

  For the U.S. News rankings of the Best Medical Schools for Research, the 140 medical schools fully accredited in 2016 by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education and the 30 schools of osteopathic medicine fully accredited in 2016 by the American Osteopathic Association were surveyed in fall 2016 and early 2017. Of those schools, 118 responded and provided the data needed to calculate the rankings based on the indicators used in the medical school research model.The same 170 medical schools were surveyed at the same time for the primary care rankings, and the same 118 schools provided the data needed to calculate those rankings.

  U.S. News最佳研究生医学院排名,是在2016年秋季和2016年初调查了2016年完全认可的140所医学院教育联络委员会和骨科医学的30所学校充分认可2016年美国骨科协会之后而得出的相应的排名。在我们调查的学校中,有118家做出了回应,并提供了根据医学院研究模型所使用的指标来计算排名所需的数据。同时对170所医学院进行了初级保健排名的调查,118所学校提供了计算这些排名所需的数据。这两个排名都是基于一个加权平均的指标,下面列出。医学院的研究模式基于8个指标,初级护理模型基于7个指标。在研究和初级护理的排名模型中使用了4个数据指标。这些数据包括是学生选择性入学统计(MCAT,GPA和学校的录取率)和教员学生比率。研究活动中的医学院校研究模型因素;医学院初级护理模式增加了医学硕士毕业生进入初级保健专业的比例。>>>2018年QS美国最佳医学院排名TOP100



  In fall 2016, medical and osteopathic school deans, deans of academic affairs and heads of internal medicine or directors of admissions were asked to rate programs on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding). Those individuals who did not know enough about a school to evaluate it fairly were asked to mark "don't know."Respondents were asked to rate program quality for both research and primary care programs separately on a single survey instrument. Thirty-two percent of those surveyed responded.A school's score is the average rating of all the respondents who rated it; average scores were then sorted in descending order. Responses of "don't know" counted neither for nor against a school.



  In fall 2016, as in previous years, residency program directors were also asked to rate programs using the same five-point scale on two separate survey instruments.One survey dealt with research and was sent to a sample of residency program directors in fields outside primary care, including surgery, psychiatry and radiology. The other survey involved primary care and was sent to residency directors designated by schools as mainly involved in the primary care fields of family practice, pediatrics and internal medicine.Survey recipients were asked to rate programs on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding). Those individuals who did not know enough about a program to evaluate it fairly were asked to mark "don't know."A school's score is the average rating of all the respondents who rated it in the three most recent years of survey results.




  This is measured by the total dollar amount of NIH research grants awarded to the medical school and its affiliated hospitals, averaged for 2015 and 2016. An asterisk next to this data point in the rankings tables on usnews.com indicates that the medical school did not include grants to any affiliated hospitals in its 2016 total.In the rankings of research medical schools, the weighting of the total dollar amount of grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health and of NIH grant funding per faculty member was set so that each accounts for 0.15 of the overall score.



  This is measured by the dollar amount of NIH research grants awarded to the medical school and its affiliated hospitals per full-time faculty member, averaged over 2015 and 2016. Both full-time basic sciences and clinical faculty were used in the faculty count. An asterisk next to this data point in the rankings tables indicates that the medical school did not include grants to any affiliated hospitals in its 2016 total.Primary Care Rate (0.30 in the primary care medical school model only; not used in research medical school ranking model).The percentage of a school's M.D. or D.O. graduates entering primary care residencies in the fields of family practice, pediatrics and internal medicine was averaged over 2014, 2015 and 2016.




  This is the median total Medical College Admission Test score of the 2016 entering class. In this year's rankings, both the new MCAT that was implemented starting in April 2015 and the old MCAT were used in the rankings to compute the MCAT score indicator.For both MCAT measures used in the ranking calculations, the median total scores for both the new and old versions were first converted to a common percentile scale and weighted by the proportion of the fall 2016 entering class who reported each test.On usnews.com, only users with a U.S. News Medical School Compass subscription can view the new and old MCAT scores.



  This is the median undergraduate grade-point average of the 2016 entering class.



  This is the proportion of applicants for the 2016 entering class who were offered admission.Faculty resources (0.10 in the research medical school model; 0.15 in the primary care medical school model): Faculty resources were measured as the ratio of full-time science and full-time clinical faculty to full-time M.D. or D.O. students in 2016.This year, U.S. News used a logarithmic transformation of the original value for the faculty-student ratio since it had a skewed distribution. This logarithmic manipulation rescaled the data and allowed for a more normalized and uniform spread of values across the indicator.After this indicator was normalized using a log value, its indicator z-score was calculated from the log values. In statistics, a z-score is a standardized score that indicates how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean of that variable. This transformation of the data is essential when combining diverse information into a single ranking because it allows for fair comparisons between the different types of data.

