1.Things you need to know
We have compiled a set of notes for you to assist you with making an easy transition into privately renting accommodation here in Hokkaido.
Rent Payment
In Japan the rent fee must be paid generally by the designated date of the previous month. Rent fee in arrears causes a lot of troubles toward a landlord, a management company and a guarantor. Be aware to pay the monthly rent fee by the designated date of the previous month.
Noise Issues
In several apartments, sounds go through easily to the rooms of neighbors or downstairs. Listening to music at a high volume, talking loudly in your room and using such items as laundry machines and the shower after midnight may inconvenience your neighbors. Especially during night time sounds becomes louder. Please remember that you live in a shared complex and respect your neighbors at all times by keeping noise levels down.
Frozen Water Pipes
During winter season when the outside temperature drops below -4˚C, water in the pipes may freeze and water pipes may burst. It takes time and costs a lot to repair the pipes. On cold days, it is advisable to defreeze pipes by running water for a few minutes in the morning.
Moving out
You need to inform your landlord/management company of your leaving date at least one month prior to vacating. Where this has not been done, additional rent will be imposed. Your room should be in the same condition as to when you moved in. In the event of any damage to the premises or items within, you will be liable for all costs. Depending on the apartment contract you may also be required to pay a mandatory cleaning fee.
Breach of Contract
The room you are renting is the landlord’s property. It is forbidden to renovate the room or remove attachments. Please also note that only the contract holder(s) are permitted to live in the apartment.
2.Glossary of terms
Term | Meaning |
Real-estate Agent | A person/organization that shows customers apartments and handles lease contract procedures. |
Agent Fee | A fee paid to the agent who helps the customer find an apartment. |
Lease Contract | A contract that allows a customer to rent a property. To take effect, the contract must list the names of and be signed and stamped by the landlord, renter, and co-signer. |
Lease Contract Explanation Sheet | This document contains important points regarding the state of equipment, handling of the security deposit, the dissolution of the contract, etc. After the agent explains the contents of the document, the renter must sign it. |
Security deposit | A deposit made to the landlord when the customer enters into the lease contract; the security deposit is returned when the contract is terminated, but is often not returned as it is used in lieu to cover room repair expenses. |
Penalty Fee | At the end of the lease contract term, the renter is required to pay a penalty fee to the landlord. Usually the penalty fee is equivalent to one month’s rent. |
Contract Term | Usually, a lease contract term is for two years. |
Co-Signer | A person that acts as a substitute should anything happen to the actual renter; if the actual renter is unable to pay their rent, the landlord can demand payment from the co-signer, and the co-signer must comply. In most cases, the co-signer is usually a parent, sibling, or other relative. |
术语 | 含义 |
房地产经纪人 | 待你看房,并负责处理租赁合同的人或组织。 |
代理费 | 付给帮你找房的代理人的费用。 |
租赁合同 | 允许你租房子的合同。该合同必须写有房东、承租人、合签人的名字,并且经过签字、盖章才能生效。 |
租赁合同解释表 | 该文件包括重要的说明,比如 设施状态、押金处理、合同解除等。代理人解释文件内容之后,承租人必须在上面签字。 |
押金 | 签订租赁合同的时候,需要向房东交押金。押金在租赁合同终止的时候返还,不过一般不会返还,因为要将押金用于房屋维修。 |
罚金 | 租赁合同期结束的时候,房东可能会要求你支付罚金。罚金一般为一个月租金。 |
合同期 | 租赁合同期一般是两年。 |
合签人 | 合签人在实际承租人有任意意外的时候,扮演替代人的角色。如果实际承租人支付不起租金,房东可以要求合签人支付,并且合签人必须遵从。多数情况下,合签人是承租人的父母、兄弟姐妹或者其他亲戚。 |
3.Guarantor System
Generally a guarantor is required when renting a house or apartment in Japan. Hokkaido University can become the guarantor for you, if you have difficulties in finding a personal guarantor when applying to rent an apartment.
You must be enrolled in Hokkaido University as an International Student (In principle, those who have the status of residence “College Student”)
You must have ‘Comprehensive Renters Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan.’
Find out how to apply by inquiring at the International Student Support Desk, 1st floor of the Office of International Affairs with your student ID card and residence card. If you share an apartment with another Hokkaido University international student, you (contractor) and your roommate are required to come together. The applicant must submit all of the documents listed below to the Division of International Exchange in person. Generally It takes a week to 10 days to complete the procedure. Therefore, please submit your documents as soon as possible to complete all procedures before your move-in day. Mail-in application is not accepted.
