柏林工业大学(Technische Universität Berlin)是德国的一所著名大学,是德国九所卓越理工大学联盟TU9 的成员之一。柏林工业大学每年都招收国际生,这也是学校国际化的一种体现。柏林工业大学在本科、硕士和博士三个阶段都面向国际招生,也提供有预科语言课程。那么,柏林工业大学的硕士申请有哪些要求呢?和留学群来看看吧。
Entry requirements
Before starting application please check the respective entry requirements of your chosen Master course of study.
1.General entry requirements
A primary university degree is the formal entry requirement to a Master's degree program. Generally you can prove your primary university degree with a Bachelor's degree certificate.
Formal entry requirements can be proven by the following certificates:
(1)Undergraduate degree
All applicants are expected to have achieved a university undergraduate degree - usually a Bachelor’s degree.
The examination of your application will start not until you've submitted all required documents. Thus, generally an academic transcript showing subjects, grades and credits is necessary.
International degrees and university documentation will be accredited according to the evaluation criteria of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). If you have submitted international degree certificates which do not contain an average grade, this will be calculated by uni-assist. Uni-assist will also transfer your grade into the German system.
If you apply for master's program Computational Neuroscience, please regards the special regulation about the primary university degree on the the website of Computational Neuroscience.
Applicants from German universities who can not present a bachelor's degree at the application period but will soon finish their undergraduate studies, have the possibility to submit a certificate from the examination board of their former university and a transcript of records.
This regulation is only valid for applications for the 1st semester as well as students from a German university who will achieve a Bachelor's degree.
2.Subject-specific requirements
(1)Entry requirements with regard to contents for master programs
Before applying to a master's program please check specific entry requirements with regard to contents with your primary university degree. The requirements base on the regulations for admission (Zugangs- und Zulassungsordnung - ZZO) or the respective study regulations (Studien- und Prüfungsordnung - StuPO).
It is also possible that proofs of further language proficiency and internships are parts of these entry requirements.
Specific entry requirements for master's degree programs |
Master's programs |
Additional information for Civil Engineering (only in German) |
Checklist for Energy Engineering and Process Engineering(only in German) |
Continuing education master's programs |
有特定入学要求的硕士学位课程 |
硕士课程 |
土木工程 |
能源工程与工艺工程 |
继续教育硕士课程 |
If there are any further daubts or questions with regard on the content or acknowledgement please contact the student couseling of the respective faculty.
(2)Restricted admission master's degree courses with a prior selection procedure
If there are more applicants than university places after reviewing the applications for restricted admission master's degree courses concerning formal requirements and requirements with regard on content there will be a prior selection at the faculty.
For master's degree courses with a prior selection procedure at the faculty 80% of university places will be allocated by the result of the selection procedure and 20 % by waiting time.
(3)Proof of further language proficiency
Please mind that some Master’s degree programs require also a proof of further language proficiency (officially certified copy).
3.Language skills
The majority of Master's programs at the TU Berlin are offered in German, while some programs are offered in a bilingual (German/English) environment or only in Englisch. To gain admission, you must demonstrate proficiency in your program's language of instruction.
If your primary language is not German and you graduated from a non-German university where the language of instruction and examination was not German, you must demonstrate your proficiency in German by certificates. This requirement should be met at the time you submit your application.
(1)German language proficiency (certificates)
A proof of German language proficiency is necessary for all studies that are not held in english.
It is not necessary for:
German citizen
Applicants with a german "Abitur"
Applicants with a german university degree (language of instruction: German)
Applicants for international master's degree programs
If you are planning to study at our university in a Master's Program (or Bachelor's program) offered in German and you can not demonstrate your proficiency by the required certificates, you can apply for the "Propädeutikum" at our preparatory school.
(3)English language proficiency
English language proficiency is necessary for all international Master's degree programs at the TU Berlin and for programs offered in a bilingual (German/English) environment.