Admission Fee, Tuition and Exemptions
Admission Fee
The admission fee is paid one time only at the time of admission. Payment is by wire transfer. For details, contact the administrative office of your Faculty/Graduate School. See the Undergraduate/Graduate Student Handbook for the fee amount.
The following table lists tuition for the University of Tokyo students.
Note: Students receiving a scholarship from the Japanese government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) do not need to pay tuition and certain other fees.
Student Category | Undergraduate | Graduate (excl. School of Law) | School of Law | ||
Master's/Professional | Doctoral/PhD in Medicine or Veterinary Science | ||||
Admission fee | ¥282,000 | ¥282,000 | ¥282,000 | ||
Tuition fee (annual) | ¥535,800 | ¥535,800 | ¥520,800 | ¥804,000 | |
Examination fee | 1st stage | ¥4,000 | ¥30,000 | ¥30,000 | ¥7,000 |
2nd stage | ¥13,000 | - | - | ¥23,000 |
Student Category | Research Student | Auditing Student |
Examination fee | ¥9,800 | ¥9,800 |
Admission fee | ¥84,600 | ¥28,200 |
Tuition fee | Monthly: ¥28,900 / Annual: ¥346,800 | ¥14,800 per credit |
1. Payment Periods
Tuition payments are made in 6-month amounts twice a year: in May for the first term (April-September) and in November for the second term (October-March).
※Tuition payments for September entrants are as follows:
(1) For the year of entry, payment in November will be for the first seven months (September-March).
(2) For the graduating year, payment in May will be for the last five months (April-August).
(3) For the years not covered by (1) or (2) payments in May and November will be for six months each.
2. Payment Method (Automatic Bank Account Withdrawal)
• Payments will be deducted automatically from the bank account that you registered through the Tuition Deposit Account Withdrawal Request Form.
• Tuition will be withdrawn from your account on May 27 for the first term and November 27 for the second term (or the next business day if the payment date falls on a non-business day for financial institutions).
• Please be sure to deposit an amount equal to the tuition payment in the relevant account at least one the day prior to the withdrawal date.
For other questions regarding tuition other than the payment method, please contact your Faculty or Graduate School.
学生类别 | 本科生 | 研究生(不包括法学院) | 法学院 | ||
硕士/专业 | 博士/医学或者是兽医科学博士 | ||||
入学费用 | ¥282,000 | ¥282,000 | ¥282,000 | ||
学费 (年度费用) | ¥535,800 | ¥535,800 | ¥520,800 | ¥804,000 | |
考试费用 | 第一阶段 | ¥4,000 | ¥30,000 | ¥30,000 | ¥7,000 |
第二阶段 | ¥13,000 | - | - | ¥23,000 |
学生类别 | 研究生 | 旁听生 |
考试费用 | ¥9,800 | ¥9,800 |
入学费用 | ¥84,600 | ¥28,200 |
学费 | 每月费用: ¥28,900 / 年度费用: ¥346,800 | ¥14,800每学分 |
(1) 在入学年份,11月份支付的学费将会是前7个月(9月份-第二年3月份)的学费;
(2) 在毕业年份,5月份支付的学费将会是后5个月的(4月份-8月份)的学费;
(3) 除了上述年份在11月份和5月份支付的学费之外,其他都是每6个月的学费。
• 学费将会根据您在《学费存款账户扣款申请表》中填写的银行账户信息,自动从该账户中扣除。
• 第一学期的学费将在5月27日从您的银行账户中扣除,第二学期的学费将在11月27日从您的银行账户中扣除(如果27日是法定休假日,则扣款日将会顺延到下一个工作日)。
• 请您确保至少提前一天在您的银行账户中存入足够的金额,使得学费的扣款能够顺利进行。
Exemptions / Deferred Payment of Admission Fee for Students Entering in April 2017
1. Eligibility
Exemption of Admission Fee
Students (excluding research students and auditing students) entering the University to whom any of the following applies:
a) Students who have difficulties in paying admission fees due to economic reasons and who are recognized as having outstanding academic capabilities (graduate students only).
b) Students who are recognized as having extreme difficulties in paying the admission fees due to either of the following reasons:
The death of the persons responsible for the payment of their school expenses occurring one year or less prior to admission.
Damages sustained by students or persons responsible for the payment of their school expenses caused by wind, flood or other natural disasters occurring one year or less prior to admission.
c) Students who are recognized as having other unavoidable circumstances.
Deferred Payment of Admission Fee
Students (excluding research students and auditing students) entering the University to whom items a) (either undergraduate or graduate students), b) or c) above apply.