  报名参加2016年入学申请的人数比例。教师资源(研究医学模式的0.10;0.15在初级护理医学学校模型中:教师资源是作为全日制科学和全日制临床教员在2016年全职医学博士或D.O.学生的比率。今年,《U.S. News》使用的是教员学生比率的原始价值的对数转换,因为它的分布是不对称的。这个对数操作重新调整了数据,并允许在整个指示器上实现更规范化、更均匀的值分布。在使用日志值对该指示器进行规范化之后,它的指示器z分数是从日志值中计算出来的。在统计学中,z分数是一个标准化的分数,表示一个数据点从这个变量的平均值中有多少个标准差。当将不同的信息组合成一个排序时,数据的这种转换非常重要,因为它允许对不同类型的数据进行公平的比较。


  Overall Rank;Indicators were standardized about their means, and standardized scores were weighted, totaled and rescaled so that the top school received 100; other schools received their percentage of the top score. Medical schools were then numerically ranked in descending order based on their scores.


  Specialty Rankings:These rankings, which include rural medicine and women's health, are based solely on ratings by medical school deans and senior faculty from the list of schools surveyed. They each identified up to 10 schools offering the best programs in each specialty area.Those schools receiving the most votes in each specialty are numerically ranked in descending order based on the number of nominations they received, as long as the school or program received seven or more nominations in that specialty area. This means that schools ranked at the bottom of each specialty ranking have received at least seven nominations.


  Rank Not Published:For both research medical schools and primary care medical schools, we have numerically ranked the top three-fourths of the schools. The bottom quarter of the research medical schools and primary care medical schools are listed as Rank Not Published.Rank Not Published means that U.S. News calculated a numerical rank for that school but decided for editorial reasons not to publish it. U.S. News will supply schools listed as Rank Not Published with their numerical ranks if they submit a request following the procedures listed in the Information for School Officials.Schools marked as Ranked Not Published are listed alphabetically.

  未公布的排名:无论是研究医学院还是初级保健医学院,我们都在数字上排名前四分之三的学校。研究医学院校和初级保健医学院的下四分之一被列为未发表的排名。排名没有公布意味着U.S. News 为该学校计算了一个数字排名,但决定不公布它的编辑理由。U.S. News 将向被列为排名没有公布的学校提供排名,如果他们按照学校官员信息中列出的程序提交申请。未公布的学校按字母顺序排列。

  Unranked:If a school is marked as Unranked, that means that U.S. News did not calculate a numerical rank because the school did not supply enough key statistical data to be numerically ranked. Unranked schools are listed alphabetically below those marked as Rank Not Published.

  不排名:如果一所学校被标记为未排名,那就意味着U.S. News 拍种种没有计算出一个数字排名,因为学校没有提供足够的关键统计数据进行数字排名。未排名的学校按字母顺序排列位于在未公布具体排名大学的下方。
















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  For the U.S. News rankings of the Best Medical Schools for Research, the 140 medical schools fully accredited in 2016 by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education and the 30 schools of osteopathic medicine fully accredited in 2016 by the American Osteopathic Association were surveyed in fall 2016 and early 2017. Of those schools, 118 responded and provided the data needed to calculate the rankings based on the indicators used in the medical school research model.The same 170 medical schools were surveyed at the same time for the primary care rankings, and the same 118 schools provided the data needed to calculate those rankings.

  U.S. News最佳研究生医学院排名,是在2016年秋季和2016年初调查了2016年完全认可的140所医学院教育联络委员会和骨科医学的30所学校充分认可2016年美国骨科协会之后而得出的相应的排名。在我们调查的学校中,有118家做出了回应,并提供了根据医学院研究模型所使用的指标来计算排名所需的数据。同时对170所医学院进行了初级保健排名的调查,118所学校提供了计算这些排名所需的数据。这两个排名都是基于一个加权平均的指标,下面列出。医学院的研究模式基于8个指标,初级护理模型基于7个指标。在研究和初级护理的排名模型中使用了4个数据指标。这些数据包括是学生选择性入学统计(MCAT,GPA和学校的录取率)和教员学生比率。研究活动中的医学院校研究模型因素;医学院初级护理模式增加了医学硕士毕业生进入初级保健专业的比例。>>>2018年QS美国最佳医学院排名TOP100



  In fall 2016, medical and osteopathic school deans, deans of academic affairs and heads of internal medicine or directors of admissions were asked to rate programs on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding). Those individuals who did not know enough about a school to evaluate it fairly were asked to mark "don't know."Respondents were asked to rate program quality for both research and primary care programs separately on a single survey instrument. Thirty-two percent of those surveyed responded.A school's score is the average rating of all the respondents who rated it; average scores were then sorted in descending order. Responses of "don't know" counted neither for nor against a school.



  In fall 2016, as in previous years, residency program directors were also asked to rate programs using the same five-point scale on two separate survey instruments.One survey dealt with research and was sent to a sample of residency program directors in fields outside primary care, including surgery, psychiatry and radiology. The other survey involved primary care and was sent to residency directors designated by schools as mainly involved in the primary care fields of family practice, pediatrics and internal medicine.Survey recipients were asked to rate programs on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding). Those individuals who did not know enough about a program to evaluate it fairly were asked to mark "don't know."A school's score is the average rating of all the respondents who rated it in the three most recent years of survey results.




