
2015-08-08 14:53:26 陈羽 雅思考试高分技巧雅思备考技巧

  IELTS Tips: Get the Grade You Need


  Getting the grade you need in the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) can seem like a mountain to climb. The wide range of vocabulary you’ll be exposed to, the complexity of the topics used in the reading paper and the fear of the dreaded accents in the listening section is enough to send even the keenest English language student into a panic. Three words are all you need to remember: preparation, preparation, preparation.

  This is a high-level test of your English language ability, but it is surmountable and these IELTS tipswill help you get the best grade possible.


  在雅思考试中 (国际英语语言测试系统) 得到你想要的分数,可以看起来像有一座山要爬。你将接触到的广泛的词汇,阅读中的复杂主题,听力部分的语调,就足以使甚至最热衷的英语的学生陷入恐慌。三个词是你需要记住的全部: 准备、 准备、 准备。


  IELTS writing tips

  Part 1 of the IELTS Academic Paper gives you a graph, table or diagram to summarize. Make sure before you go into the exam room that you are familiar with the types of data you might be presented with and that you know the right terminology. Then follow these tips to get you through the IELTS writing tasks:

  When examining the information you’ve been asked to summarize, focus on finding extremes and similarities. The word count is only 150 words, so just focus on identifying the main trends.

  Make sure you’ve got the vocabulary you need, including:

  Linking words,

  Signposting language,

  The language of change,

  The language of cause and effect,

  The language of comparison and contrast.

  Think about the structure of your writing. Treat this IELTS writing task as you would any other essay: introduction, main points, conclusion.



  雅思考试第一部分给你一个图形、 表格或示意图去总结。请在你走进考场之前,确保你熟悉你可能要用的一种数据类型,你知道正确的术语。然后按照这些提示让你通过雅思写作考试:

  在审查你要总结的信息时,集中寻找极端和相似之处。字数只是 150 个词,所以着重于发现主干。







  想想你的写作结构。将这个雅思写作当做任何其他的文章: 引言、 主要观点、 结论。

  IELTS reading tips

  Many students find the IELTS reading section the most difficult part of the test, mainly due to the vast amount of text. The topics used are varied and sometimes very technical and the amount of vocabulary can be daunting. The main point to remember is that you don’t need to understand every single word. These additional tips may also help during the IELTS reading section:

  Focus on the questions and read with a focus on finding answers to the questions. Make sure you get hold of practice papers, as this is an area you can really train yourself in.

  What does the title tell you about what you’re going to be reading? The title should give you the gist of the article before you read another word.

  Grow your collection of synonyms. Every time you learn a new word find some synonyms. This will help you greatly in the IELTS reading paper with the use of parallel words.

  The True, False or Not Given questions can be tricky, but it will help if you change the statements into questions. If the text doesn’t answer the question, it’s ‘Not Given’.







  -真、 假或不给出问题可能会非常棘手,但是如果你改变问题的说法,将会帮你弄明白。如果文章没有回答这个问题,它就是 ' 不给 '。

  Great websites to help with your IELTS preparation:

  Flo-Joe is a great website for anyone studying for the Cambridge exams, including the IELTS. You will find practice tests for all the papers, including IELTS reading, IELTS writings and IELTS listening. They’ve also got weekly practice tests in the kinds of topics that may arise.

  Learn English, a website run by the British Council, has downloadable podcasts, games, academic writing help, including a section dedicated to IELTS preparation.

  The BBC’s Learning English site features a variety of resources for students including Words in the News with news reports that you can listen to and read. There are also quizzes, Phrase of the Day and many other great resources to help with your IELTS preparation.

  ESLPoint offers help in all the skills you need for the IELTS. It includes online practice exercises with clear explanations and IELTS tips.

  Use these IELTS tips in your preparation and you will go into the exam with a head start. Good luck!




  -Learn English,,由英国文化协会运行一个网站,有下载播客、 游戏、 学术论文写作帮助,包括雅思备考。

  -英国广播公司的 Learning English网站有各种资源包括新闻报道,你可以听和阅读。也有小测验和许多其他大量的资源来帮助你准备雅思。

  -ESLPoint 提供在雅思考试所需的所有技能帮助。它包括在线练习,带有详解,以及雅思考试技巧。


  想了解更多留学资讯,请浏览留学群 m.liuxuequn.com





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  IELTS Tips: Get the Grade You Need


  Getting the grade you need in the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) can seem like a mountain to climb. The wide range of vocabulary you’ll be exposed to, the complexity of the topics used in the reading paper and the fear of the dreaded accents in the listening section is enough to send even the keenest English language student into a panic. Three words are all you need to remember: preparation, preparation, preparation.

