印第安纳大学布鲁明顿分校始建于1820年,是美国中北部地区的一所老牌名校,也是美国30所"公立常春藤"(Public Ivy)之一。印第安纳大学布鲁明顿分校2017年本科学费介绍,和留学群来看看吧。
Tuition and fees for international students
As an international student, you are required to show that you have the funds to support yourself for an entire calendar year before you can get a visa.
To help you get an idea of your possible expenses, we have put together the following list of estimated costs—including tuition and fees for one academic year and nine months of living expenses.
This estimate is based on a moderate budget; individual expenses will vary.
When reviewing the estimates below, please remember:
Total expenses includes credit-hour, mandatory, and program fees only. Any optional services fees, course-related fees, or miscellaneous fees are not included.
Expenses vary among programs and are subject to change without notice.
Tuition costs are based on a flat rate of 12 to 18 credit hours per semester for undergraduate students.
Additional costs may be assessed depending on your course of study.
International students have two additional fees that are not required for students from the United States.
The International Services fee supports advising and technical services to meet federal regulations and provide other essential support for international students.
U.S. regulations require that international students have health insurance. We automatically enroll you in the IU health insurance plan and bill this expense to your bursar account.
Estimated costs for international undergraduates beginning in fall 2017
IU undergraduates pay a flat fee for tuition, which entitles you to register for 12 to 18 credit hours per semester. Most degree programs require you to average 15.5 credit hours per semester in order to graduate in the traditional eight semesters.
Type of expense | Estimated cost |
Tuition and mandatory fees | $35,803 |
Room and board (based on a double residence hall room with a standard meal plan) | $10,442 |
Health insurance | $1,789 |
Miscellaneous expenses (including books and general living expenses) | $2,437 |
Total for 9 months* | $50,471 |
* These cost estimates are only for the nine months of the fall and spring semesters. If you want to stay in the United States during the summer or enroll in summer classes, keep in mind that you will need additional funds to cover living costs and tuition.
Estimated expenses (including health care) for dependents
If you will be bringing your family, you will also need to be able to show proof of funds for the following amounts:
Spouse: $5,018
First child: $5,018
Each additional child: $5,317
费用类型 | 预计费用 |
学费和强制费 | 35,803美元 |
食宿费 (基于双人间和标准的膳食计划) | 10,442美元 |
健康保险 | 1,789美元 |
杂费 (包括书本费和一般生活费) | 2,437美元 |
九个月合计* | 50,471美元 |
* 这些预估费用仅适用于九个月的秋季和春季学期。如果你想在夏季待在美国或者想注册夏季课程,那么记住,你将需要准备额外的资金以涵盖生活费和学费。
Estimated costs for international undergraduates beginning in the summer
The estimated costs below are for students who intend to begin their studies in summer and remain enrolled through the full school year.
Type of expense | Estimated cost |
Tuition and fees | $42,388 |
Room and board | $11,644 |
Health insurance | $2,077 |
Miscellaneous expenses | $2,787 |
Total | $58,896 |
Estimated costs for summer session only
Below are the estimated costs for enrollment in the second eight weeks of the summer term only.
Type of expense | Estimated cost |
Tuition and fees | $6,585 |
Room and board | $1,202 |
Health insurance | $288 |
Miscellaneous expenses | $350 |
Total | $8,425 |
费用类型 | 预计费用 |
学费 | 42,388美元 |
食宿费 | 11,644美元 |
健康保险 | 2,077美元 |
杂费 | 2,787美元 |
合计 | 58,896美元 |
费用类型 | 预计费用 |
学费 | 6,585美元 |
食宿费 | 1,202美元 |
健康保险 | 288美元 |
杂费 | 350美元 |
合计 | 8,425美元 |