2. Application Forms
(excluding College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)
Documents to be submitted by international students
a) If you live in Japan alone, please prepare the following documents:
Application for Admission Fee Exemption - Academic Year 2017
Record of Independent Household Finances: 独立家計調書(様式2)
Statement (Certification) Regarding Part-time Work: 本人のアルバイトに関する申立(証明)書(様式1)
Admission Fee Exemption Application Card & Receipt (Document divided into three parts): 申請カード・受理票
Stamped self-addressed envelope (with a JPY 82 stamp, size of 120mm*235mm)
Application envelope (Pink, size of 240mm*332mm)
b) If you live in Japan with your family, please submit documents for family members (partner/parents/children) living in Japan only.
However, even if you are living with your family, please make sure you submit the "Record of Independent Household Finances: 独立家計調書(様式2)".
Distribution Period
From Friday, February 10 - until the final date of the admission procedure period for affiliated Department and Graduate School (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).
3. Application Submission
(excluding College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)Application Submission Period
Same as the admission procedure period for the affiliated Department or Graduate School (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
*Students who wish to apply for both admission fee and tuition exemption should submit their applications together during the submission period for admission fee exemption.
Acceptance Hours
9:00 - 17:00
Where to Submit Application
Scholarship Team, Student Scholarship and Welfare Group (Student Support Center 1st floor (next to Gotenshita Memorial Arena))
(* Students entering the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences should submit their forms at the Frontier Sciences Student Affairs Office located at the Kashiwa Campus.)
1. For students entering the following College and Graduate Schools, the distribution and submission locations are different.
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
2. Since the application procedure will be conducted in Japanese, international students who find it difficult to communicate in Japanese should make sure they are accompanied by someone who understands Japanese well.
3. The application for exemption or deferred payment of the admission fee must be submitted without deficiency prior to the admission procedure. The admission procedure should be carried out only after being given the Application Receipt. (This does not apply to students who have been admitted to the Junior Division of the College of Arts and Sciences.)
4. Once the application is submitted, the payment of the admission fee will be deferred until the results are determined. Please note that eligibility will be revoked if an applicant pays the relevant fees before the results are determined.
5. If students or the persons responsible for the payment of their school expenses have been affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake or the Kumamoto Earthquake (April 2016) , they should make sure to contact the Scholarship Team regarding their circumstances.
a) 因为经济原因难于支付入学费用,并且公认为具备杰出的学术能力的学生(仅限研究生学生);
b) 因为以下原因在支付入学费用方面公认的存在极大困难的学生:
c) 被公认为处于特殊情况下的学生。
处于上述a)(本科生或者研究生)、b) 或者c) 状态下进入东京大学学习的学生(不包括研究型学生和旁听学生)。
a) 如果你独自居住在日本,请准备好以下文件:
回邮信封(带上JPY 82邮票,尺寸大小120mm*235mm);
b) 如果你和你的家人一同居住在日本,请递交居住在日本的家庭成员(配偶、父母、小孩)的文件:
递交时间:9:00 - 17:00
奖学金团队、学生奖学金和福利小组(学生支持中心一楼,紧邻Gotenshita Memorial Arena)。
1. 对于进入以下学院和研究生学院的学生而言,申请时间和递交地点有所不同:
- 艺术和科学学院;艺术和科学研究生学院;以及数学科学研究生学院。
2. 因为入学申请程序将会以日语进行,所以在日语交流方面有困难的国际学生,应该确保有一个熟练理解日语的学生陪同前往。
3. 入学费用的豁免申请或者是延迟支付申请必须在入学评估之前全部递交。入学评估只有在获得申请费用收据之后才会展开。(这不适用于已经进入东京大学艺术和科学学院低年级学生。)
4. 一旦递交了申请,入学费用支付在申请结果确定之后将会被推迟。请注意如果申请者在结果确定之前支付了相关的费用,那么延迟支付资格将会被撤销。
5. 如果负责支付学习费用的学生或者是个人受到东日本大地震或者是熊本地震(2016年4月)的影响,那么他们应该就自己的相关情况联系奖学金团队。
Exemptions / Deferred Payment of Tuition for the First Half of 2017
1. Eligibility
Undergraduate or graduate students (excluding research students and auditing students) to whom any one of the following applies:
a) Students who have difficulties in paying tuition due to economic reasons and who are recognized as having outstanding academic capabilities.
b) Students who are recognized as having extreme difficulties in paying tuition due to either of the following reasons:
The death of the persons responsible for the payment of their school expenses occurring six months or less prior to the time of tuition payment (one year or less in the case of newly entering students).
Damages sustained by students or the persons responsible for the payment of their school expenses caused by wind, flood or other natural disasters occurring six months or less prior to the time of tuition payment (one year or less in the case of newly entering students).
c) Students who are recognized as having other unavoidable circumstances.
