北安普顿大学(The University of Northampton)是英国一所新兴的公立大学,迄今有40余年历史。北安普顿大学注重教学与科研,始终将高质量的教学作为立校之本。在2006年英国大学学生满意度评比中,北安普顿大学位居第18名,大学综合排名位居第85位。除了优质的教学,学校也提供多种丰厚的奖学金。下面是留学群为大家整理并翻译的北安普顿大学奖学金介绍,仅供参考。
We are committed to providing opportunities and rewards to the best and brightest applicants. With this in mind, we offer three generous scholarship schemes which provide merit-based financial support for International Students from outside of the EU.
The University of Northampton International Scholarship
The University of Northampton International Scholarship Scheme is a merit-based scholarship that provides up to a 30% reduction in tuition fees. All full-time courses taught on campus fall within the scheme and you will be considered for a scholarship on the basis of your academic achievement. You do not have to apply for this scholarship separately from your initial application and you will be informed of the outcome in your offer letter.
The International Graduate Scholarship
The International Graduate Scholarship offers a 50% fee discount to graduates of the University of Northampton. This scholarship is available to you if you are wishing to study a Master’s course and have achieved a second class degree from a three or four year Bachelor’s degree.
Governmental Scholarship Schemes
We a proud participant in a number of UK and overseas government scholarship schemes. These schemes, the Chevening Scholarship and Commonwealth Scholarship, provide opportunities for students otherwise unable to afford the full costs of an overseas education. We are listed on a variety of overseas government sponsorship lists. If you are seeking to study with us under one of these schemes, check the Ministry of Education website for your home country for eligibility criteria.
Chevening Scholarships
Chevening Scholarships are the UK government’s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations. The programme makes awards to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from around the world to study postgraduate courses at UK universities.
The Santander Masters Scholarships
The Santander Masters Scholarships are funded by Santander and aim to assist academically able students from some Latin American and European countries to study for a taught masters degree at the University of Northampton.
The University awards a number of scholarships per year which are worth either £7,000 or £5,000 in the form of a discount in tuition fees. Santander Master’s Scholarships are for one year only and cannot be deferred to a later year.
Students who are nationals of the following countries are eligible:
Argentina,Brazil,Chile,Colombia,Mexico,Portugal,Puerto Rico,Spain,Uruguay,USA
How to apply
You need to have formally accepted an offer from the University of Northampton and then complete the Santander scholarshipapplication form. Applications for September 2017 will need to be submitted by 30 June 2017.
How the University chooses candidates
Candidates are selected for their academic excellence. We will use the information you provide in the separate scholarship application form to judge your application together with your original course application. Financial circumstances are not taken into account for these awards.
In choosing between candidates of equal academic excellence, we will aim to award the scholarships to candidates from at least three different Santander network countries.
Can I have more than one scholarship?
You can combine this scholarship with another partial scholarship from another organisation, provided that together they do not exceed the cost of your fees.