(原文)English language proficiency
If your primary language is not English and you do not meet one of the proofs of proficiency listed below, you must write an English proficiency test, regardless of your citizenship.
1.Proof of language proficiency
In all cases, we reserve the right to require a proficiency test if we consider it necessary. In general, if you have completed any of the following, you are not required to write a proficiency test:
Any of the following combinations in Quebec:
The last four years of high school studies and the DES (Secondary V)
Both Secondary V and the Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC)
The Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) at an English Cegep
Four full years of study in Canada in French at the secondary-school level immediately prior to graduating.
A minimum of three full years of study in a secondary institution where the sole language of instruction is English.
International Baccalaureate: The course Group 1 English (Language A: Literature, Language A: Language and literature, or literature and performance) (Higher or Standard Level).
Baccalauréat français: The American or British Option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB).
IGCSE: English Language or English as a Second Language or First Language English with a grade of “C” or better.
Concordia University Continuing Education Language Institute (CELI): Successful completion of the Advanced 2 level of the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) with a minimum final grade of 70 per cent.
(1)在魁北克完成以下任意要求——四年高中和DES学习 、DES 和学院学习文凭、在English Cegep拿到学院学习文凭。
(4)国际学位证书:Group 1英语课程——语言A:文学,语言A:语言和文学,或者文学和表演(高级或标准水平)。
(5)Baccalauréat français:作为美国或英国国际文凭证书的替代。
2.(原文)Minimum English proficiency test scores for admission
Test results must be reported directly to the Admissions Application Centre by the test centre. Results must be less than two years old at the time of your application in order to be accepted as proof of language proficiency.
TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language
Direct Admission No ESL courses required | Direct Admission ESL courses required with option for credit | Conditional Admission Intensive English Language Program (IELP) option for ENCS, JMSB and select Arts and Science programs |
TOEFL iBT score 90 or higher | TOEFL iBT score between 75 and 89 with a minimum combined score of 34 for speaking and writing. | TOEFL score between 63 and 74, with no more than two parts under 15 |
TOEFL (paper-based) score 577 or higher | TOEFL (paper-based) score between 540 and 576 | TOEFL (paper-based) score between 505 and 539 |
To ensure your TOEFL results are forwarded directly to Concordia University, you must indicate 0956.00 as the “Institution Code” when you write the test. |
不作非母语英语课程要求的直接录取 | 非母语英语课程做作为学分选择的直接录取 | 有条件录取:工程和计算机科学学院、莫森商学院以及文理学院课程有强化英语语言课程要求 |
托福互联网版90或以上 | 托福互联网版在 75到89之间,口语和写作综合分不低于34 | 托福成绩在63 到74之间,不能有超过两个单项成绩在15分以下 |
托福纸质版577 或以上 | 托福纸质版在540 到576之间 | 托福纸质版在505 到539之间 |
为了确保你的托福成绩直接寄到肯高迪亚大学,考试的时候必须在机构代码处写上0956.00 |
IELTS – International English Language Testing System
Direct Admission No ESL courses required | Direct Admission ESL courses required with option for credit | Conditional Admission Intensive English Language Program (IELP) option for ENCS, JMSB and select Arts and Science programs |
IELTS score of 7 or higher | IELTS score of 6.5 or 6 with no component score under 5.5 | IELTS score of 5.5 or 5, with only two bands as low as 4.5 |
Candidates must take the “Academic Module.” |
不作非母语英语课程要求的直接录取 | 非母语英语课程做作为学分选择的直接录取 | 有条件录取:工程和计算机科学学院、莫森商学院以及文理学院课程有强化英语语言课程要求 |
雅思成绩在 7 或以上 | 雅思成绩达到 6.5 或6,单项不低于5.5 | 雅思成绩达到5.5 或5,只能有两个单项低到4.5 |
候选人必须考“学术模块”。 |
MELAB – Michigan English Language Assessment Battery
MELAB min. score: 85 3 on speaking test | MELAB min. score: 74 2 on speaking test |
No ESL courses required | ESL courses required with option for credit |