2. Application Forms
(excluding College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)
Documents to be submitted by international students
a) If you live in Japan alone, please prepare the following documents:
Application for Tuition Fee Exemption - Academic Year 2017
Record of Independent Household Finances: 独立家計調書(様式2)
Statement (Certification) Regarding Part-time Work: 本人のアルバイトに関する申立(証明)書(様式1)
Tuition Fee Exemption Application Card & Receipt (Document devided into three parts): 申請カード・受理票
Two stamped self-addressed envelope (with a JPY 82 stamp, size of 120mm*235mm, one envelope if First Half only)
Application envelope (Cream color, size of 240mm*332mm)
b) If you live in Japan with your family, please submit documents for family members (partner/parents/children) living in Japan only.
However, even if you are living with your family, please make sure you submit the "Record of Independent Household Finances: 独立家計調書(様式2)".
However, please note that all envelopes and the Application Card & Receipt will be distributed by the Scholarship Team (Student Support Center 1st floor) or at the office of the affiliated Department/Graduate School.
Distribution Period
Friday, February 10 - Friday, April 7 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).
3. Application Submission
(excluding College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)
Application Submission Period
(1) Current students (excluding newly entering students):
Friday, February 10 - Friday, April 7 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).
(2) Students entering in April 2017:
From the beginning of the admission procedure period for the affiliated Department or Graduate School until Friday, April 7 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).
Note: Please comply strictly with the application deadline since applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted for any reason whatsoever.
Acceptance Hours
9:00 - 17:00
Where to Submit Application
Scholarship Team, Student Scholarship and Welfare Group (Student Support Center 1st floor; next to Gotenshita Memorial Arena)
(* On March 7, 8 and 9, applications will also be accepted at the Frontier Sciences Student Affairs Office located at Kashiwa Campus.)
* Precautions
1. For students entering the following College and Graduate Schools, the distribution and submission locations are different.
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
2. Since the application procedure will be conducted in Japanese, international students who find it difficult to communicate in Japanese should make sure they are accompanied by someone who understands Japanese well.
3. Please note that applications after the application submission period has passed will not be accepted for any reason whatsoever.
4. Once the application is submitted, the payment of tuition (including payment by automatic direct debit) will be deferred until the results are determined. Please note that eligibility will be revoked if an applicant pays the fees before the results are determined.
5. There are two types of postponement of tuition payments: "deferred payment" and "installment payment." If the application of "deferred payment" is approved, the payment will be postponed until the end of August. Otherwise the "installment payment" is due on the 27th of each month until the end of September. Please note that the application form is different from that on tuition fee exemption.
*For students who complete courses in August, the "deferred payment" will be postponed until the end of July. Otherwise the "installment payment" is due on the 27th of each month until August.
6. Students who apply for both the first and second half of 2017 during the application submission period for the first half do not have to apply for the second half again.
However, students to whom any of the following conditions apply must resubmit their applications during the period for the second half.
Cases in which the information (family, study or household budget) provided in the application on April 1 has changed by October 1.
Cases where students have changed programs in September.
(example: cases where the applicant completes the Master's program in August, and enters the Doctorate program in September)
Cases where students were expected to graduate or complete the program but are still enrolled beyond the program duration.
*In the case that applications for both the first and second half are submitted together, selection results will be determined for each half separately. Therefore, even if the application for exemption or deferred payment for the first half is approved, the result for the second half will not necessarily be the same. Please confirm the selection result for the second half as well.
7. The schedule for tuition exemption and deferred payment of tuition for the second half of the 2017 academic year will be posted to this website around July 2017.
8. Students who applied for a tuition fee exemption last year (academic year 2016) and who wish to receive an exemption this year also must reapply. (Results of the application for exemption are not automatically carried over to the following year.)
9. If students or the persons responsible for the payment of their school expenses have been affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake or the Kumamoto Earthquake (April 2016) they should make sure to contact the Scholarship Team regarding their circumstances.
For inquiries regarding admission fee and tuition exemptions or deferred payment, please contact the Scholarship Team of the Student Scholarship and Welfare Group (section in charge of tuition exemptions) (Phone: +81 03-5841-2547, 2548).