  This is a high-level test of your English language ability, but it is surmountable and these IELTS tipswill help you get the best grade possible.


  在雅思考试中 (国际英语语言测试系统) 得到你想要的分数,可以看起来像有一座山要爬。你将接触到的广泛的词汇,阅读中的复杂主题,听力部分的语调,就足以使甚至最热衷的英语的学生陷入恐慌。三个词是你需要记住的全部: 准备、 准备、 准备。


  IELTS writing tips

  Part 1 of the IELTS Academic Paper gives you a graph, table or diagram to summarize. Make sure before you go into the exam room that you are familiar with the types of data you might be presented with and that you know the right terminology. Then follow these tips to get you through the IELTS writing tasks:

  When examining the information you’ve been asked to summarize, focus on finding extremes and similarities. The word count is only 150 words, so just focus on identifying the main trends.

  Make sure you’ve got the vocabulary you need, including:

  Linking words,

  Signposting language,

  The language of change,

  The language of cause and effect,

  The language of comparison and contrast.

  Think about the structure of your writing. Treat this IELTS writing task as you would any other essay: introduction, main points, conclusion.



  雅思考试第一部分给你一个图形、 表格或示意图去总结。请在你走进考场之前,确保你熟悉你可能要用的一种数据类型,你知道正确的术语。然后按照这些提示让你通过雅思写作考试:

  在审查你要总结的信息时,集中寻找极端和相似之处。字数只是 150 个词,所以着重于发现主干。







  想想你的写作结构。将这个雅思写作当做任何其他的文章: 引言、 主要观点、 结论。

  IELTS reading tips

  Many students find the IELTS reading section the most difficult part of the test, mainly due to the vast amount of text. The topics used are varied and sometimes very technical and the amount of vocabulary can be daunting. The main point to remember is that you don’t need to understand every single word. These additional tips may also help during the IELTS reading section:

  Focus on the questions and read with a focus on finding answers to the questions. Make sure you get hold of practice papers, as this is an area you can really train yourself in.

  What does the title tell you about what you’re going to be reading? The title should give you the gist of the article before you read another word.

  Grow your collection of synonyms. Every time you learn a new word find some synonyms. This will help you greatly in the IELTS reading paper with the use of parallel words.

  The True, False or Not Given questions can be tricky, but it will help if you change the statements into questions. If the text doesn’t answer the question, it’s ‘Not Given’.







  -真、 假或不给出问题可能会非常棘手,但是如果你改变问题的说法,将会帮你弄明白。如果文章没有回答这个问题,它就是 ' 不给 '。

  Great websites to help with your IELTS preparation:

  Flo-Joe is a great website for anyone studying for the Cambridge exams, including the IELTS. You will find practice tests for all the papers, including IELTS reading, IELTS writings and IELTS listening. They’ve also got weekly practice tests in the kinds of topics that may arise.

  Learn English, a website run by the British Council, has downloadable podcasts, games, academic writing help, including a section dedicated to IELTS preparation.

  The BBC’s Learning English site features a variety of resources for students including Words in the News with news reports that you can listen to and read. There are also quizzes, Phrase of the Day and many other great resources to help with your IELTS preparation.

  ESLPoint offers help in all the skills you need for the IELTS. It includes online practice exercises with clear explanations and IELTS tips.

  Use these IELTS tips in your preparation and you will go into the exam with a head start. Good luck!




  -Learn English,,由英国文化协会运行一个网站,有下载播客、 游戏、 学术论文写作帮助,包括雅思备考。

  -英国广播公司的 Learning English网站有各种资源包括新闻报道,你可以听和阅读。也有小测验和许多其他大量的资源来帮助你准备雅思。

  -ESLPoint 提供在雅思考试所需的所有技能帮助。它包括在线练习,带有详解,以及雅思考试技巧。


  想了解更多留学资讯,请浏览留学群 m.liuxuequn.com