For more information on the test or to register, visit cambridgemichigan.org/melab. |
密执安口语考试不低于853 | 密执安口语考试不低于742 |
不作非母语英语课程要求 | 非母语英语课程做作为学分选择 |
了解更多关于考试或报考的信心请访问 cambridgemichigan.org/melab |
CAEL – Canadian Academic English Language Assessment
Direct Admission No ESL courses required | Direct Admission ESL courses required with option for credit | Conditional Admission Intensive English Language Program (IELP) option for select programs |
CAEL minimum overall score 70 | CAEL minimum overall score 50 with no part under 50 | CAEL minimum overal score of 40 with no partunder 30 |
不作非母语英语课程要求的直接录取 | 非母语英语课程做作为学分选择的直接录取 |
| ||
CAEL 总分不低于 70 | CAEL 总分不低于 50 ,单项不低于50 | CAEL 总分不低于 40 ,单项不低于30 |
CAE – Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
CPE – Certificate of Proficiency in English
CAE min. score: 190 CPE (advanced qualification for proficient users only) min. score: C | CAE min. score: minimum 175 overall with no part under 165 |
No ESL courses required | ESL courses required with option for credit |
剑桥高级英语证书成绩不低于190 剑桥英语熟练证书 (高级资格只针对熟练使用者) 不低于C | 剑桥高级英语证书总分不低于175 ,单项不低于165 |
不作非母语英语课程要求 | 非母语英语课程做作为学分选择 |
Pearson English Proficiency Test
Direct Admission No ESL courses required | Direct Admission ESL courses required with option for credit | Conditional Admission Intensive English Language Program (IELP) option for ENCS, JMSB and select Arts and Science programs |
Minimum overall PTE academic score of 61 | Minimum overall PTE academic score of 50 with a minimum of 46 in speaking and writing | Overall score of 45 to 49 with only two parts as low as 43 |
不作非母语英语课程要求的直接录取 | 非母语英语课程做作为学分选择的直接录取 | 有条件录取:工程和计算机科学学院、莫森商学院以及文理学院课程有强化英语语言课程要求 |
培生英语熟练考试最低学术总分61 | 培生英语熟练考试最低学术总分50, 口语和写作不低于46 | 总分在45 到49之间,只能有两个单项低到 43 |
(原文)The Department of Education offers English Second Language (ESL) courses to non-native speakers of English who are accepted by Concordia University but who must upgrade their reading and writing skills.
Students completing language tests other than TOEFL or IELTS will be considered for conditional admission on a case-by-case basis.
3.(原文)Conditional admission
Provided all other admission criteria is met, you may be eligible for conditional admission.
With a conditional offer, you will start in the Intensive English Language Program (IELP), where you will develop the English skills necessary to enter university studies. You must attain a final grade of 70% or higher at the Advanced 2 Level to meet Concordia language proficiency requirements. All students who have obtained a final grade of 70% or higher at the Advanced Level will take a placement test to determine if additional academic English classes are necessary. If required, the additional courses will be taken concurrently with your chosen academic program. English credit courses may count toward degree programs, with the exception of ENCS programs. Visit study-english-at-concordia.ca.
You may also choose to retake your language test before beginning the IELP. If your new results meet Concordia’s proficiency requirements, you may begin your academic program directly.
The following programs DO NOT offer conditional admission:
All programs in the Faculty of Fine Arts
In the Faculty of Arts and Science: All Honours programs; all programs offered by the Departments of Applied Human Sciences, Communication Studies, Education, English, Journalism, Liberal Arts College, Science College; Traduction; Actuarial Mathematics/Finance; Math and Computational Finance; Community, Public Affairs and Policy Studies; Certificate in Pastoral Ministry; Exercise Science
Students completing language tests other than TOEFL or IELTS will be considered for conditional admission on a case-by-case basis.
拿到有条件录取,你可以开始学习强化英语语言课程,提升大学学习所需的英语技能。 Advanced 2 Level 最终成绩必须达到70%或以上,才满足肯高迪亚大学语言熟练要求。所有在Advanced 2 Level 课程中拿到70%或以上成绩的学生必须参加分级考试,以便决定学生是否需要学习其他学术英语课程。如果需要,那么其他课程将和你选定的学术课程同步学习。英语学位课程可以计入学位课程,工程和计算机科学学院课程除外。