

  Straddling the South China Sea and home to an array of cultures, a diverse geography and a futuristic capital city, Malaysia is a truly unique country, in both its landscapes and its citizens.Choose to study in Malaysia and you’ll discover that the country’s natural beauty extends way beyond its ancient rainforests, national parks and glorious beaches. In the cities too, there’s plenty to keep all the senses occupied, from colorful and varied markets to the mosques, Buddhist temples and Hindu shrines that are often found side by side, and the profusion of annual festivals celebrating both traditional and modern aspects of Malaysian culture.



  Malaysia is home to several international branch campuses of universities from other countries, a plan aimed at expanding and improving the country’s range of higher education options. Existing branch campuses include those operated by the UK’s University of Nottingham and Australia’s Monash University. Malaysia’s investment in branch campuses has resulted in the new EduCity development in Johor, at the southernmost tip of Peninsular Malaysia, just 5km north of Singapore. Due to be completed in 2018, this 350-acre campus will be shared by eight international branches run by leading universities from around the world.



  UPM has continued to improve in the 2018 rankings, up from 270th to 229th, and is still the second highest-ranked university in Malaysia. Located mainly in Serdang, it’s considered one of the country’s leading research universities and was originally founded in 1931 as a school of agriculture. This legacy is reflected in its performance in the subject rankings. Of the 19 subjects in which UPM is internationally ranked, it appears within the top 100 for agriculture and forestry.



  Located in Bangi, Selangor, approximately 35km south of Kuala Lumpur city center, the UKM is ranked joint 230th in the world. Hosting a student community of almost 27,000, the school boasts particularly strong programs in the fields of education, politics, engineering, law and mathematics. The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia also has a graduate school on its main campus and a medical school located in the suburb of Cheras, with a branch campus within the capital.



  Also ranked among the world’s top 350 universities is UTM, which is ranked 253rd and located in Johor Bahru. The oldest public engineering and technology university in the country, UTM specializes in technical studies and offers a comprehensive engineering division. This is reflected in the subject rankings, in which it appears 12 times, including in the top 100 for mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering.



  Also ranked among the world’s top 350 universities is UTM, which is ranked 253rd and located in Johor Bahru. The oldest public engineering and technology university in the country, UTM specializes in technical studies and offers a comprehensive engineering division. This is reflected in the subject rankings, in which it appears 12 times, including in the top 100 for mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering.

  世界排名前350的大学中也有马来西亚理工大学位于Johor Bahru排名第253位。英国最古老的公共工程技术大学,专门从事技术研究,并提供全面的工程部门。这反映在学科排名中,它有12个相关的学科进入了榜单其中包括前100名的机械工程、电气工程和化学工程。


  USM, also known as the University of Science Malaysia, currently ranks at joint 264th in the world and ranks within the global top 50 for its chemical engineering and mining engineering programs according to the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject, with 24 positions in the ranking overall. The school has three campuses, with its main campus in Penang, its health campus in Kelantan and its engineering campus in Nibong Tibal. The school also has plans to open a global campus in the capital.

  马来西亚理科大学也被称为马来西亚科学大学,目前在世界排名第264位,根据最新QS世界大学排名,其化学工程和采矿工程项目在全球排名前50名,排名总体排名24位。这所学校有三个校区,位于槟城的主要校区,位于Kelantan的健康校区和Nibong Tibal的工程学院。该学校还计划在首都开设一个全球校区。在QS世界大学排行榜上也有这些大学进入了排名:马来西亚大学(601 - 650),国际伊斯兰大学(771 - 750),马来西亚大学(771 - 750)和Teknologi MARA大学(751 - 800)。马来西亚的另一所大学也在今年的QS世界大学的排名中,其令人印象深刻的位置值得一提,那就是位于吉隆坡和Johor Bahru之间的Melaka的多媒体大学。马来西亚的许多私立大学都提供了2 + 1学位的选择。这使得学生可以在马来西亚完成部分学位,并在另一个国家的伙伴机构完成部分工作。这个选项一直很受欢迎,因为它提供了机会获得学位认证的名牌大学建立高等教育目标(如英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、法国和德国)不必为整个长度的学位支付出国留学的全部费用。


  Although a key attraction of studying in Malaysia is the relatively low cost of fees and living expenses – certainly when compared to countries like the UK and US Malaysia is much more than just a budget option for international students.Home to at least one of Asia’s most exciting cities, Malaysia offers beautiful landscapes and traditional Malay culture juxtaposed with breath-taking modern architecture. Combined with the influences of indigenous groups and the external cultures of India, China and Britain, the region boasts one of the world’s most culturally diverse societies.


