筑波大学(University of Tsukuba),诞生于1872年,位于东京首都圈的筑波市,入选日本"超级国际化大学计划(Top Global University Project)"A类顶尖校,日本学术研究恳谈会(RU11)成员,是日本著名的国立综合大学,也是日本最古老的大学之一。许多中国留学生想去日本留学,小编建议同学们可以选择筑波大学。下面,留学群(m.liuxuequn.com)小编就给大家介绍筑波大学丰富多彩的校园活动,欢迎阅读!
The University of Tsukuba holds various events with the aim of promoting exchang between students and faculty members.
This festival is held for the incoming first-year students on the day of entrance ceremony by "Sankei," which is made up of three extracurricular activity groups. The aim of the festival is to exchange and promote mutual friendship between enrolled students and the incoming first-year students. This event is one of the unique events of the University of Tsukuba.
* The University of Tsukuba grants outstanding extracurricular activity groups the status of "extracurricular activity group". The extracurricular activity groups are divided into three categories: culture, physical, and art. Within each category, group leaders hold meetings at the "Keibetsu Sekininsha Kaigi". Members of the "Keibetsu Sekininsha Kaigi" meet at the "Circle Rengo Kai", which organize various activities authorized by the university.
University Festival (Sohosai)
University Festival (Sohosai) held every October is organized and participated by students, staff, and faculty members. It serves as a good opportunity for introducing research achievements and extracurricular activities and promoting exchanges among students, staff, and faculty members. It also facilitate exchanges with the general public and introduces the university to the community.
Sports Day
Sports Day is held twice a year, in spring (May) and autumn (October), with the aim of enhancing healthy and comfortable school life and promoting sports activities. Students, staff, and faculty members take part in and enjoy soccer, volleyball, and other games.