瑞士联邦理工学院(洛桑) / 洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL),成立于1969年,是一所世界顶尖的理工院校,在工程科技领域享有极高的声望。学校位于瑞士的法语区,与德语区的苏黎世联邦理工学院是姊妹院校。那么应该如何申请洛桑联邦理工学院呢?下面和留学群一起来看看吧。
How to apply ?
1.Deadline April 30th (at the latest):
Apply online
Caution: the online application form will close on April 30th.
Pay the admission fee (see info here under)
Attach the required documents which are already in your possession.
When complete: validate the form
List of requested documents for admission in 1st year
Criteria for admission in 1st year and requested documents
Admission criteria
Texts here under are for your information only. Legal texts must be considered as the definitive reference. The exposed criteria is available from the 2014 admissions.
All candidates fulfilling the admission criteria described below will be admitted at EPFL in 1st year in their Bachelor’s program of choice, without any entry exam, interview or numerus clausus.
Candidates who do not fulfill the described criteria are kindly asked to read the admission criteria to the Special Mathematics Course (CMS, 1-year preparatory course followed by a partial or complete admission examination) or read information about the admission examination.
Students who are already admitted at another Swiss university are kindly asked to read the conditions regarding transfers from another Swiss university.
Requested documents
1 colour photo, in jpeg format
Quality criteria for passport photos:
Ratio 3/4 (width/height, the standard for passport photos is 3.5 x 4.5 cm)
Minimum size of a photo 240 x 320 pixels
jpeg format
Less than 2 MB • Clear photo without alterations
Face at the centre and clearly visible
Not a copy from your passport, no traces of a stamp on the photo
Neutral background
copy of your passport or identity card
copy of residence permit for foreigners living in Switzerland
copy of secondary school diploma and grades (maturité, baccalauréat...)
copies of grades received during the two years preceding the diploma (for foreign diplomas)
copies of all diplomas and grades from post-secondary education (university, preparatory courses... )
copy of residence permit (only for students already domiciled in Switzerland)
Certificate of removal from the university register (only for students who have already been registered at a Swiss university).
Others (on case-by-case basis).
These documents have to be ulploaded into the application form before April 30th.
Supplements to the dossier
Documents that are not in your possession yet on April 30th (such as your baccalauréat/maturité diploma and the final grades, last term grades) must be uploaded into the form before July 15th.
EPFL has the right to verify the authenticity of all received documents (during or after the application process). All candidates admitted following the use of fake documents will be excluded and his/her results might be cancelled.
- 1张彩色照片,jpeg格式;
• 3/4比例 (宽/高, 护照照片的标准尺寸是3.5 x 4.5 cm)
• 照片最小尺寸240 x 320像素
• jpeg格式
• 小于2 MB
• 没有修改的清晰照片;
• 脸在中心,并且清晰可见;
• 不是你护照上获得的复印件,照片上没有图章的痕迹;
• 素净色背景
- 护照和身份证复印件;
- 居住在瑞士的外国人的居住许可;
- 中学文凭和成绩(毕业考试、法国高考)复印件;
- 在获得文凭过程中的两年成绩的复印件(外国文凭);
- 从中学后学校(大学、预科课程)获得的所有文凭和成绩的复印件;
- 居住许可复印件(仅适用于已经在瑞士定居的学生);
- 从大学注册登记处移除证书(仅适用于已经在瑞士大学注册的学生);
- 其他材料(具体条件具体分析)。
List of requested documents for admission to CMS
Video (in French): further details about the CMS, from Adrian Blumenthal, Alumni from the course and doctoral student at EPFL
Program presentation and study plan
Video (in French): further details about the CMS, from Adrian Blumenthal, Alumni from the course and doctoral student at EPFL
- 视频(法语):洛桑联邦理工学院该课程毕业生或者博士学生提供的有关CMS的进一步详细信息;
- 专业陈述和学习计划;
- 前景。
List of requested documents for upper years admission
Admission criteria
This type of admission mainly concerns the following students:
Students from French preparatory programs (e.g. CPGE) (pages in French)
Applicants from the ENS competition in Lyon (pages in French)
All other applicants who can show proof of equivalent university education in Switzerland or abroad are required to submit an application in accordance with this procedure.
Applications are then treated by the Admissions Committee who renders its decision in late July. Applicants are individually informed at that time.
NOTE: other than applicants from French preparatory programs, upper-year admissions are only offered in exceptional circumstances. EPFL encourages admission at the Master’s level for those students holding a Bachelor’s degree.
Requested documents
Copies of grades and credits obtained during university studies (for each year)
Class average and your rank in the class (first, second, third or fourth quartile) for each university year
A recommendation from a professor at the university
Letter of motivation from the applicant, indicated the desired level of admission
Copies of grades obtained in the Baccalaureate year and the year preceding the Baccalaureate year,
A copy of grades obtained in the Baccalaureate
A copy of the Baccalaureate diploma
1 colour photo, in jpeg format
Quality criteria for passport photos:
• Ratio 3/4 (width/height, the standard for passport photos is 3.5 x 4.5 cm)
• Minimum size of a photo 240 x 320 pixels
• jpeg format
• Less than 2 MB • Clear photo without alterations
• Face at the centre and clearly visible
• Not a copy from your passport, no traces of a stamp on the photo
• Neutral background
A copy of your passport or identity card
Miscellelaneous (portfolios for Architecure students,..)
These documents have to be uploaded into the application form before April 30th.
Supplements to the dossier
Documents that are not in your possession yet on April 30th (such as a copy of your baccalauréat/maturité diploma and the final grades, third-term grades for French students) must be uploaded into the form before July 15th.
All candidates fill in the same application form.
- 法语预备专业的学生(例如大学校预科班);
- 里昂ENS竞赛的申请者。
- 在大学学习期间获得的成绩或者学分复印件(每年);
- 大学每一年的班级平均分以及你的班级排名(第一、第二、第三或第四分位数);
- 来自大学教授的推荐信;
- 申请者的动机信,说明想要入学的专业水平;
- 在学士学位学习年份、以及学士学位获得年份之前获得的成绩的复印件;
- 在学士学位中获得的成绩的复印件;
- 学士学位文凭复印件;
- 1张彩色照片,jpeg格式;
• 3/4比例 (宽/高, 护照照片的标准尺寸是3.5 x 4.5 cm)
• 照片最小尺寸240 x 320像素
• jpeg格式
• 小于2 MB
• 没有修改的清晰照片;
• 脸在中心,并且清晰可见;
• 不是你护照上获得的复印件,照片上没有图章的痕迹;
• 素净色背景
- 护照或者身份证的复印件一份;
- 杂项材料(建筑学生的作品集)
2.Deadline July 15th (at the latest):
Supplements to the dossier
Documents that are still not in your possession on April 30th (such as your baccalauréat/maturité diploma and the final grades, last term grades) must be uploaded into your application file before July 15th.
Link to upload documents
The definitive validation of the application file must have been made by July 15th at the latest. An admission confirmation is sent to you around the beginning of August.
Changing program
After registration, it is still possible to switch to another program, until September 30th. For candidates with a Swiss High School Maturité diploma, transfer to the University of Lausanne is also possible until September 30th, except for the school of medicine.
How to pay the application fee
Payment is only possible by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), Swiss Postcard debit card, or PayPal.
Applicants must pay the application fee when his/her application is submitted. These fees are CHF 50.- for a holder of a Swiss diploma and CHF 150.- for holders of foreign diplomas.
申请者必须在入学申请递交的时候支付申请费用。对于持有瑞士文凭的学生而言,申请费用是CHF 50;对于持有外国文凭的学生而言,申请费用是CHF 150。