  1.Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

  A buzzing metropolis boasting the tallest skyscrapers in Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur is home to many of the top universities in Malaysia, including Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, the International Islamic University Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi MARA.The city is a jumble of styles, with the grand 19th century buildings of Merdeka Square, holding the remnants of the British Empire’s cultural influence, now in the shadows of the contemporary high-rise architecture soaring above the city center. The Golden Triangle is Kuala Lumpur’s most famous shopping and entertainment district, boasting malls, museums, high-rise towers and five-star hotels.

  吉隆坡是东南亚最高的摩天大楼之一,是马来西亚许多顶尖大学的所在地,包括马来亚大学、马来西亚大学、马来亚大学、马来西亚国际大学、马来西亚国际伊斯兰大学和Teknologi MARA大学。这座城市的风格错综复杂,包括19世纪的梅尔德卡广场的宏伟建筑,保留着大英帝国文化影响力的遗迹,如今,在这座城市中心高耸的现代高层建筑的阴影下。金三角是吉隆坡最著名的购物和娱乐区,拥有购物中心、博物馆、高层塔楼和五星级酒店。


  On the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Penang is home to another of the leading universities in Malaysia, the Universiti Sains Malaysia.As the East India Company’s first settlement on the Malay Peninsula, Penang, a formerly unpopulated, 28 square-kilometer ‘nut island’, became an important trade port. Although Penang’s power waned along with the collapse of the British Empire, its trading legacy lives on with a diverse population of entrepreneurial settlers of all origins, most notably from China. Today Penang trades in technology, having become Malaysia’s answer to ‘Silicon Valley’. The bustling capital of Georgetown, brim full of both ancient and modern trades, is where most of the thrills are, but the area also offers beachside resorts such as Batu Ferringhi and quiet fishing villages such as Teluk Bahang.

  在马来西亚半岛的西北海岸,槟城是马来西亚另一所著名大学的所在地。作为东印度公司在马来半岛的第一个定居点,槟榔屿曾经是一个人口稀少的28平方公里的坚果岛,成为一个重要的贸易港口。尽管槟榔屿的权力随着大英帝国的崩溃而减弱,但它的贸易遗产却生活在形形色色的创业移民群体中,其中最著名的来自中国。今天槟榔屿在技术上交易,已经成为马来西亚对硅谷的回应。熙熙攘攘的首府乔治敦(Georgetown),满是古老的和现代的交易,是最令人兴奋的地方,但该地区也提供海滨度假胜地,如Batu Ferringhi和安静的渔村,如Teluk Bahang。

  3.Johor Bahru柔佛巴鲁

  Just north of the city state of Singapore, connected via a 1038-meter-long causeway, Johor Bahru, once a shabby border town, is morphing into a hub of global education thanks to the EduCity development plan, all set to join the top local university, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.With the attention and investment the area is receiving, Johor Bahru has very recently become a lively and popular place to explore, to shop and to hang out. The weekends see Singaporeans flock to the area, though few travelling foreigners have yet to see the appeal of the cheaper and more authentic attractions and options in Johor. Change will continue for the next few years with the region set to see a steady influx of international university faculty and students, which will further promote a young and vibrant atmosphere of diversity and promise.

  在新加坡的北部通过一条1038米长的堤道连接起来,Johor Bahru,经是一个破旧的边境小镇,由于教育发展计划,正在成为全球教育的中心,所有的人都将加入当地的顶级大学,马来西亚大学。随着人们对该地区的关注和投资,Johor Bahru最近成为一个活跃而又受欢迎的探索、购物和闲逛的地方。新加坡人涌向这一地区,尽管很少有游客能在柔佛州看到更便宜、更真实的景点和选择的吸引力。在接下来的几年里,该地区将继续发生变化,国际上大学师生将源源不断地涌入,这将进一步促进一种年轻而充满活力的多样性和承诺的氛围。

  4.Malaysian Borneo马来西亚婆罗洲

  The western part of the country, attached to the island of Indonesia, comprises more than 50% of Malaysia’s area. Although not home to any ranked institutions, Malaysian Borneo offers diverse scenery perfect for adventurous, outdoorsy students.Malaysian Borneo is divided into the states of Sarawak and Sabah, with the small enclave of Brunei in between. Both areas are covered by dense jungle, with many large rivers running through them, particularly in Sarawak. Sabah is also home to Malaysia’s highest mountain, Mt Kinabalu, standing at 4,101 meters.



