英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)建于1876年,迄今已经有一百多年历史。布里斯托大学的世界排名非常高,在2015/16年度的QS世界大学排名中排在第37位。布里斯托大学目前有六个学院,其中以医学院、法学院和工程学院最为出名。那么,布里斯托大学的本科奖学金怎么样呢?请看留学群的介绍。
Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship
The Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship scheme is open to undergraduate students with exceptional musical, dramatic or sporting talent.
The scheme is open to students applying to any undergraduate course at the University. As the scheme is designed to attract students with exceptional abilities outside their normal field of study, a Music student would not be eligible for a music scholarship, and a Drama student would not be eligible for a drama scholarship. Liberal Arts students may not follow the Film or Theatre subject pathways in order to be eligible for a Vice Chancellor's Scholarship.
Historically, scholarships in Music and Drama have been valued at £3,000. Scholarships in Sport have been valued at £1,500. No more than 20 scholarships are usually awarded within an academic year. This will be confirmed in due course.
Students applying for a single or joint honours Music degree will not be eligible for a Music scholarship. Students applying for a single or joint honours Drama degree will not be eligible for a Drama scholarship. Students applying for a Liberal Arts degree will not be eligible for a Drama Scholarship if they follow the Film or Theatre subject pathways.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate outstanding artistic, creative or sporting potential. Awards will be made on a competitive basis but applicants will normally be expected to satisfy the following minimum criteria:
· Music/vocal awards: A minimum of Grade VIII in examinations offered by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (or equivalent). Those students short listed for a scholarship will be required to attend an audition in Bristol at the end of February or beginning of March. Full details will be sent to short listed students during the first two weeks in February. Any students invited to audition, who are not able to attend on the advertised date, will not be considered for a scholarship. Travel Bursaries to attend the audition are available for home (UK) students from lower income families (normally those with household incomes of £42,875 or less).
· Drama awards: Evidence of sustained extra-curricular engagement with theatre and/or filmmaking, along with distinguished achievement in relevant school subjects (eg theatre studies, film studies or other arts/humanities subjects).
· Sporting awards: Successful applicants will have had considerable success at representative level. It would be unusual for an award to be given to a student who had not had International honours, at least at Junior level. Although a student might apply for other scholarships, such as the government funded Talented Athlete Sports Scheme awards, the holder of a Vice-Chancellor’s award must not hold other funded sporting grants.
(1)音乐/ 声乐奖学金:拿到皇家音乐学院八级考试证书或同等成绩证书。入围奖学金候选名单的学生需要在布里斯托大学参加试演,试演时间为2月末或3月初。详情会在2月的前两周内发送给入学候选名单的学生。任何受邀参加试演的学生,如果不能在规定的日期参加试演,将不会被奖学金考虑。家庭收入低(一般要不超过42,875 英镑)的英国学生,可以获得试演旅行助学金。
(2)Application process
· The student shall apply through UCAS for admission to any undergraduate course at the University of Bristol by 15 January in the year of admission.
· The student must submit a separate Scholarship application directly to the Admissions Department by the 15 January in the year of admission.
· The student must firmly accept an academic offer of a place on any undergraduate course at the University of Bristol by 1 September in the year of entry. If the offer is conditional, the student will need to fulfil the terms of his/her offer and have their place confirmed by 1 September in the year of entry.
· Successful applicants will be expected to: Successfully audition for the University's Symphony or Chamber orchestras, or University Singers or Chamber Choir (keyboard players would participate in chamber ensemble playing, approved by the Music Department); or contribute substantially to the output of the University of Bristol Union (UBU) DRAMSOC or Music Theatre Bristol societies; or become a member of the Performance Squad, part of the University Performance programme.
(3)University selection process
Departments should ensure that their scholarship selection processes allow both international and home (UK and EU) students to be transparently considered.
Applicants can apply for the Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship before they are notified of the outcome of their application for a place at the University. The academic and scholarship applications can progress in parallel. The academic process will follow the University's Admissions Principles and the admissions policy relevant to the chosen course; the academic offer will be based on the applicant’s academic potential and attainment only. Applicants should be aware that if their academic application is unsuccessful, or if they firmly accept a place at another university, their scholarship application will no longer be considered.
All scholarship applications (both home/EU and international) must be received by the published scholarship deadline. No application may be considered until the deadline has passed.
Scholarship applications are considered initially by staff in the Sports Centre, Music or Drama department.
The scholarship applications are ranked and at least the top ten in each field are then forwarded, with the experts’ recommendations, to Pro Vice-Chancellors for the final selection.
