HR 是human resource的意思 一般找工作的时候 就是这个公司的人力资源部门或人offer 是名词,是录取通知书的意思。比如,你投简历之后拿到了笔试的offer 就可以去进行笔试了,然后你拿到了面试的offer就可以去面试了。总之就是一个录取通知的意思。
扩展阅读: offer作名词的用法
1. offer表示愿做某事或给予某物(后接of / to do sth)
Thank you for your kind offer of helping me. = Thank you for your kind offer to help me. 谢谢你提供的帮助。`
Practise making offers and requests.练习提供帮助和请求。
2. offer有"出价"的意思。如:
I've had an offer of $8888 for that house.
有人向我出价8888 美元买那房子。
They made me an offer of ten thousand yuan for my motorbike.= They offered me ten thousand yuan for my motorbike. =They offered to buy my motorbike for ten thousand yuan.