* Please submit your application as soon as possible since the office tends to become very crowded as the deadline for application submission approaches.
a) 因为经济原因难于支付学费,并且公认为具备杰出的学术能力的学生(仅限研究生学生);
b) 因为以下原因在支付学费方面公认的存在极大困难的学生:
c) 被公认为处于特殊情况下的学生。
a) 如果你独自居住在日本,请准备好以下文件:
两个回邮信封(带上JPY 82邮票,尺寸大小120mm*235mm,如果你前半年学费豁免申请的话,递交一个信封);
b) 如果你和你的家人一同居住在日本,请递交居住在日本的家庭成员(配偶、父母、小孩)的文件:
递交时间:9:00 - 17:00
奖学金团队、学生奖学金和福利小组(学生支持中心一楼,紧邻Gotenshita Memorial Arena)。
* 注意事项:
1. 对于进入以下学院和研究生学院的学生而言,申请时间和递交地点有所不同:
- 艺术和科学学院;艺术和科学研究生学院;以及数学科学研究生学院。
2. 因为入学申请程序将会以日语进行,所以在日语交流方面有困难的国际学生,应该确保有一个熟练理解日语的学生陪同前往。
3. 请注意,在申请递交截止时间之后,将不会因为任何理由接受其他的申请。
4. 一旦递交了申请,学费支付(包括自动直接扣帐的支付方式)在申请结果确定之后将会被推迟。请注意如果申请者在结果确定之前支付了相关的费用,那么延迟支付资格将会被撤销。
5. 东京大学有两种类型的学费支付延迟:“延迟支付”和“分期支付”。如果延迟支付通过的话,那么费用支付将会被延迟到8月底。分期支付将会在每一个月的27日支付,一直到9月底。请注意申请表格和学费豁免表格是不一样的。
6. 在前一半学费豁免申请递交时间内,同时申请了2017年前一半和后一半学费豁免的学生,不需要重新申请后一半费用。
- 在4月1日的申请中提供的信息(家人、学习或者是家庭预算)在10月1日之前已经改变;
- 学生在9月份改变专业(例如:在8月份完成硕士专业学习的申请者,在9月份进入博士学位专业学习);
- 原本将要毕业或者完成专业学习,但是在专业正常修读年限之后仍然注册登记的学生。
* 对于同时递交了前一半和后一半学费豁免的申请者而言,申请结果将会单独针对每一半的申请做出决定。因此,前一半即使豁免或者延迟支付申请通过,后一半的申请结果也未必是相同的。请确认每一部分的申请结果。
7. 2017年后一半学费豁免和学费延迟支付安排大约会在2017年7月份公布在这个网页。
8. 去年申请学费豁免的学生(2016学年),如果在今年想要获得豁免资格的话需要重新申请。(豁免申请的结果不会自动延续到下一年。)
9. 如果负责支付学习费用的学生或者是个人受到东日本大地震或者是熊本地震(2016年4月)的影响,那么他们应该就自己的相关情况联系奖学金团队。
有关入学费用和学费豁免以及延迟支付的疑问,请联系学生奖学金和福利团队:电话:03-5841-2547, 2548.
* 请尽快递交你的申请,因为在申请递交截止时间的时候办公室可能会变得相当拥挤忙碌。
Life in Tokyo
Prices in Tokyo
Tokyo has the highest level of prices in Japan, a country that is known as one of the world's most expensive places to live. The table below lists the average price of some necessities, so refer to it when budgeting your living expenses.
(Source: Nov. 2013 survey by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
Item | Unit | Average Price |
Rice (blended) | 5 kg | ¥2,224 |
Bread | 1 loaf (340 grams) | around ¥150 |
Milk | 1 liter | ¥215 |
Butter | 200 g | ¥390 |
Eggs | 1 carton (10 eggs) | ¥228 |
Oranges | 1 kg | ¥403 |
Potatoes | 1 kg | ¥298 |
Boxed meal (rice, fish, etc.) | 1 | ¥523 |
Egg salad sandwich | 100 g | ¥180 |
Cola | 500 ml | ¥95 |
Toilet paper | 1 case (12 rolls) | ¥233 |
Toothbrush | 1 | ¥102 |
Laptop computer | 1 | ¥181,600 |
Music CD | 1 | ¥3,000 |
Newspaper subscription | 1 month | ¥3,250 |
Movie ticket | 1 | ¥1,800 or ¥1,500 with student discount |
物品 | 单位 | 平均价格 |
米饭(混合) | 5千克 | ¥2,224 |
面包 | 1块(340克) | 大约¥150 |
牛奶 | 1升 | ¥215 |
黄油 | 200克 | ¥390 |
鸡蛋 | 1盒(10个) | ¥228 |
橘子 | 1 千克 | ¥403 |
土豆 | 1 千克 | ¥298 |
盒饭 (米饭、鱼、等等) | 1 | ¥523 |
鸡蛋沙拉三明治 | 100克 | ¥180 |
可乐 | 500毫升 | ¥95 |
卫生纸 | 1包(12卷) | ¥233 |
牙刷 | 1 | ¥102 |
笔记本电脑 | 1 | ¥181,600 |
音乐光碟 | 1 | ¥3,000 |
报纸订阅 | 1个月 | ¥3,250 |
电影票 | 1 | ¥1,800或者¥1,500(有学生折扣) |