Necessary documents (originals):
Application Form
Guaranty Form (landlord’s signature and seal required)
Apartment Contract
Receipt of Comprehensive Renters’ Insurance for Foreign Students Studying Japan
Student ID card (Either a Certificate of University Registration or a Notice of Acceptance and an Entrance Fee Receipt is/are also accepted.)
Residence Card (Both a valid Alien Registration Card and a Passport are also accepted. )
Other documents as needed
Please Note:
The University can be your guarantor while you are enrolled as an international student. When your enrollment period is prolonged and you hope to stay in the same apartment, you must re-apply for the guaranty system.
If you leave the University before the enrollment period expires, the University will dissolve the guaranty contract.
You must renew your ‘Comprehensive Renters Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan’ at the Division of International Exchange when the insurance period expires.
4.Garbage Disposal
Due to Japan having limited space for dealing with waste, you are required to dispose of your rubbish in a certain way, under strict city controls. It must be separated according to categories prior to being put out. You may also be required to place your rubbish at the collection point on certain days of the week depending on whether it’s burnable, non-burnable, glass, etc. Be sure to follow these very important rules and do your bit in keeping Japan clean.
Type | Rate of Collection | Garbage Bag | Examples |
Burnable waste | Twice a week | Designated | Kitchen waste, cooking oil, soiled paper, clothing, etc. |
Non-burnable waste | Once a month | Designated | Metal products, glass, flourescent lamps, etc. |
Pressurized spray cans | Once a month | Transparent | Hairspray, insecticide, tins, tabletop gas cartriges |
Dry batteries | Once a month | Transparent | Dry batteries |
Plastic containers and packaging | Once a week | Transparent | Plastic containers (cups, trays, and bottles), plastic bags, wrapping, etc. |
Bottles, cans and PET bottles | Once a week | Transparent | Empty bottles, empty cans, PET bottles, etc. |
Branches, leaves, grass, and weed cutting | Once a month | Transparent | Grass, fallen leaves, branches, etc. |
Miscellaneous paper | Once a fortnight | Transparent | Paper boxes, paper bags, postcards, letters, envelopes, etc. except cardboard boxes, newspapers or magazines |
Bulky refuse | Once a week | Please arrange for collection by calling 011-281-8153. You will be informed of a reference number and cost of collection. Afterward, you may purchase the collection sticker, write the reference number on the sticker, stick it on the waste and put the waste at your collection point on the designated day. |
类型 | 回收率 | 垃圾袋 | 例子 |
可燃垃圾 | 一周两次 | 指定 | 厨房垃圾、食用油、油纸、衣物等。 |
非可燃垃圾 | 每月一次 | 指定 | 金属制品、玻璃、荧光灯等。 |
加压喷雾罐 | 每月一次 | 透明 | 发胶、杀虫剂、罐子、桌面气体盒 |
干电池 | 每月一次 | 透明 | 干电池 |
塑料容器、包装袋 | 一周一次 | 透明 | 塑料容器(杯子、托盘、瓶子)、塑料袋、包装纸等。 |
瓶、罐、聚酯瓶 | 一周一次 | 透明 | 空瓶子、空罐子、聚酯瓶等。 |
树枝、树叶、草、杂草 | 每月一次 | 透明 | 枯草、落叶、枯枝等。 |
各种废纸 | 两周一次 | 透明 | 纸盒、纸包、明信片、书信、信封等。纸箱、报纸、杂志不算。 |
大废物 | 一周一次 | 请拨打011-281-8153咨询收集信息。它会告诉你代码和回收成本。之后,购买贴纸,在贴纸上写明代码,将贴纸贴在垃圾上,并在指定日期将垃圾放回回收站。 |
5.Procedures for Moving Out
What you need to do:
Notify your local Post Office
All your mail can be forwarded to your new address for a period of one year after you fill out a simple notification form at the post office.
Notify your local Municipal / Ward Office
When you change your address, you need to visit your municipal / ward office within 14 days of your moving day to register your new address.
National Health Insurance
When completing the above, please be sure to register your change of address on your National Health Insurance Card (also done at the Ward Office) so it can be reissued.
Notify Hokkaido University
Please advise the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty / graduate school of your new address. If you obtained your accommodation via our Guarantor System, you must submit the “Notification of Moving-out” to the Division of International Services on the first floor of the Office of International Affairs.
Renting Privately?
You must give your landlord / management company one or two months advance notice. Be aware that anything less than this may result in additional rent. You are responsible for leaving the apartment in the same condition to when you moved in. In the event you are found to be responsible for any damages found, you will be asked to pay for repair fees upon vacating. Additionally, depending on your contract, you may also be required to pay a cleaning fee.
Gas, Electricity and Water
Before vacating your apartment, you must cancel the gas, electricity and water supply contracts you hold. In certain cases, your landlord/management company may complete these procedures on your behalf. Please check with them.