Lorra Linda Academy (罗马琳达学院)建校于1906年,是一所基督教学院预备高中,是新改建校园,这所学校是对医学专业有兴趣的理想学校,因为它是连接到医学大学的。罗马琳达学院是一所被WASC认证的学校,该校有一个非常高的大学入学率,该校有99%的学生顺利升读理想大学。罗马琳达学院提供学生最优秀的教师、富挑战的运动员,以及独一无二的课程非常引以为傲。罗马琳达学院设法训练学生必要的技能,使得他们学生能够比他校学生优秀。罗马琳达学院学校以培训学生具备德、智、体、群、美的特质而努力,非常重视每位学生的学习进度,还鼓励学生要善加利用学校举办的活动,并且培养文学艺术方面的兴趣。
校园占地: 50英亩
学生人数: 约为500人
国际学生: 8%
提供班别: 9-12,每班约有20人
师生比: 19:1
提供课程: Honors Courses
住宿: 美国家庭寄宿(Homestay)
学校网址: http://www.lla.org/
Lorra Linda Academy 地区
Lorra Linda Academy 位于美国南加州小镇 - 洛马琳达,这里曾被国家地理杂志封为美国的「长寿村」,他们大多笃信基督教,严格控制饮食,不抽菸、不喝酒。该地有信仰中心、贯彻不抽菸、不喝酒、少吃肉类,不喝咖啡、汽水的信仰教条,并有勤于运动的好习惯。美国的多元种族造就了其多元文化,加州更是当中的佼佼者,加州又称为“黄金之州”,这里有丰富的自然资源,有全美国最好的气候。这里的开放及自由之风,跟其遍洒的阳光同样灿烂,投放于艺术中,于是出现了各式各样精采百出的展馆。
Lorra Linda Academy 校内生活
Lorra Linda Academy 校内设施十分齐备,拥有主要的教学大楼、备有学习空间的图书馆、学生中心中、休闲中心、社团室、邮件室以及商店等。该校更提供多元化的课外活动,如足球、橄榄球、水球、篮球、游泳、摔角、棒球、高尔夫球、网球、垒球、径赛运动、排球、溜冰等活动。
Welcome to Loma Linda Academy
Since 1906, over 7,000 students have been educated and nurtured to make intelligent choices, guided by the eternal principles of God's Word. And today, these students have made and are continuing to make a significant contribution to communities all around the world. With 100 years of experience and history of educating children, we are challenged to refine our strategies for helping students learn maximally while achieving their God given potential.
Our current strategic plan includes seven goals that we will pursue over the next five years. These goals are in the areas of: spiritual nurturing for our school community; improved personnel performance in all areas of service; innovative academic programs to enrich the curriculum; a program of safety on campus; expanded financial resources; quality customer service; and new and renovated facilities.
In the area of facilities, we have just completed the renovation of several buildings. The Biology complex was completed in 2007 and the gym lobby remodel in 2008. This will be followed with the construction of a new 12-classroom building for the high school, a new gymnasium for the junior high school; a new auditorium, library and student center for grades 7-12 that will include K-12 administrative offices. Over the next five years the campus will take on a different and more modern look as we build to facilitate the above mentioned goals.
I invite you to not just watch us grow, but to help us grow as LLA engages in the program of educating for eternity.