  This is measured by the total dollar amount of NIH research grants awarded to the medical school and its affiliated hospitals, averaged for 2015 and 2016. An asterisk next to this data point in the rankings tables on usnews.com indicates that the medical school did not include grants to any affiliated hospitals in its 2016 total.In the rankings of research medical schools, the weighting of the total dollar amount of grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health and of NIH grant funding per faculty member was set so that each accounts for 0.15 of the overall score.



  This is measured by the dollar amount of NIH research grants awarded to the medical school and its affiliated hospitals per full-time faculty member, averaged over 2015 and 2016. Both full-time basic sciences and clinical faculty were used in the faculty count. An asterisk next to this data point in the rankings tables indicates that the medical school did not include grants to any affiliated hospitals in its 2016 total.Primary Care Rate (0.30 in the primary care medical school model only; not used in research medical school ranking model).The percentage of a school's M.D. or D.O. graduates entering primary care residencies in the fields of family practice, pediatrics and internal medicine was averaged over 2014, 2015 and 2016.




  This is the median total Medical College Admission Test score of the 2016 entering class. In this year's rankings, both the new MCAT that was implemented starting in April 2015 and the old MCAT were used in the rankings to compute the MCAT score indicator.For both MCAT measures used in the ranking calculations, the median total scores for both the new and old versions were first converted to a common percentile scale and weighted by the proportion of the fall 2016 entering class who reported each test.On usnews.com, only users with a U.S. News Medical School Compass subscription can view the new and old MCAT scores.



  This is the median undergraduate grade-point average of the 2016 entering class.



  This is the proportion of applicants for the 2016 entering class who were offered admission.Faculty resources (0.10 in the research medical school model; 0.15 in the primary care medical school model): Faculty resources were measured as the ratio of full-time science and full-time clinical faculty to full-time M.D. or D.O. students in 2016.This year, U.S. News used a logarithmic transformation of the original value for the faculty-student ratio since it had a skewed distribution. This logarithmic manipulation rescaled the data and allowed for a more normalized and uniform spread of values across the indicator.After this indicator was normalized using a log value, its indicator z-score was calculated from the log values. In statistics, a z-score is a standardized score that indicates how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean of that variable. This transformation of the data is essential when combining diverse information into a single ranking because it allows for fair comparisons between the different types of data.

  报名参加2016年入学申请的人数比例。教师资源(研究医学模式的0.10;0.15在初级护理医学学校模型中:教师资源是作为全日制科学和全日制临床教员在2016年全职医学博士或D.O.学生的比率。今年,《U.S. News》使用的是教员学生比率的原始价值的对数转换,因为它的分布是不对称的。这个对数操作重新调整了数据,并允许在整个指示器上实现更规范化、更均匀的值分布。在使用日志值对该指示器进行规范化之后,它的指示器z分数是从日志值中计算出来的。在统计学中,z分数是一个标准化的分数,表示一个数据点从这个变量的平均值中有多少个标准差。当将不同的信息组合成一个排序时,数据的这种转换非常重要,因为它允许对不同类型的数据进行公平的比较。


  Overall Rank;Indicators were standardized about their means, and standardized scores were weighted, totaled and rescaled so that the top school received 100; other schools received their percentage of the top score. Medical schools were then numerically ranked in descending order based on their scores.


  Specialty Rankings:These rankings, which include rural medicine and women's health, are based solely on ratings by medical school deans and senior faculty from the list of schools surveyed. They each identified up to 10 schools offering the best programs in each specialty area.Those schools receiving the most votes in each specialty are numerically ranked in descending order based on the number of nominations they received, as long as the school or program received seven or more nominations in that specialty area. This means that schools ranked at the bottom of each specialty ranking have received at least seven nominations.


  Rank Not Published:For both research medical schools and primary care medical schools, we have numerically ranked the top three-fourths of the schools. The bottom quarter of the research medical schools and primary care medical schools are listed as Rank Not Published.Rank Not Published means that U.S. News calculated a numerical rank for that school but decided for editorial reasons not to publish it. U.S. News will supply schools listed as Rank Not Published with their numerical ranks if they submit a request following the procedures listed in the Information for School Officials.Schools marked as Ranked Not Published are listed alphabetically.

  未公布的排名:无论是研究医学院还是初级保健医学院,我们都在数字上排名前四分之三的学校。研究医学院校和初级保健医学院的下四分之一被列为未发表的排名。排名没有公布意味着U.S. News 为该学校计算了一个数字排名,但决定不公布它的编辑理由。U.S. News 将向被列为排名没有公布的学校提供排名,如果他们按照学校官员信息中列出的程序提交申请。未公布的学校按字母顺序排列。

  Unranked:If a school is marked as Unranked, that means that U.S. News did not calculate a numerical rank because the school did not supply enough key statistical data to be numerically ranked. Unranked schools are listed alphabetically below those marked as Rank Not Published.

  不排名:如果一所学校被标记为未排名,那就意味着U.S. News 拍种种没有计算出一个数字排名,因为学校没有提供足够的关键统计数据进行数字排名。未排名的学校按字母顺序排列位于在未公布具体排名大学的下方。





