When can I apply for accommodation?
Once you firmly accept an offer to study at Abertay University, your status on the University system changes. You can then log onto OASIS (the university portal), where you should find a link which invites you to apply for accommodation online. The online application system will be available from Spring. Contact the Residences Office if you have any difficulties.
一旦接受阿伯泰大学的录取通知书,你在阿伯泰大学系统中的身份就变了。那时你就可以进入OASIS ,里面有住宿线上申请连接邀请你申请。线上申请系统从春天开始可以使用。如果有困难,请联系Residences Office 。
How do I apply for accommodation?
To apply for a room in one of our Residences, please follow the instructions below:
1.Go to the Applicant's Portal in the Quick Links drop-down at the top of each page.
2.Sign in using your username and password.
3.Click on 'Residences Application and Offer'
4.Follow the instructions from there.
1.在每个页面顶部下拉Quick Links,进入 Applicant's Portal
3.点击Residences Application and Offer
4.遵照Residences Application and Offer的指示
I don't have internet access, how can I apply for accommodation?
Please phone the Residences Office on +44 (0)1382 308049 or email [email protected] and let us know. We'll then send you an accommodation form and information by post. Please note that the paper application will only be available once the online application is open and you have firmly accepted an offer to study with us.
请拨打Residences Office的电话+44 (0)1382 308049,或者发送邮件到[email protected]告知我们。我们会将申请表和相关信息邮寄给你。请注意,纸质申请表在开放线上申请时才发放。纸质申请表也需要你接受我们的录取通知书之后才可以领取。
Where can I find my username and password?
Username: Your username is your seven digit student number (this is your unique student number, which is on all communication sent to you by our Admissions department).
Password: Usually defaulted to your Date of Birth – DDMMYY (postgraduate applicants excepted).
1.UCAS applicants will be issued with their username and password from 1 April onwards. Those who apply after this date will receive theirs within three working days of accepting the firm offer.
2.If you applied using the University’s postgraduate online application, you can access OASIS using the username and password you created for your application.
3.If you applied using paper application form, your username and password was sent to you by e-mail within two working days of receiving your application.
If your password doesn't work, click 'Forgotten Password' and follow the instructions. If you are still having problems please contact the Admissions Team at [email protected]
2.如果你是通过阿伯泰大学研究生线上申请,你可以用申请时填写的用户名和密码登录 OASIS。
如果密码错误,点击“Forgotten Password”(忘记密码),遵照相关指示操作找回密码。如果还有疑问,请邮件联系Admissions Team。邮件地址:[email protected]。
Can I choose only one option for my preference?
We're afraid not, you will have to make five choices in order to move through the application. We ask you to make five choices as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to offer you your first choice. If you only want your first choice and nothing else please details this in the 'Special Needs/Comments' box.
恐怕不能,你需要5个都选。5个都选为了确保你选到住宿。如果你只想选一项,对其他选项都不感兴趣,请在Special Needs/Comments中注明。
Can I request alcohol-free accommodation?
Yes, you can request alcohol-free accommodation, although our ability to provide this is subject to demand. You can request this in the 'Special Needs/Comments' box.
By requesting and agreeing to live in a flat we have denoted as 'alcohol-free', you have agreed to refrain from drinking alcohol, using it for cooking, being under the influence of alcohol, or bringing it into the accommodation (this includes your guests). By breaking this rule, you are contravening your agreement with us and further action can be taken.
是的,你可以申请不饮酒宿舍,虽然这类宿舍供应有限。你可以在Special Needs/Comments中注明。要求并同意住在学校指定为“不饮酒”宿舍之后,你就已经同意了不带酒进宿舍(客人也不能带),不用它作烹饪,不受它的影响。一旦违法规定,你就违法了与学校达成的协议,学校可以对你采取进一步措施。
What other information is required to process applications?
We need to know that you will definitely be studying at the Abertay University before we can offer you accommodation. For new students, this confirmation is provided to us directly by UCAS.
Can I stay for one semester only?
Yes, if you are studying a one semester course. When completing the Residences Application in OASIS, you will have to choose a full-length contract (40 weeks) but you should then tell us in the 'Special Needs/Comments' box that you are studying for one semester only and which semester this will be.
可以,如果你选的是一学期课程。在OASIS完成住宿申请之后,你需要选择full-length contract(40周),但你可以在Special Needs/Comments中注明你只学一个学期,同时注明是哪个学期。
Can I share a flat with my friend(s)?
When completing the Residences Application in OASIS tell us in the 'Special Needs/Comments' box that you wish to stay in the same flat as a friend, but due to availability, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfil your request.
在OASIS完成住宿申请之后,你可以在Special Needs/Comments中注明你有上述需求。不过供应有限,学校不保证你申请到。
I will be a new student. Am I guaranteed accommodation?
Unfortunately not. However, we always consider students who are new to Dundee to be our top priority and do our best to accommodate them.
When will I know I have secured accommodation?
You will receive an email from the Residences Office once your application has been received. You will then receive another email within seven days confirming availability and details of any offer. Keep an eye on your OASIS account in the meantime for any update. If you have any concerns, please email [email protected] or call +44 (0)1382 308049 to speak to a Residences Officer.
申请一旦受理,你会收到Residences Office的邮件。其后7个工作日内你会收到第二封邮件,告知你住宿方面的详细信息。同时,记得关注你的OASIS账户,查看更新。如果有疑问,请发邮件至[email protected],或者打+44 (0)1382 308049,联系Residences Officer.