哈珀亚当斯大学 (Harper Adams University )建于1901年,是英国一所有百年历史的知名大学。哈珀亚当斯大学位于英国什罗普郡纽波特附近,主要的专业与农业科研相关,也提供有农业相关的奖学金。那么,今年哈珀亚当斯大学本科都有哪些奖学金呢?和留学群来看看吧。
The Alamo Group Scholarship
The Alamo Group Scholarship is open to all 2nd Year BEng/ MEng/ BSc or Final Year FdSc Engineering students studying at Harper Adams University.
The Scholarship
The company may award up to three scholarships representing their three businesses: McConnel, Spearhead and Bomford Turner. If awarded the successful scholarship recipient(s) will receive a one-off payment of up to £2,500. The award will be paid in two equal parts; half to be paid in February 2017 and the balance in May 2017.
This is a competitive award and will be evaluated on the merit of the submitted application, academic achievement on the course and interview. The decision of the Scholarship Panel and Alamo Group is FINAL
Deadline for Submission of Application: 9am Tuesday 08 November 2016 - Please note you MUST submit a hard copy of your application to the Development Trust office.
Alamo集团奖学金属于竞争性质的奖学金,评估将基于所提交的申请的优点、申请人的课程学术成绩和面试成绩。奖学金评审小组和 Alamo 集团做出的决定属于最终决定。
The Anglia Farmers Scholarship
The Anglia Farmers Scholarship is open to all first year FdSc or second year BSc students at HAU studying for an undergraduate degree in the following: All Agriculture Route Courses, Agri-business BSc (Hons), Agri-food Marketing with Business Studies BSc (Hons) or Business Management with Marketing.
The Scholarship
The company may award two scholarships and if awarded, the successful recipient(s) will receive:
A significant contribution towards tuition fees of £3,500.
Employment with Anglia Farmers during their placement year.
Subject to a review at the end of placement with Anglia Farmers, there may be an opportunity of further funding in the scholar’s final academic year.
A condition of your scholarship is that you undertake your placement year with the sponsoring firm. In the event you are unable to take up or complete your placement, the sponsor reserves the right to require the scholar to return all or part of any scholarship payment received.
The award will be paid in two equal parts; half to be paid in February 2017 and the balance in May 2017.
This is a competitive award which will be evaluated on the merit of the submitted application, academic achievements to date and interview. The decision of the Anglia Farmers Scholarship Panel is FINAL
Deadline for Submission of Application: 9am Monday 07 November 2016
The Anglia Farmers Scholarship includes a placement, therefore you must submit your application through the following website: http://harper.ac.uk/placements. Paper copies will not be accepted.
Please note - you may ONLY apply for a maximum of 3 placement based scholarships.
Ashby De La Zouch and District Agricultural Society Scholarship
One or more scholarships of £1500 will be awarded annually by the Ashby de la Zouch and District Agricultural Society dependent upon demand and available funding.
Applicants must reside within 25 miles of Ashby de la Zouch. Furthermore they must be a British national.
Applications will only be accepted from students on full time agriculture related courses.
Please note: Deadline for applications is 1 May 2017
The award will be announced at the Ashby Show in July. A Single payment of £1000 will be made directly to the college or university on 1 September and the subsequent payment of £500 will be made at the Show following the completion of the student’s year. The Society will reserve the right not to award any scholarships if it is deemed that no suitable applications have been received.
Ashby De La Zouch 区域农业协会奖学金
Ashby De La Zouch 区域农业协会每年发放金额为1500英镑的协会奖学金,名额可以是一个或多个,具体取决于申请人数和可利用的资金。
申请人必须住在Ashby de la Zouch协会25英里以内。另外,申请人必须为英国公民。
奖学金结果将由Ashby Show公布,公布日期为2017年7月。该奖学金将一次性支付1000英镑给学院或大学,支付时间为9月1日。余下的500英镑将在Ashby Show支付,支付时间为学生学年完成之后。如果协会认定收到了不合适的申请,协会有权不予发放任何奖学金。
The British Poultry Council (BPC) scholarships
The British Poultry Council (BPC) scholarships are open to all 2nd year BSc or 1st year FdSc student studying at Harper Adams University who is interested in pursuing a career in the Poultry Industry.
The Scholarship
The BPC sponsors may each award one scholarship and if awarded the successful recipient will receive:
A significant contribution towards tuition fees of £4,500.
Employment with the sponsoring BPC Company during placement year.
Subject to a review at the end of placement, with the sponsoring firm, there may be an opportunity of further funding in the scholar’s final academic year.
A condition of your scholarship is that you undertake your placement year with the sponsoring firm. In the event you are unable to take up or complete your placement, the sponsor reserves the right to require the scholar to return all or part of any scholarship payment received.
The award will be paid in two equal parts; half to be paid in February 2017 and the remaining balance in May 2017.
This is a competitive award which will be evaluated on merit of the submitted application, academic achievements to date and interview. The decision of the Scholarship Panel is FINAL.
Deadline for Submission of Application: 9am Monday 07 November 2016
All of the Scholarships associated with the BPC include a placement, therefore you must submit your application through the following website: http://harper.ac.uk/placements. Paper copies will not be accepted.
Please note - you may ONLY apply for a maximum of 3 placement based scholarships.
英国家禽委员会奖学金提供给所有在哈珀亚当斯大学学习第二学年理科学位或第一学年 FdSc 学位的学生,前提是学生有兴趣在家禽行业发展。
The Butchers and Drovers Bursary
The Butchers and Drovers Bursary is open to all first or second year students studying on a BSc or FdSc Course and enrolled in full-time education at Harper Adams University. You must be able to demonstrate a relevance to the meat and livestock industry either within your chosen area of study or future career plans. It should be noted that preference will be given for those candidates who have family or employment links with the meat and livestock industry or who have an intention of seeking employment in the industry.
The successful scholarship recipient(s) will each receive a payment of up to £5,000
This is a competitive award, evaluated on merit of the submitted application, academic achievements to date and interview. The decision of the BDCI Bursary Panel is FINAL and they reserve the right to withdraw their award at any time should they feel this action is required.
Please note: deadline for submission of application 9am Monday 05 June 2017