It may be small, but in the realms of higher education and research, Singapore is a big hitter. A whole series of global reports have recognized Singapore as a world leader in research and innovation over the past few decades. In recent years, it’s been ranked seventh in the 2015 INSEAD Global Innovation Index, third in IMD’s 2014 World Competitiveness Rankings and second in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report for 2014-15.Within this context of global competitiveness and innovation, universities in Singapore are also gaining growing recognition, as Asian nations more generally strengthen their position in the global education market. Singapore’s two leading universities are now both ranked within the world’s top 15, and the city itself is ranked 14th in the QS Best Student Cities 2017, reflecting its combination of educational excellence, high quality of life, and diverse student community.
新加坡在你的眼中可能很小,但在高等教育和研究领域,新加坡却是一个很棒的选择。在过去的几十年里,一系列全球报告承认新加坡是世界研究和创新的领导者。近年来,新加坡在2015年欧洲工商管理学院全球创新指数排名第七,在IMD 2014年世界竞争力排名中排名第3名,在2014 - 2015年世界经济论坛全球竞争力报告中排名第二。在全球竞争力和创新的背景下,随着亚洲国家在全球教育市场上的地位越来越普遍,新加坡的大学也获得了越来越多的认可。新加坡的两所顶尖大学现在都在世界排名前15位,城市本身也在2017年QS世界最佳学生城市排名第14位,这反映了其卓越的教育水平、高质量的生活和多样化的学生群体。
There are 34 universities in Singapore, of which six are national. The two best-known, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) both feature very highly in the QS World University Rankings® 2018, offering courses in a wide range of subjects to their student populations of over 30,000 each.
1.南洋理工大学Nanyang Technological University
Previously ranked only one place down from NUS, NTU overtook NUS in 2018 to now be Singapore’s highest-ranked university in both the QS World University Rankings® and the QS Asia University Rankings, ranked 11th in the world and first in Asia. NTU is highly regarded for its engineering courses, and in the QS World University Rankings by Subject it’s in the global top five for the broad subject area of engineering & technology, and is also ranked for civil engineering. In recent developments, NTU enrolled the first batch of students at its new Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in the summer of 2013, as part of a collaborative venture with the UK’s Imperial College London.
2.新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore
Singapore’s global superstar, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is currently ranked 15th in the QS World University Rankings, and second in the QS Asia University Rankings 2018. Within the QS World University Rankings by Subject, NUS displays a breadth of high performance which can be rivalled by very few universities in the world. The school is now ranked seventh in the world for the engineering and technology broad subject area, and eighth for chemical engineering. It’s also within the top 10 for social sciences & management.Trying to decide between NUS and NTU? Read a comparison of these two top universities in Singapore here.
3.新加坡管理大学Singapore Management University
Offering a more specialized range of subjects, Singapore Management University is another of Singapore’s best known institutions, ranking among the world’s leading providers of education in the fields of accounting and finance, computer science, economics, law and statistics.Ranked 441-450 in the World University Rankings and 71st in Asia, the university also places within the global top 100 for accounting and finance and business and management in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017.
新加坡管理大学是新加坡最著名的学府之一,在会计和金融、计算机科学、经济学、法律和统计学等领域都有不凡的成绩。新加坡管理大学在世界大学排名中排名第441 - 450为,在亚洲排名第71位。在QS世界大学排名中,新加坡管理大学在会计和金融、商业和管理方面也名列全球前100名。
Singapore is also home to a selection of recently established collaborative institutions, bringing together universities in Singapore with leading universities around the world. One example is the Singapore University of Technology and Design, developed in partnership with the US’s Massachusetts Institute of Technology and China’s Zhejiang University. Yale-NUS College is another international collaboration, launched in 2011 as the first liberal arts college in Singapore, as a partnership between the National University of Singapore and Yale University. These collaborations reflect a wider focus on internationalization and innovation among universities in Singapore, which is generating a growing selection of exciting options for prospective students.
A crowded, yet safe and efficient city state, Singapore is one of the four “Asian Tiger” economies, along with South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, a group known for enjoying rapid economic growth in the second half of the twentieth century.This fast development and prosperity has also given Singapore a population density among the world’s highest, with the allure of such a strident economy and the ease of doing business proving hard to resist for many immigrants. It is also known for its cleanliness – famously, you aren’t allowed to chew gum in Singapore, to ensure none ends up on the pavements – as well as for its punctual public transport and clear roads filled with gleaming automobiles, for which time-limited certificates of entitlement must be purchased. Singapore also has very strict laws against drug use, leading to one of the lowest rates of drug use in the world.
Singapore’s strong economy and high quality of living is accompanied by correspondingly high living costs, and some of the highest tuition fees in Asia. However, it’s still a relatively inexpensive option when comparing tuition costs internationally. Annual fees currently average around S$14,000 (~US$10,000), but be aware that depending on the prominence of the university and the type of program you undertake, you may end up paying considerably more. The good news is that more than half of international students receive some form of financial aid.
In order to study in Singapore as an international student, you will need to apply directly to your chosen institution. So your first port of call, to check deadlines, application procedures and any other details, will be with the institution itself – consult the official website, and contact the international office directly with any questions. There may be limitations on how many courses you can apply for at any given institution, so make sure you check the fine print.
International students wishing to study in Singapore will need a student visa. This will be issued along with your letter of approval (also known as your in-principal approval or IPA) once your application has been accepted by a recognized university. Your application is subject to previous recognized qualifications, evidence of the required paperwork, and proof of sufficient English language skills.While this automatic issuance means you do not have to worry about applying for your student visa, you will have to apply to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for a Student Pass within two weeks of getting accepted. This also has to be no earlier than two months before and no later than one month prior to the start of your course. You will have to do this through the Student’s Pass Online Application & Registration System, known as SOLAR, which the institution at which you have been accepted will register you with.
在网上申请你的学生通行证,登录到太阳能,你的学校提供了注册信息,并填写和提交eForm 16通过太阳能。这将需要有效的护照细节,你大学的地址,你的电子邮件地址和一张最近的照片。抵达后完成此过程,您需要预约ICA和把你的登陆/登船卡进入新加坡,拿着照片,打印签名和eForm 16日完成一份初步你的批准,和最近的医疗报告正确的形式。在收集学生通行证时,必须提供一份签署的条款和条件表格。当你提交申请时,你将被收取30元(22美元)的费用,而当通行证发出时,你将收取60美元(合43美元)。你的学生通行证将允许你在学校假期全职工作和为大多数学生一个星期最多的工作时间为16小时。
Both domestic and international students are also eligible to apply to the Singaporean Ministry of Education for a tuition grant, after having been offered a place on a course. This covers much of the costs of university tuition fees. In return for this grant, however, international students must sign a bond committing themselves to work for a Singapore-registered company for at least three years after completing their degree, in order to ensure the country benefits from the skills of those it educates. The period of this bond is longer for students of medicine and dentistry (five or six years).