The Pro Vice-Chancellors make the final selection of no more than 20 scholarships, with at least six reserves.
(4)Value of award
Up to 20 awards are normally available each year, valued at £1,500 per year in sport and £3000 in music and drama. Confirmation of these amounts will be updated shortly.
The scholarships will be awarded in the first instance for a period of one year. They are renewable, provided that the above conditions are met and the student passes their examinations and progresses through to the next year of study on their chosen course.
(5)Condition of award
Successful applicants will be expected to put Bristol as their firm choice in the first instance, and with regards to their scholarship offer, either:
1. Successfully audition for the University's Symphony or Chamber orchestras, or University Singers or Chamber Choir (keyboard players would participate in Chamber ensemble playing, approved by the Music Department) and participate in other musical opportunities offered from time to time by the Department of Music.
2. Contribute substantially to the output of the University of Bristol Union (UBU) DRAMSOC, Spotlights, or Music Theatre Bristol societies.
3. Become a member of the Performance Sports Squad.
(2)为布里斯托大学 DRAMSOC联盟或音乐戏剧布里斯托社团做出重要贡献。
(6)Renewal information
The scholarships will be awarded in the first instance for a period of one year, renewable provided that the following conditions and criteria continue to be met:
· Successfully audition for the University’s Symphony or Chamber orchestras, or University Singers or Chamber Choir (keyboard players would participate in chamber ensemble playing, approved by the Department of Music) and participate in other opportunities offered from time to time by the Department of Music;
· Contribute substantially to the output of the University of Bristol Union (UBU) DRAMSOC or Music Theatre Bristol societies;
· Maintain membership of the Performance Squad.
In addition to the above criteria, students should also satisfactorily progress through to the next year of study on their chosen course.
(2)为布里斯托大学 DRAMSOC联盟或音乐戏剧布里斯托社团做出重要贡献。
(7)Important information
· Students will not be eligible for a scholarship if they transfer to a Music degree (if they are in receipt of Music VC Scholarship), or a Drama degree (if they are in receipt of a Drama VC Scholarship). Students who follow the Film or Theatre subject pathways on the Liberal Arts degree are not eligible for a Drama VC Scholarship.
· Scholarships will not normally be available if a year of study has to be repeated for academic reasons.
· Students repeating a year due to extenuating circumstances will be considered for additional scholarship funding for the repeat year.
· Scholarships will not normally be paid to students while they are on a year abroad, as they will not be able to satisfy the conditions of the award.
· Drama award holders will be required to produce a termly report at the end of each term, outlining their contribution to their society/societies during that term. The contacts for Departments of Theatre/ Film and Television, and the Drama Society Presidents will be asked to comment on the reports before the next instalment of VC Scholarship is paid. Drama awards holders will be contacted if it is felt that their contribution for the pervious term has not been met.
· An annual report will be requested from all award holders to show that they continue to demonstrate the requirements for the award.
Feedback from the Performance Manager and the Department of Music will also be sought throughout the academic year as to whether students are adequately contributing.
Instalment payment dates for continuing students in 2016/17
Continuing students should receive confirmation of their renewed Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship for the next academic year around 10 October 2016.
The 2016/17 Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship will be paid in three equal instalments on the following dates:
· 24 October 2016
· 16 January 2017
· 24 April 2017.
Alumni academic achievement awards
The University of Bristol is proud to offer the Alumni Academic Achievement Awards: merit-based awards for undergraduates, offered annually, using funds donated by alumni and friends of the University.
The awards recognise academic excellence through one-off awards, normally up to £1,000. The awards will be given to the top first-year student(s) as identified by each faculty.
The next round of awards will be made following the summer exam results.
Terms and conditions
Eligibility criteria
· Undergraduate in his or her first year of study.
· Identified by the faculty as the top student in his or her faculty through an accountable mechanism.
· Students may be Home, EU or overseas students.
· Awards are open to both full and part-time students.
Application process
There is no application which eligible students need to complete. Students results from their first year will be reviewed by the Faculty Summer Exam Board and the winner of the award will be determined using the Faculty's selection mechanism.
Value of award
Awards are valued at £1,000.
Notification of award
Students will be notified of the award as early as possible in the summer following their first year. The Student Funding Office will issue each recipient with their cheque at the beginning of the second year, once their re-enrolment has been confirmed.
Renewal information
The awards are paid at the end of the first year only, to two successful students from each Faculty. The awards are not renewed annually.