical school applicants, with a special focus on minority and other nontraditional candidates, since 2006.

  3.考虑医学博士课程,由于这些职位的名额通常是全额资助的,由于博士学位的原因,国际学生一般认为在美国通过这条途径获得入学和资助来进行医学教育的费用会稍好一些。然而,国际学生也有同样的要求,必须有扎实的研究记录,并应致力于成为一名物理学家。学校重视申请者的职业抱负,因为在这些项目中培训学生花费超过35万美元。一份通过医学科学家培训计划提供职位的机构名单可通过美国国立卫生研究院获得。如果你决定上美国的一所医学院,不要灰心。2011年,174美国。据美国amc电视台报道,美国医学院的申请者的录取标准许多学校对国内外申请者都有相同的入学标准,并且会以同样的方式录取学生,尽管会录取外国学生,但是也是有条件的。此外,除了各大银行提供的项目之外,耶鲁大学还开设了一些特定于学校的贷款项目,其中一些项目需要美国的共同签署人。Ibrahim Busnaina医学博士是宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的毕业生,同时也是《如何进入医学院》的合著者。自2006年以来,他一直在咨询未来的医学院申请者,特别关注少数族裔和其他非传统的候选人。












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