  Already the world’s 11th most popular study destination according to UNESCO figures, Malaysia has even grander ambitions, aiming to be the sixth-largest education provider by 2020 with a target of gaining 200,000 international students by this date.

  Among the development initiatives introduced to achieve this is a new agency known as Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS), which will provide assistance for foreign students applying to study in Malaysia. As of 2013, students wishing to apply to private universities in Malaysia should apply via EMGS with a ‘one stop application’, intended to make the process more efficient and allowing students to apply for multiple courses and institutions in one go. International students looking to study in Malaysia at a public university, however, will still need to apply for their desired program directly through each individual university.



  All international students will also need a Student Pass and student visa. Gaining your Student Pass is simple and, once you are accepted onto a program at an accredited university in Malaysia, the school itself will directly apply for the pass on your behalf. Among the documents they will submit for you is a Personal Bond, for which you will need to pay a fee of around MYR300-1,500 (US$69-US$346), depending on your country of origin.

  所有留学生也需要学生通行证和学生签证。获得你的学生通行证很简单,一旦你被马来西亚认可的大学录取,学校本身就会代表你直接申请考试。他们将提交给你的文件包括个人债券,你需要支付大约300 - 1500美元(约合69美元至346美元)的费用,这取决于你来自于哪个国家。一旦你的录取和学生通行证被批准,所有的学生(无论是私立大学还是公立大学),都需要分别申请通过马来西亚大使馆或国内高级委员会的单一入境学生签证。这个你需要提供你的证据提供的学习和你的学生,有金融稳定满足学费和生活费用的证明,证明你是在良好的健康和良好的性格,并确认您打算住在马来西亚专为研究。根据你来自哪里,你都必须提交额外的文件。


  Fees differ between universities in Malaysia, with the prevalence of international branch campuses and private institutions bringing the overall average up. In general however, studying in Malaysia is cheaper than many countries, with average tuition fees currently standing at approximately US$3,985 per year.

  马来西亚的大学学费有所不同,国际分校和私立学校的普遍平均水平提高了。然而,总的来说在马来西亚学习比许多国家便宜,平均每年的学费约为3985美元。令人惊讶的是,这个国家排名最高的大学——马来亚大学作为一所公立机构,平均每年的国际本科生人数仅为7078(约1647美元)。尽管马来西亚国际分校的课程价格往往更高,但仍比国际同行便宜得多,同时也提供了同样的声望。例如,如果你要在蒙纳什大学的马来西亚分校的马来西亚分校攻读计算机科学学士学位,每年的费用是9222美元,而在澳大利亚的莫纳什大学,价格将翻倍,目前为每年23,297美元。在马来西亚,国际学生的生活费用最低为每年1万至1.2万美元(约2,370 - 2,840美元),包括食物、旅行和住宿。虽然与许多目的地相比,这是相对较低的,但当然,尽早计划你的预算还是很重要的,特别是当你的签证申请需要提供资金的证明时。


  You will also need to bear in mind that international students are unable to work during term time. The only permitted times students can work are during semester breaks and school holidays of more than seven days, for no more than 20 hours a week and on a restricted category of jobs. This means that earning your tuition and living expenses as you go is not an option.

  你还需要记住,国际学生在学习的时候是不能工作的。学生唯一允许的时间是在学期休息期间和7天以上的学校假期,每周不超过20个小时,并且还要在受限制的工作岗位上工作。奖学金和助学金是学生找到在马来西亚学习的一种常见方式。马来西亚的个别大学通常会向国际和国内学生提供奖学金或奖学金,而且这些信息可以在他们的网站上找到。马来西亚政府还为国际学生提供资金,其中一项基金是马来西亚联邦奖学金和奖学金计划,两名本科生和研究生都可以获得2 - 1的学位或更高的学位。







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