General Information
Application forms may be submitted either online' paying by credit card (in US$) or by requesting the application packet from our office and paying with a voucher at a post office in Israel.
Instructions for the online application: You must create an account on the website and once receiving an email with the account details, you can log onto the system. You must choose the option of Overseas Applicants Unit and the program will be Overseas Students Degree Application 2017-2018. You will then get access to the application forms. Candiadtes for graduate programs in one of the faculties listed on the applicaiton website, will need to complete another form for their faculty.
线上申请指导:必须创建网站账号,收到账号详情邮件之后,就可以登入系统。必须选择海外申请人选项,项目必须为 2017-2018海外学生学位申请。然后,就可以看到申请表。对于所申请的研究生项目所在院系在申请网站上有列出的学生,需要完成另一份院系申请。
Candidates must upload to the application form the following: proof of application fee payment, a copy of ID card or passport, their resume (CV) and documents on previous studies. They are also required to submit official documents to our office. Official documents are originals from the issuing institution or notarized copies. Scanned copies are not official but may be used to begin the process. It is also possible to bring an original document with a copy to our office and we will certify the copy and return the original.
We send all correspondence to the mailing address as it appears on the application form. To avoid admission difficulties, notify the Office of Overseas Students Admissions promptly about any address changes.
Applications are only processed after receiving all documents as requested on the application form. Candidates unable to meet an application deadline because they are lacking one or more required documents are advised to submit an incomplete application with a letter stating which documents are missing and when they will be submitted.
Applicants who were unable to begin studies because they did not reach the required level of Hebrew and/or English, may apply for the following year without having to repay the application fee again.
Information for internatioanl students on visa- and permit matters, is available on the international office website.
Department Selection
Undergraduate candidates may list up to five different departments in their order of preference. Once a candidate is accepted to a department, no lower preference will be processed, unless it is a department taught in a dual-major program in which case the second major will be checked. However, applicants will get information about their admission prospects for the lower preferences, in case they wish to make changes. Lower preferences of candidates who are "wait-listed" will be processed. If a candidate is subsequently accepted to a previously "wait-listed" preference, then any acceptances to lower preferences will be cancelled. Applicants to the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences must list at least two departments.
Application changes (adding a department, changing the order of preference, etc.) are possible only if the requested department is still accepting new applicants. Requests must be submitted in writing via email or by a special form in our office. The first change will be made free of charge, but all additional changes will require payment of NIS 45.
改变申请(如添加院系、变换志愿顺序等)只在所申请的院系仍在接受新申请人的情况下才被允许。要求必须通过书面邮件或学校办公室特定形式提交。第一次改变不收费,不过接下来的改变将收取45NIS 。
Candidates to graduate programs may list only two departments in their order of preference. Our office will handle the two options simultaneously. After receiving the answer, applicants who wish to change or add an option, may do so if the requested program is still accepting new applications. The request must be made in writing.
Formal Acceptance
An official acceptance letter issued by the Overseas Applicants Unit is the only evidence of acceptance to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Candidates may be informed about their chances of acceptance during pre-application counseling and processing. This information can in no way be construed as an official acceptance.
It is possible to check the status of an application and see Psychometric Test scores at: www.huji.ac.il. Applicants will be required to give their 5-digit personal code as it appears on the Administrative Notice (which is sent out after the application has been processed).
可以在www.huji.ac.il查看申请状态和心理测试分数。申请人需要给出行政告知上面的 5-digit 个人密码。行政告知在申请被受理之后发出。
Some candidates may receive an acceptance letter conditional upon: proof of completion of current studies, fulfillment of the Hebrew and/or English requirement(s), or submission of official documents. Registration for classes will be possible only after all the conditions are fulfilled and an official letter is issued to that effect.
There are no deferred admissions. Acceptance letters are valid only for the year issued. Although standards of admission tend to remain similar from year to year, candidates who are reapplying should check whether there are any changes in the admission requirements.
Exception: Applicants who were unable to begin studies because they did not reach the required level of Hebrew and/or English, or new immigrant candidates for a Master's degree program who must decline their acceptance due to Aliyah arrangements, may apply for the following year without having to pay the application fee again. Such applicants must notify us in writing both in the current year and in order to reactivate their application the following year.